Work Plan > Young Pioneers Work Plan

New semester Young Pioneers work plan

With the sunshine of the hustle and bustle, the cool autumn wind, the new semester once again kicked off. The new semester brings both new opportunities and new challenges. The Young Pioneers will also actively cooperate with the school to carry out various tasks and closely complete the education and teaching work. For the work of this semester, we will make great efforts and innovations from the following three aspects:
I. Theme Education--Investing in September, the first thing to usher in is the annual "Teacher's Day" and Chinese traditional festivals - "Mid-Autumn Festival" and "Chongyang Festival". Counselors and teachers should take this opportunity. Through the activities of "I love my teacher" and "Mid-Autumn Festival", we will carry out ideological and moral education for children and young people, and cultivate their good qualities of respecting the teachers and respecting the old and loving the young.
In the autumn of October, the red flag flutters. We will celebrate the 55th birthday of the motherland and the 55th birthday of the Young Pioneers. The Young Pioneers Organization must seize these opportunities and work hard to carry out educational activities with the theme of loving the party, patriotism and socialism. During the National Day, the squadrons of all the squadrons carried out the "Mothers of the Motherland in My Heart" reading activities; before the team festival, the students of the first year of the new school were given pre-team education with the counselor and teacher and held the "Young Pioneers, my home." "Entrance ceremony.
In November, it is a good time to go out for a trip. The wild tour is a traditional activity of the school. The scale of the event is large and the players participate in a wide range. The Young Pioneers will be fully deployed in a planned manner, striving to have local characteristics and a clear educational significance.
In December, in order to commemorate the "1:29" patriotic movement, the Young Pioneers will seize the opportunity of the school to create a new school song, and carry out "school songs, everyone sing together" singing conventions, so that the players can express themselves to the school with their own songs. Love, love for school.
January is the beginning of the new year. The squadrons are holding a "New Year, Hello" celebration under the leadership of the counselor. Let the team members talk about their new hopes, new goals, new ideas, and cultivate their love of life and pioneering spirit in communication.
Second, self-building - strengthen and improve
1. Continue to implement the young pioneer team cadre campaign system and rotation system.
School and squadron counselors should pay attention to improving the quality of student cadres, establish a model, and cultivate a number of leading geese. Let the team cadres take care of their own teamwork and activities to improve their work ability. At the beginning of the new school year, the Young Pioneers Brigade will recruit several members with organizational skills, leadership, innovation and willingness to join the Young Pioneers organization in the form of recommended elections to cooperate with the school to carry out various tasks.
2. The counselor's intensive study and awareness raising.
The development of the new social situation has made the Young Pioneers work facing many new problems and new situations. During the semester, the squadron counselors will continue to conduct theoretical studies, visit training, and learn about the new information of the "Consultant" magazine and the "China Youth Daily" newspapers and periodicals, and discuss the theme of the current era with the tastes of children and the new era. And in combination with practice, carefully write the work papers and experiences of the Young Pioneers, and participate in the collection of work papers for the Young Pioneers at all levels.
3, pay attention to the cultivation of the team members.
The mobile red flag appraisal activity is a regular activity of the school and an important channel for the team members to self-manage and form good thoughts, behaviors and habits. During the semester, the cadres of the brigade will continue to participate in the morning inspection and persuasion activities of the school, and make great efforts to make the activities go smoothly in all aspects, which is effective.
4. This semester will form a broadcasting network on the campus, which is a good start for the red-necked radio station.
This semester will further improve the management mechanism, improve the implementation of division of labor, and enhance the efficiency of activities. At the beginning of the semester, several excellent announcers and editors will be selected in the fourth to sixth grades by interview method, and a small reporter network will be formed in each class by the recommended method. Each column is responsible for the individual, the division of labor is in place, strict checks, and often guidance, so that the young pioneers can show their talents and specialties on their own stage. In addition, the counselors and teachers should give publicity to the radio station activities. The Young Pioneers launched the brigade cadres to urge the players to listen carefully, and listened to them, and really made the radio stations effective.
Third, the little white pigeon messenger - promote deepening
"Little White Dove Messenger" is an effective carrier for implementing quality education, and it has extremely rich connotations. Activities such as "Little Dove Messenger", "Hand in Hand" and "Holiday Squad" enriched the learning life of the players, promoted the healthy development of the players' ideology, and cultivated the hobbies and hobbies of the players. At the beginning of the semester, the squadron counselors should be targeted. Selectively plan according to the actual situation of the squadron, and deploy and implement it.
Experience education is the focus of the work of the Young Pioneers this year. The practical experience of "solving troubles and I can do it" is the main subject of this year's Young Pioneers' experience education activities. This semester, the squadron counselors must focus on making the players develop good habits of doing things in the various troubles they have encountered. In addition, each squadron should actively use the team class or major anniversaries to actively carry out the activities of the Young Pioneers with rich characteristics of the class, novel forms and rich content, plan the activities, pay attention to the pictures of activities and materials collection, and actively participate in the Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards of the Provincial Young Pioneers. Selection activities.
The Young Pioneers activities of this semester emphasize the "development for each team member" and turn the Young Pioneers activities into "new, live, filial piety, and near". I believe that with the hard work of the counselors and teachers, the young pioneers of the school will work. It is solid and effective.

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