Work Plan > Young Pioneers Work Plan

Winter Morning Young Pioneers Work Arrangement in 2019

The happy winter holiday is about to begin. In order to fully implement the requirements of the Taiyuan City Work Committee and the Xinghualing District Education Bureau's Winter Work, and to allow everyone to enjoy a happy and meaningful winter vacation, our school is a science team. The development concept is the guide, the experience education is the basic approach, the colorful Young Pioneers activities are used as the carrier, and the educational opportunities of the winter vacation are fully utilized. According to the age characteristics, learning and life of the children, the squadrons use the Spring Festival and the Lantern Festival. Traditional festivals, in the form of entertaining and entertaining, carry out social practice activities that enable students to develop knowledge and talents during the winter vacation. The school winter holiday work is now arranged as follows:

First, holiday time: 2011.2.22 - 2011.3.2

Second, safety education:

All teachers and students should observe law-abiding, obey the traffic rules, learn safety and self-help common sense during the winter vacation, pay attention to food hygiene, stay away from fireworks and firecrackers, stay away from black Internet cafes, pornographic websites, etc., to prevent accidents of personal injury. Improve self-protection, self-prevention awareness, prevention of a stream of infectious diseases, etc., daily to the teacher to report body temperature, to prevent problems before they happen. All the young pioneers participated in the traffic safety education activities of the Xinghua Cup of the Xinghualing District Education Bureau.

l Activity theme: traffic knowledge, I can do safely.

Through a variety of ways, such as books, the Internet, the media, and practice, we will extensively learn traffic safety knowledge, and actively promote traffic knowledge to people around us, and become a small citizen who knows the law, understands the law, abides by the law, and protects the law.

Grades 1 and 2: Students are required to collect five traffic signs and markings during the winter vacation, which are drawn with a graphic and marked with a name. Drawings are uniformly used with 8k sketch paper. The name of the school, class, student name and instructor should be written in the lower right corner of the work.

Grades 3 and 4: Students will learn the traffic safety knowledge and what they have seen during their holiday trips, and fully use their imagination to accurately reflect what you have learned, seen, heard, and so on, using 8k sketch papers in the form of stick figures and children's drawings. Think about it. The name of the school, class, student name and instructor should be written in the lower right corner of the work.

Grades 5 and 6: Students write an article with a word count of no less than 500 words based on what they have learned, what they see, what they think, and what they want to combine. The title is self-explanatory and the style is not limited.

Third, carry out healthy and meaningful educational activities:

According to the characteristics of the current ideological and moral formation of young children, each squadron should fully tap the potential of educational venues inside and outside the school, give full play to the role of various types of educational bases at various levels, and carry out ideological and moral education activities in various forms. It is necessary to create conditions, organize the students' holiday life, and make the students' holiday activities more colorful, and guide students to carry out content health activities. Strive to build a three-in-one education pattern of family, school and society to create a good environment for the healthy growth of young people. According to the actual situation of our school, the Young Pioneers will effectively carry out the "Happy Winter Holiday" activities:

1. China Red Series Activities: Xiaohe Red Scarf "filial piety" welcomes the festival

Our school has carried out the activities of “The Classics of Civilization and the Inheritance of Virtue and Virtue”. The famous works such as “Hundred Pieces of Pieces”, “Three Character Classics” and “Disciples of the Disciples” have already played a guiding role in the study and life of the students. The introduction of the Small River Civilization Etiquette Regulations has made the Young Pioneers more clear about the standard of being a civilized person. In 2019, the Young Pioneers of our school will carry out the education of "Better of Life". Filial piety, loyalty, loyalty and honesty are the essence of Confucius's moral education. "Xiao, Yi, Zhong, Xin, Li, Yi, Lian, Shame" is also the foundation of being a man. Filial piety is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Mr. Sun Yat-sen, the pioneer of the Chinese revolution, said: "When we talk about filial piety, we are especially special in China, especially much better than countries." The Young Pioneers benefited from the winter holidays and traditional Chinese festivals - the opportunity of the Spring Festival and the Lantern Festival to carry out the activities of Xiaohe Red Scarf "filial piety". "filial piety" welcomes the festival, "filial piety" can not wait. Filial piety, the foundation is in the cultivation, the focus is on respect. Raising is a material guarantee, and respect is a spiritual comfort. Only a combination of respect and respect can be regarded as true filial piety. Respect is a kind of affection, a kind of attachment, a kind of warmth, a kind of spiritual care. Students who care for others from a young age are the ones who care for tomorrow. A filial piety and respect for the old, can forge beautiful words, can enhance the harmony of society, and can also give birth to a better future.

l Theme of the event: Xiaohe red scarf "filial piety" welcomes the festival

All the young pioneers carefully studied the content of “Buddhist Life” and memorized the meaning of “Buddhist Life”.

According to the characteristics of the squadron and the age of the team members, collect articles, stories, famous sayings and phrases in the "filial piety" articles.

