Work Summary > Safety Work Summary

Safety standardization summary

Safety standardization summary

According to the spirit of the Group's Safety Document No.1, the building materials company has carried out its work in accordance with the specific deployment of the Building Materials Safety Document No. 1, focusing on the two basic tasks of safety training and safety standardization, continuously improving the safety production responsibility system and operating procedures, and revising and perfecting The operation procedures of each branch and one project-one measure supplemented the implementation methods and rules for safety standardization assessment, further improved the safety management regulations for key parts, and paid close attention to on-site safety supervision and inspection, and worked together throughout the company to eliminate them in 2005. Seriously wounded the above accidents, resolutely put an end to major accidents, consolidate safety training and safety and quality standardization results, safety and quality standardization to achieve safe, civilized, clean production, and achieved the safety goal set at the beginning of the year. The specific work is now reported as follows:

1. Strengthening safety awareness and paying close attention to two basic tasks: safety training and safety standardization

At the beginning of 2005, on the one hand, the staff of the five branches of the grassroots level were combined with the safety training of concentration and decentralization. For this reason, the company issued safety training files and specially hired training teachers to focus on the safety of all migrant workers, collective workers and temporary workers. Knowledge and self-preservation awareness, further organized staff to focus on the safety production responsibility system, operating procedures and operating procedures. On the other hand, 32 people from the cadres of the building materials company and above were trained in safety qualifications at the ampere center of the group company. Through the two-level safety training, not only the safety awareness of our company's management personnel and employees has been greatly improved, but also a new understanding of safe production according to law. At the same time, it has greatly enhanced the sense of responsibility of employees.

In February, the company prepared the emergency rescue plan for the key parts of the company and the operating procedures for each type of work, and revised the fire emergency rescue plan of the packaging material factory and the mountain farm face mining of the stone factory and the emergency production rescue plan for the gunpowder warehouse. . Not only allows employees to strictly follow this position in their work. The standard operates, and it also knows how to deal with emergencies. After that, the building materials company's safety standardization assessment regulations and implementation methods were supplemented and revised, the safety management and quality management assessment scores were increased, and the safety standardization deduction criteria were refined to ensure that the safety standardization assessment results were linked to the management personnel's monthly bonuses. The enthusiasm of the management staff was mobilized and the rewards were also realized. In early March, in order to implement the spirit of the company's March 1 cadre conference, strengthen the responsibility of leading the security work, change the work style, and decide by the board of directors of the building materials company. The company's leaders implement a division of labor responsibility system at the grassroots level. They work in the grassroots units for more than 6 hours every day. The company's leaders sink the first-level division of labor and participate in the security office meeting of the grassroots units. At the same time, the leaders of the grassroots units are also required to sink to the first level to participate in the safety meetings of the workshops and teams. After nearly a year of practice, the results have been obvious, avoiding formalism, timely grasping the production safety frontline of production, and ensuring that security work is carried out in a deep, strict and meticulous manner. In April, in accordance with the spirit of the general manager's office meeting of the group company, in conjunction with the actual situation of the building materials company, a notice was issued on further strengthening the operating procedures and safety measures. The notice emphasizes the requirements and objectives of modifying and improving the operating procedures. Under the guidance of the company's leadership and safety production technology department, through the joint efforts of the grassroots branches, the operation procedures of each unit can be further improved, so that employees can truly produce, have processes, operate systems, manage programs, and manage production safety. Further improvement.

Second, firmly establish the first thought of safety and pay close attention to safety standardization management

Since the beginning of the year, the party and government leaders of the building materials company have led the organization’s safety production technology department, operation management department, finance department, labor and personnel department, military insurance department and trade unions.

Each unit at the grassroots level carried out ten safety standardization inspections, issued 10 safety standardization inspection notices, and identified 226 safety hazards, and immediately rectified

From the beginning of 72, 6 corrections were made within one week, 8 rectifications were completed within one month; the safety production technology department conducted safety inspections on grassroots units 32 times, and the Safety Production Technology Department and Wubao Branch jointly

After 5 inspections, the Safety Production Technology Department and the trade unions, safety net members and employee representatives conducted safety inspections twice, and accumulated safety risks.

