Work Plan > Young Pioneers Work Plan

2019 School Youth League Committee, Young Pioneers Work Plan

First, the guiding ideology

This semester, the Youth League Committee and the Young Pioneers will focus on enriching the campus culture, focusing on strengthening students' education and etiquette education. They will focus on the work centers of the Youth League Committees and schools, unite and lead the youth league members and young pioneers . Various forms and rich content activities, solid and effective team work, and comprehensively improve the ideological and moral level of young students.

Second, the main points of work

1. Emphasis on student etiquette education, guiding and motivating members and young players to develop good behavior habits and civilized habits.

2. Continue to implement the topic of “Guiding and Promoting Students' Development and Implementation of Career Planning”, and creatively guiding students to implement career planning and enhance learning drive.

3. Continue to use the school's moral education resources to build a good campus culture and enrich the second classroom of students.

4. Continue to do the ideological and political work of the members and young pioneers , strengthen the construction of student cadres, do a good job in class and group training, and give full play to the role of the new force.

5. Further strengthen the construction of the branch of the teaching and learning group, tap the potential, carry out a variety of cultural and sports activities, enhance the cohesiveness; hold a symposium of the teaching staff, understand the ideological dynamics of the teaching staff, and provide suggestions for the development of the school.

Third, the main work arrangements for each month


1. Grasp the regular management of the Youth League Committee and the Young Pioneers .

1 Formulate the work plan for this semester, and guide the Youth League Committee and the Young Pioneers to develop the work plan for this semester.

2 Hold the first and second day of the Young Pioneers Civilization Post Work Conference, arrange the new semester of the Young Pioneers Civilization Post, and cooperate with the Moral Education Department for routine work inspection.

3 Improve the class appraisal system, do a weekly class appraisal, and conduct regular examinations such as inter-class exercises and eye exercises.

4 In the new year, select talents, form a new school flag team, and train and drill them, which is suitable for the task of raising the flag every week.

2. Organize students to carry out the “Respect for Teachers and Re-education” activities of the Teachers' Day through propaganda books and broadcasting.

3. A series of activities will be held around the 61st anniversary of the National Day.

1 Launch an essay contest on the theme of “The Motherland, I am proud of you”.

2 Carry out the painting and calligraphy competition with the theme of “Glorious Sixty-one Years”.

3 Carry out a postcard production competition or a handwritten newspaper competition that “I cheer for my motherland”.

4. Registration and preparation for the “Youth Youth League” for outstanding student leaders in the second grade.


1. Organize outstanding students in the second grade to participate in the theoretical study of the "Youth Youth League School", adhere to the teacher guidance, and combine the characteristics of the times to create results and characteristics.

2. To celebrate the construction of the Young Pioneers ' team, the Young Pioneers should do a good job in training the squadron captains and captains.

3. Cooperate with the moral education department to carry out various routine inspections, do a good job in the evaluation of star class in January, and play the main role of the student cadres in building a good school spirit and study style.

4. Cooperate with the Moral Education Department to carry out the activities of “respecting the old and loving the young” during the “Chongyang Festival”.


1. Organize the exchange of learning experiences of student leaders after the mid-term exam.

2. Hold the second session of the Young People's Congress, the School of the General Assembly, re-elect the Young Pioneers , the Student Union cadres, and train the new cadres and student council cadres to strengthen guidance and management.


1. Develop new members, hold a new group member to take the oath of the group, and strengthen the organization of the group.

2. Strengthen the guidance of the work of the various branches and strengthen the combat effectiveness and cohesiveness of the Communist Youth League.


1. Complete the work summary of the Youth League Committee and the Young Pioneers and deploy the work for the next semester.

2. Data archiving work.

3. Improve the overall quality of the student cadre team, and select the “Top Ten Group” and “Top Ten Excellent Student Cadres” of the Youth League Committee, Young Pioneers , and Student Unions to strengthen the assessment and management of student cadres.

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