The a4 paper printing is scheduled to be returned to the brigade by the squadron.

l Practical experience:

Grades 1 and 2: Every young team member makes a daily filial piety.

For example, every day, I would like to greet my parents with a word of concern, tea for the elders, tableware, and so on.

Grades 3-4: Each young team member insists on doing a housework that is within his power.

Such as: clean up your room, desk, study utensils every day; wash socks and small clothes and so on.

Sixth grade: Each young team member experiences parenting activities.

Such as: "I am a master today" "I am a good helper for my mother" "I am a little chef" and so on to experience the hard work of parents, feel the hard work of parents. Write a letter thanking parents for their parenting. The school is bound by the squadron and booked back to the brigade.

l “filial piety” welcomes the big festival interview:

During the Spring Festival, visiting friends and relatives, our young pioneers seized the opportunity of this practice, exercised the ability to communicate with others, cultivate their comprehensive qualities, learn from the people who respect their parents, and have a close contact with successful people. Life, the truth of being a man. The fifth-grade team members will establish an interview record card, and the a4 paper will be printed. The school will be bound into the squadron and returned to the brigade.

2. Lantern Festival Lantern Production Competition:

Every year during the winter vacation, the Xinghualing District Shaogong Committee will conduct the Lantern Festival Lantern Festival competition. This year, our school

The Young Pioneers will continue to participate in this event, the specific requirements of the Lantern works:

The first graders of the fifth grade are the main participants of the event. Each squad is selected to send 2 beautiful lanterns. The content of the creation should be positive, novel and unique. The size is between 80 cm and 60 cm. The work should indicate the title of the school class, name and work.

2 Time for delivery of works: February 24, 2019, 9 am - 10 am.

3 Location of the work: Xinghualing District Children's Palace.

Please ask the fifth-grade squadron counselors and the squadron leaders to arrange the events for the Lantern Festival lanterns on behalf of our school.

3. Strengthen the construction of the book campus project:

Our school is a scholarly campus. Each of our young pioneers has a good habit of holding a good book to spend the holidays. This year’s winter school’s reading activities for students are planned according to different age groups. The number of readings and the number of readings have been carefully arranged. In the reciting and reading classes, the fairy tale, poetry, Chinese classics and foreign classics are divided. The reading, reading and presentation methods are formulated. Detailed plan. First, the guiding ideology:

In the second half of 2019, the work of the Young Pioneers of our school should hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory, guided by the important thinking of the "Three Represents", and adhere to the comprehensive implementation of xx's diligent study on children and young people at the Fifth National Congress of the Nation. The requirements of happy life and all-round development, comprehensively implement the party's education policy, implement the " Small Pioneers Counselor Work Outline" in depth, strengthen the construction of the Young Pioneers' positions, and implement the cultivation education, experience education, safety education, social practice, and the eagle eagle competition. We will continue to enhance the patriotic ideology, national spirit and practical ability of children and young people, train qualified builders and successors, and promote the work of the Young Pioneers to a new level.

Second, work objectives and measures:

Strengthen the construction of the grassroots organizations of the Young Pioneers .

1. Enhance the vitality of the school's Young Pioneers organization. It is necessary to further consolidate the construction of the Young , Medium and Small teams of the Young Pioneers , carry out good team meetings and team day activities, and actively play the important role of the Young Pioneers in class building and comprehensive practical activities. Actively advocate the construction of a happy Young Pioneers collective, and guide the Young Pioneers to study diligently, live happily, and develop in an all-round way.

2. Actively carry out various activities, taking experience education as the basic way, carrying out activities such as science and technology, style and social practice, and enhancing the vitality of the school's Young Pioneers organization. The brigade department will carry out the selection and commendation activities of the "Happy Squadron" and "Featured Squad" in due course.

Strengthen the construction of counselors.

1. In-depth education on the sense of glory and responsibility of the Young Pioneers counselors. Guide the Young Pioneers counselors to thoroughly study Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents", combine the educational activities to maintain the advanced nature of party members and enhance the awareness of the Communist Youth League members, and carry out in-depth "How to be the leader and practical experience of children's life pursuits." The discussion of organizers, healthy growth service providers, protectors of legitimate rights and interests, and builders of a good development environment has comprehensively improved the political quality and professional quality of the Young Pioneers counselors.

2. Establish and improve the team of young pioneers . It is necessary to actively recruit full-time teachers, parents, youth volunteers and enthusiasts from all walks of life to join the volunteer counselors team, and strive to have at least one volunteer counselor in the school's Young Pioneers brigade to regularly coach the team members to carry out activities.

3. Increase the training of the young squadron squadron counselors. With the training of the school Young Pioneers Counselor, the training of the young squadron and squadron counselors will be increased. Strive to create a good working environment for the Young Pioneers counselors. On the basis of formulating the plan, the squadrons are required to refine the activities of the squadron and actively strive to become the squadron of the activities, to cultivate students' abilities in the activities, and to improve the theoretical literacy of the counselors in the activity plan and the essay evaluation.