35, and did an effective rectification. During the inspection process, 4 notices of rectification of hidden dangers were issued, and 3 units were criticized and criticized for violations; 3 people with more than 2000G were fined for violation of regulations.

5 people above 000 yuan; in the months of June and September ̈ safety production activities, the building materials company formulated according to the archives spirit of the group company ̈ safe production month

The activity plan, the grassroots units also seriously carry out safety labor competitions. The building materials company’s trade union and the Communist Youth League posted a total of safety slogans in the “Safe Production Activity Month”

156 articles, 48 ​​security banners, 520 letters to employees and their families. On the 22nd of the month, the trade union and the Ministry of Safety Production Technology jointly held a safety knowledge contest for building materials companies. The competition enriched the safety knowledge of employees and obtained safety awareness.

Upgrade. Through the company's safety standardization inspection and spot checks of various departments of the government, the grassroots units have a higher understanding of safety standardization work, and the employees' self-protection awareness has been significantly strengthened. Thus, the establishment of the shirt system has been implemented, the responsibility has been implemented, everyone has to investigate the hidden dangers, and everyone is counter-three violations, and everyone has everything in good condition. In addition, according to the actual situation of the enterprise, the units at the grassroots level made necessary safety inputs, and the stone factory carried out the stripping of the soil wool. The annual stripping amount reached 50,000 cubic meters, and the investment was more than 200,000 yuan. An infrared alarm device was added to the gunpowder warehouse of the stone factory. An economic police officer was added and a full-time director and economic police were sent to take the gunpowder. The wall material company increased the inspection personnel of the Shishishan and carried out safety overhaul of the two tunnel kiln. The coal gangue product factory invested 14 million yuan, completely solved the safety hazards of the special equipment crane for many years. The packaging material factory has added an automatic water supply system for fire protection and improved fire protection facilities. Through the necessary safety investment, the safety risks are significantly reduced, so that safety work can be guaranteed.

Third, highlight the management of key parts, and safety standardization will reach a new level.

While grasping the daily safety production work, we always prevent the explosion of the gunpowder warehouse of the stone factory, the waste material of the wall material company, the use and management of the special equipment crane of the coal gangue product factory, and the fire protection of the packaging material factory. The top priority of the company's work. For the management of these vital parts, we first improved the emergency rescue plan for the production of key parts, and carried out the implementation of this plan. After that, we further implemented the responsibility system for the safety of key parts, and carried out special inspections on key parts.

0 times, and the emergency rescue plan for the production of packaging materials factory - Y-3 month drill, l

In February, the fire water supply system was further improved. In the fourth quarter, the group company launched a decisive battle. The building materials company actively echoed the spirit of the superior instructions. In the fourth quarter of the decisive battle, the company dispatched a deputy manager and company safety director for the key parts of the stone factory and the gunpowder warehouse. The department's full-time security inspectors go to the stone factory to supervise and guide the work. Ensure that the vital parts are safe and free of accidents.

Although we achieved a little success in safety management in 2005, we must clearly understand that there are still some loopholes in safety management, and there is still a gap between the requirements of the Iron and Coal Group Corporation. In place, the safety production responsibility system is not implemented enough, the employees' safety awareness is not strong, and the safety supervision and inspection is not enough. For example, the fire water supply system and water tank production of the packaging material factory, the company has speeded up the application, but the packaging material factory has pushed Pushing again, delaying the implementation of the situation, this shows that our awareness of safety and protection is not strong, and the intensity of strict management of the factory is not enough. This case is enough to show that building materials companies have to do a good job in safety is still a long and arduous task.

In short, under the correct leadership of the group company and the whole company, we will work together in a spirit of truthfulness and pragmatism. The safety basic work will surely leap to a new level, the safety standardization management meeting will be at a new level, and the employees’ self-preservation awareness will be We will definitely improve D. We are convinced that as long as the safety production supervision mechanism is strengthened, the party and government workers will work together to manage and standardize the work. The safety standardization work of building materials companies will definitely be perfect.

