Work Plan > Young Pioneers Work Plan

The Young Pioneers Work Plan of the last 2019

First, the guiding ideology:

Guided by the important thinking of xx comrades' "Scientific Development View" and "Harmonious Development View", combined with the work requirements of the county and township education authorities and the work opinions of the Shaogong Working Committee, we will strive to implement the moral construction of small citizens as the goal, practice innovation, and do The ideology and morality of the young pioneers will promote the deepening of the experience of education and the development of the theory, strengthen the supervision and evaluation, and combine the assessment points to ensure the civilized, healthy, sustainable and harmonious development of the Young Pioneers . Strengthen the construction of the team, through the colorful team activities, cultivate students' ability, serve the overall development of the young pioneers ' healthy growth and quality education, work hard, work hard, and strive to open up a new situation for the Young Pioneers .

Second, the work content

Learn and implement the important thinking of the "Scientific Outlook on Development" and strengthen ideological and moral education.

1. Under the guidance of the important idea of ​​"Scientific Development View", the young pioneers' ideological and moral education is the primary task of the Young Pioneers , and actively explores the construction of ideological and moral education that is in line with the socialist civic moral education system and meets the characteristics of the young pioneers' physical and mental development. In accordance with the overall goal of moral education and the growth rules of young pioneers , we should start from the shallow habits and gradually and gradually from the behavioral habits, focus on social moral education, love the motherland, love the people, love labor, love science, and love socialism education. Insist on guiding the young pioneers with the lofty ideals of communism, inspiring the young pioneers with the glorious history of the party, educating the young pioneers with the spirit of socialist democracy and the rule of law, and constraining the young pioneers with the daily behavioral norms of the national minors and the Young Pioneers team to cultivate them honestly and bravely. The lively and united fine style has established a self-conscious awareness of obeying the rules and obeying the law, and learned to use legal weapons to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.

2. Through the targeted educational content, practical educational channels, lively forms of edification and enlighten the young pioneers , the basics of doing things and doing things into the emotions and will of the young pioneers become their inner qualities. Communicate emotions, cultivate communication skills, and care for others and help others to be good.

Strengthen practical experience education

1. Under the new situation, to strengthen the cultivation of the ideology and morality of the young pioneers and the cultivation of innovative spirit and practical ability, we must adhere to the experience education as the basic way of the Young Pioneers education. In the new semester, we will focus on organizing and guiding the Young Pioneers to carry out lively and interesting Young Pioneers practice activities in the family, school, society and the natural environment, thus improving their overall quality.

2. Cultivating the innovative spirit of the Young Pioneers is the core content of the current Young Pioneers work. It is necessary to actively create conditions for children to access modern technology, to experience the tremendous power of scientific and technological progress, to enhance the ability to collect and use information, and to cultivate innovative thinking. It is necessary to actively organize various interest groups, and give full play to the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the players around the establishment of social fresh air, scientific exploration experiments, computer networks, broadening knowledge horizons, cultural and artistic activities, developing healthy bodies, and manual brain production. . Transforming the spirit of innovation and practical ability into the growth needs of the young pioneers , thereby improving the overall quality and promoting all-round development.

3. Daily behavioral norms to develop education is the basic project of the Young Pioneers work, we must persist in doing a good job. The cultivation of education should focus on the most basic norms such as self-care, housework, simple life, hard work and filial piety, respect for teachers, and fraternity. It runs through the daily life, study, play, and treatment of people.

Third, strengthen the infrastructure of the Young Pioneers and give full play to the educational functions.

1. Strengthen the construction of the Young Pioneers position. Establish a network of young pioneers , including team counselors, squadron counselors, brigade committee members, and squadron cadres, to clearly define the division of labor and responsibilities. Strengthen the research of the Young Pioneers theory to promote the overall improvement of the research level of the Young Pioneers . Continue to carry out the evaluation activities of the mobile red flag, promote the improvement of the routine management of the school, and strive to institutionalize and standardize the work of the Young Pioneers . We will implement the “Speech under the National Flag”, “Blackboard Newspaper Work” and “Campus Broadcasting” under the flag-raising ceremony on Monday to give full play to their education.

2. Strengthen the team building. Team building is the epitome of school spiritual civilization. Enhance the collective cohesiveness and combat effectiveness of the team and promote the formation of civilized class style.

3. Strengthen the cultivation of small cadres. Each squadron should set up more types of team cadre service positions and strengthen their ideological education and skills training.

4. Continue to follow the requirements of the moral education routine, effectively strengthen the construction of the Young Pioneers of our school, and promote the standardization and institutionalization of the regular work management of the Young Pioneers . Grasp the weekly class activity class. Each squadron must earn a good class activity class, organize and carry out lively team activities, and regularly organize the Young Pioneers squadron theme activities.

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