In-depth promotion of the Young Pioneers brand activities.

1. Use campus radio, board newspaper, publicity column, class meeting, team meeting and other propaganda positions to carry out scientific and technological innovation, cultural and sports activities, optimize the atmosphere and environment for educating people, and achieve the purpose of educating and probating students.

2. Use various activities such as festivals, anniversaries, and speeches under the national flag to conduct patriotic education, team spirit education, and revolutionary traditional education for students, vigorously promote the national spirit, and enhance students' patriotic feelings.

3. Strengthen the training of the school drum team and make the drum team a small flag of the tobacco shop town.

4. Continue to do daily check, weekly appraisal, and monthly appraisal work, check the appraisal work, strive to be open, fair, and fair, announce the results in the daily check, and continue to issue the mobile flag in the weekly appraisal. Continue to select civilized classes.

5. Deepen the activities of "national spirits from generation to generation". Taking experience education as the basic approach, combined with curriculum reform, combined with local history and culture, we will guide the children and adolescents to carry out a variety of thematic activities independently, so that they can further understand the profound connotation of the national spirit in the activities and feel that "China is awesome, the Chinese are not great." And be a great Chinese, consciously carry forward and cultivate the national spirit.

6. Deepen the "Young Eagles Competition" campaign. Taking the popularization and implementation of the "Outline" as an opportunity, we will promote the "Eagle Medal" as the evaluation system and reward means for the development of the quality of the Young Pioneers , and further build an effective mechanism for the service quality education of the Young Pioneers , and strive to make most young pioneers Obtained the "Eagle Medal". In particular, it is necessary to combine the new curriculum reforms and actively explore effective ways to incorporate some basic medals into comprehensive practical courses and school-based curriculums, and to create distinctive medals in conjunction with local characteristics.

7. Deepen the “four ones” of resource conservation activities. Continue to carry out the “four ones” resource-saving activities with “saving one drop of water, one electricity, one piece of paper, one grain of rice” as the main content, guiding the young pioneers to start from the side, starting from small things and growing resources from childhood. Good behaviors that care for the environment.

8. Vigorously carry out the “Star” activities for children and children in science and technology innovation. Through the fun science and technology innovation activities for children and adolescents, we will actively guide young children to become "small question marks", "small discoveries" and "small experts", and guide them to participate in the process of scientific and technological practice activities, paying attention to the cultivation of scientific spirit for them. Form a foundation for the formation of scientific behavioral habits. Actively participate in competitions such as small inventions, small creations, and small manufacturing.

9. Thanksgiving education. Carry out gratitude education activities in an all-round way, focusing on grateful parents, extending gratitude education to various fields, and grateful to parents, teachers, partners, and society.

10. Leading the theme of “Good Habits with Me” to the depths.

Third, the main work:


The regular meeting of the class teacher.

Carry out "good habits with me" to develop intensive education training, focusing on guiding students to review "Standards of Daily Behavior of Primary School Students", "Code for Primary and Secondary School Students" and "Regular Requirements", highlighting the habits of habits, study habits, living habits and working habits. education.

Respecting teachers and teaching activities, each class organizes the "teacher, you have worked hard" experience education activities, through the activities to let students experience the hard work of teachers, and feel the greatness of the teacher profession.

Class inspection, strengthen the interior layout of each class

Each class has a "Good Habits with Me" theme board

Organize the whole school student to sweep the street.


The theme activity of “Promoting and Cultivating the National Spirit”.

Carry out the theme education activities of "Olympic Heroes by My Side", and each squadron will produce a handwritten report with the theme of "Olympic Heroes Beside Me".

Organize and carry out the "National Spirits on behalf of Generations" speech contest.

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View More>> Young Pioneers Work Plan

First, the guiding ideology:

Guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory, the implementation of the scientific development concept, the important thinking of the "Three Represents" and the spirit of the "17th National Congress", the major strategic thinking of building a socialist harmonious society and continuing to implement the "Central Committee of the Communist Party of China" on further strengthening and improving "Some Opinions on the Ideological and Moral Construction of Minors" and "Implementation Outline for Citizens' Moral Construction", in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the fifth and small-generation associations across the country and the province, in accordance with the "work of the whole team to grasp the grassroots level, the whole team to implement", Further implement the " Small Pioneers Counselor Work Outline", adhere to the principle of morality first, adhere to the practice of educating people, adhere to the people-oriented principle, give full play to the advantages and characteristics of the Young Pioneers , and take education as the basic way to comprehensively strengthen the ideological and moral construction of children and children, and serve children and adolescents. "Diligent study, happy life, all-round development", carry out lively practice and theme activities, continuously strengthen and deepen the construction of the Young Pioneers , enhance the attraction, cohesiveness, influence and combat effectiveness of the team organization, and push the work of the Young Pioneers in our town. A new step.