Safety standardization summary

Safety standardization provides effective methods and means for hazard identification, operational control, and performance improvement. Through continuous improvement of the risk assessment organization system, the company will participate in risk assessment and risk management for all employees and the whole process.

1. At the beginning of 2006, all organizations in the organization organized annual hazard identification and risk assessment. A total of 400 dangerous sources were identified, of which 392 were assessed as general risks, 5 were assessed as significant risks, and 3 were assessed as non- Tolerate risks and develop a control plan.

2. In 2007, in conjunction with the requirements of the “Specifications”, the Technical and Security Department took the lead in revising the “Hazardous Source Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control Level”, improved the plant-level and workshop risk assessment organization system, refined risk assessment criteria, and introduced new The work hazard analysis method is used to identify hazard sources, and conduct hazard analysis and risk assessment for production and maintenance activities. Instruct the risk assessment team of each workshop to clarify the “Work Activity List”, and organize the employees of each position to conduct work hazard analysis according to the production process and operation steps for each operation activity of each production position. Guide and supervise the workshops to compare the equipment and equipment of the workshop and the technical regulations of the workshop, further improve the contents of the safety checklist, cover all the equipment, facilities, work sites and processes of the workshop, so that the safety checklist method can be used for daily hazard identification. Comprehensive and full. Organize and guide all units to carry out hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control without interruption. And in August 2007, the Technical and Security Department instructed the workshops to adopt JHA and other methods for hazard identification and organize annual risk assessment. A total of more than 1830 dangerous sources were identified throughout the plant. Through risk assessment, 7 major risks and 2 unacceptable risks were identified. A control plan has been formulated for major risks and unacceptable risks, and safety owners and risk control measures have been implemented.

3. In 2008, the company further improved the plant and workshop-level risk assessment organization system, so that all employees participated in risk assessment and risk management. For regular activities, the post and the process are evaluated. On the basis of analyzing the risks in the work hazard analysis and identification operation, the safety checklist is introduced to analyze the risk and analyze the risk of the fixed facility equipment. Risk control measures to enhance accident prevention and treatment capabilities. From June to August, organize annual risk assessment work and summarize the level of risk control. Through the annual risk assessment, it shows that various risk control measures have been effectively implemented, a large number of dangerous sources have been eliminated, and the risk control plan cannot be allowed to be effective and sufficient, and has been reduced to general risks. Through the evaluation of the risk assessment team, a total of 386 dangerous sources were identified, 7 major risks were evaluated, and 2 unacceptable risks were evaluated. A rectification plan was formulated for the unacceptable risks, and the person responsible for safety was implemented, and the rectification within a time limit was completed.

4. For unconventional activities such as overhaul and renovation, risk assessment must be carried out before the operation, and risk control measures must be implemented. Otherwise, the operation ticket will not be processed, the risk will be effectively controlled, and the accident will be prevented.

Safety standardization summary

In order to effectively carry out the safety production work of coal mines in our city, we will strive to improve the safe production conditions and comprehensive management capabilities of coal mines, prevent and reduce the occurrence of coal mine casualties, promote the construction of safety and quality standardization activities, and promote the stable and improved development of coal mine safety production. The construction of safety and quality standardization of coal mines in Dazhou City has achieved certain results under the guidance and support of the Provincial Safety Supervision Bureau and the Sichuan Coal Supervision Bureau. The relevant situation is now reported as follows.