Second, the specific work objectives and requirements:

Improve the ideological quality of the young pioneers .

We will conscientiously implement the "Outline for the Implementation of Citizen's Moral Construction" and earnestly strengthen the ideological and moral education of children and adolescents. Taking patriotism as the leader, we will continue to educate students on patriotism, teamwork, and socialism. From the perspective of doing things and doing things, from the perspective of doing things and doing things, from the height of talent demand in the new century, we must pay close attention to Develop education, discipline and legal education, and the traditional Chinese virtue education. Through the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Primary School Students, the Code of Primary and Secondary School Students, and the Etiquette of Pupils, we strive to transform the basic principles of doing and doing things into the inner qualities of children. Train students to love nature, love others, love their own emotions, and be a good citizen from childhood.

Deepen quality education and basic civilized education.

1. Strengthen the inspection and supervision of daily behavioral habits, improve the quality of the value date and value, and strictly implement the mobile red flag competition. In terms of behavioral norms: do not eat snacks and beverages on campus, advocate low-grade players without zero-cost, seniors generally do not exceed one yuan, everyone saves pocket money; pay attention to environmental hygiene, in the classroom, campus Inside and at the school gate, you will have the responsibility and obligation to pick up any waste paper and put it into the garbage bin. The classroom should be greened, beautified, and artistic. The students in the class will not fight and swear; promote the polite language and Mandarin. Sorry, hello, thank you, it doesn't matter, the teacher is good, the classmates are good. It is the theme vocabulary of communication between teachers, students and students. We generalize the basic ethics as "three differents", that is, say goodbye to rudeness, say goodbye to bad habits, and bid farewell to bad things. "Four belts" bring rituals to the campus, bring smiles to classmates, bring filial piety to elders, and bring humility to To the society; "five no" means no trace on the ground, no paper scraps in the room, no picture on the table and stool, no footprints on the walls, no swearing words. Through rigorous training, we strive to externalize students' behavioral norms into behaviors, internalize them into quality, and gradually develop good habits, study habits, and civilized politeness habits. Adhere to "strict", "fine", "real". The so-called "strict", that is, strict requirements, strict training, and strict evaluation. The so-called "fine", that is, starting from the subtleties, doing detailed ideological education work. The so-called "real", that is, from the reality of students, classes, and ages, focuses on the formation of students' good moral behavior, and does a solid job of "normative" education.

2. Carry out the glorious flag-raising activities. Each squadron should actively recommend the members who have special strengths and glory for the school as the "Glorious Flag-bearer", so that all the team members can learn to set an example and catch up with the goal.

3. Strengthen the construction of the campus environment and launch the red scarf to protect the green. The education team loves the flowers and trees, organizes the team members to regularly remove the weeds and sundries in the green area, and contributes to the campus greening, so as to purify, green and beautify, so that our campus is more vibrant. It is necessary to realize that the school is a place for educating people and a place of civilization, and there cannot be any "dead spots". Let every flower, every place, every activity play the function of educating people.

4. Develop student expertise with the goal of “inspirational and enterprising”. According to different students, plan different types of self-realization goals for them. In the process of organizing and participating in various activities, they should encourage students to determine higher goals and pursue them relentlessly to achieve this goal.

5. Seriously combine the school wind construction inspection and evaluation, through the national flag speech, the theme team meeting, the red scarf broadcasting station, the publicity column, etc., to educate the players in different levels and sub-themes, organize the team members in their family life, school life, social life. Play different roles and understand the basic ethical requirements of “patriotism, lawfulness, integrity, unity and friendliness, diligence and self-reliance, dedication and dedication”.

6. In-depth promotion of the "student growth mentoring system, partner system", paying special attention to left-behind children, carrying out a series of caring activities, and striving for more brilliant achievements.

Advance the Young Pioneers practice experience activities.

"I can do it in the new century" Experience education is the development of practical education in the new situation and the sublimation of traditional practice activities. For young children in the initial stage of growth, the cultivation of innovative spirit and practical ability is to cultivate their innovative courage, innovative consciousness, innovative thinking and innovative skills, laying the foundation for them to become the creators of all walks of life in the future. Therefore, our town should take the children and children as the main body, take the school as the main position, closely contact the society and the family, carry out rich and colorful life practice activities, and comprehensively improve the quality of the students.

1. Guide students to take family positions, establish family labor positions, communicate the emotions of two generations, and enhance their self-care ability.

2. Efforts should be made to explore the working methods of the Young Pioneers , to guide young children to carry out healthy and beneficial cultural and recreational activities; to give full play to the role of other off-campus education bases, such as relying on off-campus bases such as nursing homes, to carry out red scarf volunteer activities, so that students can experience hardships in labor. At the same time, improve your ability to practice.

3. Actively cooperate with the school to carry out new curriculum reforms, transform the activities of the Young Pioneers , expand the activities, and improve the vitality of the Young Pioneers . The Young Pioneers Brigade of each school should take learning as its primary task, help the team members to learn well, learn to do their homework, and actively cooperate with the school to learn activities; let the young pioneers clear their learning objectives, correct their attitudes, and grasp the "four points" to improve The Young Pioneers "four learning abilities" unite learning attitudes and learning abilities.

First, the guiding ideology:

With xx in the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, "being a good boy who loves the motherland and is ideally eager to become a good boy who studies diligently and pursues progress, and strives to be a good boy with good moral character, unity and friendship, and strives to be strong, lively and cheerful." The message of "Youth" and the spirit of the Fifth National Congress of the National People's Congress are guided by the work of the higher-level Youth League Committee, deepen the ideological and moral education of young children, give play to the unique functions of the Young Pioneers , and experience activities such as education and behavioral norms. The paintings have innovatively carried out educational activities in line with the actual situation of the school and in line with the physical and mental characteristics of children and adolescents, so that the young pioneers can better master the communicative ability, learning ability and living ability, and become a happy life and create happiness.

Second, work ideas

Change concepts, enthusiasm for service, steady discipline, innovation, practice, experience, and effectiveness.

Third, the main points of work:

Key work: Striving for "four good boys" activities

We will carry out various forms of Young Pioneers activities around "Love the Motherland, Great Aspirations, Diligent Learning, Pursuit of Progress, Good Morality, Solidarity and Friendship, Physical Fitness, Liveliness and Cheerfulness". In March, we welcomed the World Expo series of activities, and achieved "love the motherland and ideals" with activities such as the "March 8" Women's Day, the Tree Planting Festival, and the learning of Lei Feng. In April, the “Gongting Cup” math contest, on-site essay contest, English word contest, speech king, and story king selection activities were launched to achieve the goal of “diligent study and pursuit of progress”. In May, with the activities of “hand in hand” and “the eagle eagle for the chapter” as the carrier, we continued to carry out the activity of “lifting a piece of waste paper and returning to a virtue” to form a good idea of ​​“good morality, unity and friendship”. . In June, we actively carried out the "Sunshine Sports" activity, participated in the sports seedlings competition of primary and middle school students in Pinghu City, and launched the "My Festival, I am the master" gardening activity, striving to be a good boy who is "strong, lively and cheerful".

Strengthen the foundation of the Young Pioneers

1. Strengthen the team building of school counselors. Continue to extend the semester class teacher for the squadron Young Pioneers counselors, actively explore social resources, open up the space for learning and activities of the Young Pioneers , so that players can have more opportunities to exercise themselves, show themselves and enhance their practical ability.

2. Strengthen the construction of the young cadres of the Young Pioneers . Train the team members to manage the Young Pioneers and love the love of the Young Pioneers . Organize the training of team cadres and improve the learning and exchange system of the team. Continue to retain the responsible members of the last semester to form the "four contests" inspection team of the Young Pioneers , and strive to allow more players to participate in the construction and management of the Young Pioneers positions.

Build a solid foundation for the Young Pioneers .

1. Create a red scarf broadcast. Make sure that the hardware passes, train the "Seven Colors" editor and announcer, so that the weekly red scarf broadcast can be welcomed by the whole school.

2. Establish a red collar towel campus culture bulletin board. Change content in time to create a culture of elegance, liveliness, fun and knowledge.

3. Establish a squadron wall poster. Mobilize all the students to participate in the production, provide the students with the world of display, make the squadron classroom culture fresh and vivid, and build a warm "little home."

4. Establish the Young Pioneers Drum Team. Regular training is carried out to add color to the Young Pioneers event. Do a good job of the new and old connections of the drum player, so that the drum sound is louder and more exciting.

5. Establish a team member holiday team. To find a "home" for the players' interests and hobbies, train the team members to have one or more elegant hobbies, and exercise their ability in the independent holiday activities to enhance the taste.

Persevere in the routine work.

1. Grasp the civilized etiquette and ideological and moral education of the players. Through the "four competitions" of the Young Pioneers , the daily inspection and supervision, training, appraisal, lectures and gatherings, so that the team members have noble ideological and moral sentiments, and consciously develop good words and deeds.

2. Grasp the regular assessment of the Young Pioneers . Daily inspections of the team members' behavioral norms, random inspections of the monthly squadron activities, and assessment and investigation of the implementation of the counselors' work. On June 1st, a group of outstanding Young Pioneers counselors, outstanding young pioneers , Red Flag Brigade, and Red Flag Squadron were commended.

3. Grasp the flag-raising ceremony on Monday. Do the selection and training of the flag-raising and moderators to ensure the high-quality flag-raising ceremony.

4. Grasp the eagle eagle competition. Combine the eagle eagle competition activities with the students' comprehensive quality assessment, take the eagle eagle as the carrier, combine various school educational activities, use the team activities, morning meetings, etc. to evaluate the students' comprehensive quality and make various educational activities. There are both "chapters" to follow and independent innovation. It is necessary to simplify and standardize the operation sequence of the eagle eagle competition activities, and to make the eagle eagle competition activities be implemented, as always, to complete the competition activities according to the grades, keep the young The eagle is a benign development.

Strengthen the research on the theory of the Young Pioneers .

1. Conduct a "consultant" topical experience exchange meeting.

2. Conduct a team activity program evaluation.

And carry out a series of student-welcome Young Pioneers activities.

1. Grasp the “hand in hand” activity. Help the team members to find “hands-on” partners, actively guide mutual assistance activities, conduct mutual visits in a timely manner, learn from each other and experience each other's learning and life, encourage each other, and broaden the knowledge and life vision of the children in hand, and influence each other to cultivate optimism. Positive, cheerful, and helpful character, enhance the ability of social practice, so that the team members can open their eyes, compare, and cherish the present.

2. Grasp the "China Children's Peaceful Action". Focusing on activities such as “Safe Campus” and “Safety Knowledge Learning”, we will promote the “China Youth Children’s Peace Action”. Do a good job in the evaluation of the "four good boys."

3. Continue to deepen the activities of “national spirits from generation to generation”.

4. Conduct traditional activities on a monthly basis.

5. Conduct festival cultural theme activities in due course.

6. Actively participate in relevant activities of higher authorities.

7. Innovate and carry out the activities of the Young Pioneers suitable for the actual team members of the school, create a brand to create characteristics, and form a new bright new culture of the work of the Young Pioneers .

8. Monthly Blackboard, Young Pioneers theme team will recommend arrangements


Blackboard theme

Young Pioneers will theme



Lei Feng spirit grows with me


Celebrate the Expo

Cheer for China


Fight for four good

Fight for "four good" teenagers


Protecting homes

Reduce pollution - take action

Specific work arrangements:

February: With ideals, we set off

Opening ceremony

2. Winter holiday life exchange meeting

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First, the guiding ideology:

Guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents", we will thoroughly implement the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, continue to implement the spirit of the No. 8 archives of the Central Committee, and the whole team will grasp the grassroots level, and the whole team will implement it and give full play to the Young Pioneers ’ thinking in the minors. The important role in moral construction promotes the new development of the Young Pioneers .

Second, the main work ideas and goals:

Idea One: Vigorously strengthen the ideological and moral education of the young pioneers

In the new year, the focus of the Young Pioneers in our school is to strengthen the ideological and moral education of the young pioneers . It is necessary to form norms, but also to explore effective ways and implement them. It is necessary to pay attention to the training and teaching of moral behavior. First, we must pay attention to the cultivation of the most basic moral norms. Second, we must pay attention to the role of emotions in moral development and attach importance to the development of moral emotions. At the same time, the squadrons must carry out the activities of the middle and small teams in conjunction with major festivals and anniversaries. The brigade department should strengthen the training of the young cadres of the Young Pioneers and the squadron leader, so that they can become the model of other team members, establish the idea of ​​serving the people and serving the people, and be civilized, fair and just, so that every member of the team becomes Civilized team members, each squadron has become a civilized squadron.

Idea 2: Comprehensively carry out the "New Century I Can Do" Experience Education Activities

Experience education is an advanced educational concept and educational method. It is the deepening and development of educational activities such as labor practice and young eagle action in theory and practice. Experience education emphasizes practice first, pays attention to inner experience; emphasizes self-consciousness and pays attention to thinking leap; emphasizes facing the society, pays attention to experiential education as the carrier, and constructs a new mechanism for the socialization of the Young Pioneers . Guide the young pioneers to experience in social life, family life, study life, collective life, and nature, and gain a full range of feelings. The basic approach is to help students find a position, play a role, learn a skill, gain a feeling, understand a truth, and develop a quality.

Idea 3: Further deepen the eagle action and hand in hand activities

To deepen the "Eagle Hawk Action" is to fully consider the interests of the young pioneers and their needs, mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of each team member, let them plan and organize the competition activities themselves. In this semester, the squadrons encourage the players to compete for the special chapters according to the rules and regulations. The counselor and the teacher should clearly explain to the team members the educational connotation and educational goals embodied in each medal, and use the morning meeting, the team meeting, and the team activities time to make a solid grasp of the eagle eagle competition activities, so that the players are in the chapter. Get real feelings in every aspect of the competition, chapters and chapters.

At the same time, we must constantly improve the activity mechanism of the Young Eagle Holiday Team and use the weekend as an important time and space for students to communicate, learn together, serve the community, serve the society, and serve others. Focusing on the theme of “growing together under the blue sky and growing together hand in hand”, we will focus on the “hand in hand” activities of the children of the foreign entrepreneurs.

Idea 4: Extensively carry out the education of the young pioneers

With the large and medium-sized squad as the unit, the "first glory for the Young Pioneers " is the main content of the young pioneers ' glorious education, helping the young pioneers to clearly understand and continuously deepen their understanding of the Young Pioneers team, clarify their rights and obligations, and understand the Young Pioneers. The basic nature and mission of the organization, clarify the position and role of the Young Pioneers in the organization, familiarize themselves with the organizational life of the Young Pioneers , and guide the Young Pioneers to be proud of me as a young pioneer , and are willing to add brilliance to the Young Pioneers .

Idea 5: Do a good job in infrastructure construction, strive to create a standardized team room in Yuhang District, and prepare for the national young eagle red flag brigade

Idea 6: Continue to run the "Yu Cai Xiao reporter group"

The small reporters implement the membership system, and the school brigade department will jointly cultivate the "small reporters of Yucai" with the famous newspapers in the province, and make full use of the media functions to train talents for the school.

Third, monthly activity requirements and work arrangements:

February and March

working arrangement:

1. Review the life of winter vacation and conduct initial education.

2. Review the "Team Chapter", "Standards of Daily Behavior of Primary School Students", and set a new semester plan.

3, each squadron set up the squadron corner, the first issue of the blackboard, the theme: let the campus "light"

4, do a good job of donating books, and launch players to contribute to the school.

5, 3-6 grade squadrons according to the requirements of the brigade department to do the "Jingying Holiday Team" to set up work, and began activities.

6. Set up a “bright eye” squad to check the management school discipline and health work.

7, 3.5 Xuefeng Memorial Day to carry out "I do a good thing for the school" activities.

8, 3.8 Women's Day requires students to present a gift of "new ideas" to their female elders through their practical work.

9. Before and after the 3.12 Arbor Day, each squadron organized a “six one” campaign, namely: raising a pot of flowers, adopting a plant, picking up a piece of waste paper, understanding an environmental protection knowledge, compiling an environmental tabloid, and speaking one bite. Civilized language.

In the last week of March and March, the National Security Education Week launched a safety education campaign.

11. The activities of “Yu Cai Xiao Reporter”.

12. Hold a small art school salon event.


working arrangement:

1. Organize and carry out grave-sweeping activities around the Ching Ming Festival, and encourage all members to present flowers to the martyrs on the website of “National Souls – Online Monument to the People's Heroes”, so that the team members can feel the revolutionary spirit of the martyrs in a solemn atmosphere.

2. Each team member reads a patriotic book of the revolutionary and tells a revolutionary story of the martyrs.

3. The squadrons carried out the theme team activities of “reminiscing the revolutionary martyrs”.

4, the second issue of the blackboard, the theme: remember the revolutionary martyrs.

5. Everyone starts from the side, protects the environment, and everyone strives to be a small guardian of environmental protection.

6. Conduct small traffic police experience activities.

7. Organize all the team members to participate in the garden activities organized by Zhongdu Square.

8. The “Yucai Small Press Group” carried out activities.

9. Organize a small art school salon event.


working arrangement:

1. Each squadron organizes a squadron meeting with the theme of "labor" to educate students to love labor, to learn the spirit of the hard work of the working people, the arduous and simple style and the excellent quality of dedication and love.

2. Find out where you are looking for a job in the class and better serve the group.

3. During the spring break, some team members will participate in the experience activities in Daxibian Township.

4, the third issue of the blackboard, the theme: laborers, pay tribute to you!

5. The “Yucai Small Reporter Group” carried out activities.

6. Organize a small children's art salon event.

June and July

working arrangement:

Under the guidance of the school leaders and teachers, under the joint efforts of all members of the Student Union. After a reorganization of the student union, the student union achieved a good result in the semester of the run-in and exercise, and received wide acclaim from the school district students. While successfully holding sports, literature, life and many other activities, it enriched the amateur life of the school district students, expanded the knowledge of the students, and played a leading role in creating a harmonious campus atmosphere. At the same time, the Student Union cadres have also exercised certain aspects of their own qualities in the work of one semester, and all the comprehensive abilities have been improved.

In summing up the work of the first half of the semester, we have carried out profound reflections and studies on the shortcomings in the work and the shortcomings in the activities. In order to strive to bring the work of the Student Union to a higher level at the current level. The following work plan is set:

One: the shift in the focus of work thinking.

After a year of student work, we have a good student base and work model, a strict conference system and duty system, and a thorough assessment and evaluation method. In the period when the student union is on the right track, it is often the period when some of the student cadres tend to be sloppy and the work tends to be mechanized. According to the ideological policy since the establishment of the Student Union, this semester is a new era in which the Students' Union will develop and innovate and strive to break through. After a series of growth, such as establishment, running-in, regulation, and competition, the student union should have its own development path. Advance in constant exploration and create a better tomorrow with the campus.

Two: The student union will focus on the work of this semester.

1. Strengthen the quality of student council leaders and improve their business capabilities.

The Student Union cadre is a model for students and an example for students to learn. In the mid-level leading cadres of many student unions, it is particularly important to establish a good attitude and lead by example. The presidium is the core of many departments, and the ministers are the leaders of the departments. Dozens of people are involved in making a hundred, which is the key to establishing a good student union image. For this issue, we have developed a rigorous study plan for members above the ministerial level. Each person submits a work experience every month. Summarize your work and study for the month and discuss it according to the situation at the ministerial meeting. At the beginning of the semester, the secretary group is responsible for the statistics of the members of the student unions at the end of the last semester. Students who have a poor cultural curriculum are warned or advised to leave the student union. Perform the student attendance system and encourage the majority of school district students to comment on the campus activities during the duty period and provide valuable opinions and suggestions. Based on these, we will adjust the content of technical personnel such as personnel and activity programs for each department.

2. Clear the purpose of the activity and enhance work efficiency.

Under the premise of strengthening the quality of the student union cadres and improving their business capabilities, how to increase the rhythm of each department faster and higher, reduce the time spent in communicating tasks, and more accurately complete the effective time. More work, this semester, we set the following work arrangements for this work.

1 work communication arrangements.

The departments arranged for the departmental assistants to make detailed records of the activities of the department according to the Bureau's investigation and evaluation of all student union members in the last semester. Including pre-event preparation, activity process and activity summary. If the activity requires the assistance of other departments, the department assistant shall write the written materials in duplicate, signed by the minister of the department and sent to the assistant minister of the activity assistance department for the signing of the minister. The two departments of the archives are each archived, and each department arranges the work of the Department based on the files transmitted.

2 Reduce meeting time and improve meeting results.

The weekly ministerial meeting was changed to once a month, and the monthly departmental activities were arranged in a unified manner and the activities of the previous month were summarized. The weekly ministerial meeting was replaced by a meeting of the members of the Bureau convened by the responsible department to hold a ministerial meeting within a uniform time. Strengthen the Bureau meeting. The weekly presidential meeting focuses on the members of the Bureau on the situation of their responsible department last week and communicates the activities of the department next week.

3 Establish a “departmental information reflection” system.

The Presidium regularly holds feedback meetings of departmental information officers to conduct research and evaluation on the situation of the department within a certain period of time, so that the Bureau can better grasp the information of the students' grassroots and adjust the direction of the student union.

Three: The daily work arrangement of the student union department.

The secretary group of the presidium: 1 regularly collects the activity data from the departmental assistant for summary, analysis and exhibition.

2 Amend the Constitution of the Student Union of the Post School District.

3 Regularly update, summarize and summarize the files of existing members of the Student Union.

Assistant to the Chairman: Convene departmental assistants to meet and arrange departmental work according to the actual situation of each month.

Learning Department: English Level 4 exam preparation review.

Department of Life: Health inspection of the dormitory in the school district.

Half-month special issue of life.

Female Department: Health inspection of the dormitory in the school district.

Celebrate the "March" greeting card to send blessings

External Relations Department: Foreign School Experience Exchange Meeting.

Propaganda Department: The website is updated regularly.

Regularly assist the rest of the department to complete the activity promotion work.

Student Union office layout work

Renaissance Department: Lecture investigation work expected by the school district students.

The student club’s internal cultural and sports activities are arranged.

Four: The student union activities will be arranged this semester.

1 Event Name: The 2nd Campus Basketball League

Xiao Bian recommended articles related to the work plan of the Post School District Student Union in the second half of the 2019 school year :

2019 second semester student union information department work plan sports department 2019 student union work plan 2009 school year second semester group committee student union work plan student union study department semester program 09 school year second semester mechanical and electrical engineering department general branch student association work plan General School Student Work Program Group General Student Union 2008-2009 School Year 2 Semester Work Plan 2019 Second Half Semester Youth League Student Union Work Plan View More>> Young Pioneers Work Plan I, Red May

1. Theme and nature of the event: In order to publicize the spirit of the May Fourth Movement, the spirit and versatility of contemporary college students in our college are displayed, and the students' extracurricular life is abundant.

2. Activity content: Select 1-2 songs that meet the theme of the event. The songs are required to be positive and the content is healthy.

3. Activity mode: Take the class as the unit and take the form of competition. Each class will report the song to the class literary committee or the squad leader, and finally report it to the Department of Mechanical and TV Arts and Culture.

4. Event time: late April

5. Results of the event: The competition will select the first, second and third prizes, and the best organization award, the best spiritual style award and the best conductor award.

6. Event location: Multi-function lecture hall

Second, the "dance" method blocks

1. Theme and nature of the event: This competition mainly draws on the "Dance Forest Conference" program to stimulate students' interest in dance and adopt the nature of the competition.

2. Entry method: This competition is for the whole hospital, with national standard, national dance, modern dance, street dance

3. Event time: early May

4. Event location: Multi-function lecture hall

5. Registration method: You can apply to the literary and art committees of each class by individuals, doubles and groups. After receiving the literary and art departments, the literary and art departments will be handed over to the Department of Literature and Art of the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.

6. Award setting: set one, two, three, best dancer, best partner, best team, etc.

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