I. Construction of coal mine safety and quality standardization work in the city

basic situation

The Office of the Safety Production Committee of the Sichuan Provincial People's Government “Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Safety and Quality Standardization of Coal Mines in 2007” The total number of coal mine safety and quality standardization mines in Dazhou City is 61. At the end of 2008, according to the spirit of Sichuan Provincial Power Generation [2007] No. 33 archives, there were 67 mines that were approved by the Municipal Safety Supervision Bureau for the safety production technology management personnel. Among them, there were 41 in 2007. Among them: 11 Dafa mines in Daxian County, 4 in Grade II, 7 in Level 3, accounting for 100% of the target tasks in the province; 13 Dabiao Mines in Dazhu County, 3 in Level 2, 9 in Level 3, up to Level 4 1 accounted for 86.67% of the target tasks assigned by the province; 5 of the standard mines in Xuanhan County, 4 of which reached Level 2, 1 of which reached Level 3, accounting for 31.25% of the target tasks of the province; 7 of the standard mines in Wanyuan City, accounting for the province 77.80% of the target tasks were assigned; one mine in Daxian County reached 1 level, which accounted for 33.33% of the target tasks; 2 mines in Kaijiang County reached 2 levels, 2 of which reached the third level, accounting for 50% of the target tasks assigned by the province. There are 2 mines in Tongchuan District, reaching one level and one level, reaching one level three, accounting for 66.67% of the target tasks assigned by the province. In 2008, the city's coal mine safety and quality standardization reached 27 mines, including 5 in Quxian County and 5 in Grade 3; 3 in Daxian County, 3 in Level 3; 14 in Xuanhan County, 14 in Level 3; Tongchuan District 1 family, 1 level, 1 level; Kaijiang County, 1 level, 1 level; 1 in Dazhu County, 2 levels, 2 levels, 1 level.

The main work done and the results achieved

1. Extensive publicity. Municipal, county government, safety supervision bureau, coal mine safety supervision department, coal mine enterprises conscientiously implement the spirit of the National Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau's "Guiding Opinions on Conducting Safety and Quality Standardization Activities in National Coal Mines", and adopting the "Coal Mine Safety Quality Standardization Standards and Measures for Assessment Ratings, organize coal mine safety management cadres and employees to learn item by item, post slogans, screen movies and pictures of mine safety safety capabilities, organize coal mine safety, production technology management personnel to visit and learn, and convene coal mine safety quality standardization mines In the form of on-site work meetings, we will vigorously publicize the importance and necessity of coal mine safety and quality standardization work, create a good atmosphere for coal mine safety and quality standardization work, and improve the enthusiasm and initiative of coal mine enterprise safety and quality standardization work.

2. Implement responsibility. Municipal and county coal mine safety supervision departments, coal mining enterprises earnestly implemented the provincial security office [2007] No. 17, the provincial government Chuanfu Power Generation [2007] No. 33 archives spirit, set up a coal mine safety and quality standardization leading group, implement specialized agencies and personnel, implement Regulatory responsibilities, dispatched a supervision team to guide the development of coal mine enterprises' compliance work, scientifically formulate compliance plans, and urge coal mine enterprises to meet deadlines. Establish a coal mine safety and quality standardization standard and reward and punishment system, Daxian County Winchuan Mining Co., Ltd. took out 100,000 yuan bonus, special rewards for the coal mine safety and quality standardization work, and ensured the coal mine safety and quality standardization staff, Implementation of institutions and responsibilities.

3. Increase investment. All localities have intensified the supervision work of coal mine safety and quality standardization mines, supervised and promoted the mine production system, and focused on strengthening the mine's “one pass and three defenses” safety equipment and facilities, mine dual-loop power supply, coal mining methods and support mode reform. Inputs for the improvement of safe production conditions such as the transformation of transport roadways, mine geological prediction and forecasting, the deployment of water and flood facilities, and the establishment of basic data. .

4. The effect is obvious. First, in accordance with the provincial government [2007] No. 17, the provincial government Chuanfu Power Generation [2007] No. 33 file requirements, the province has reached the standard mines in the city, except for some coal mines, the mines are up to the standard mines, the mines have reached the standard, and the city's total compliance rate More than 95%; Second, the safety conditions and management level of the mines have been further improved, and the mine's disaster prevention and resilience capability has been further enhanced, effectively preventing the occurrence of large coal mine safety accidents.

Second, the main problems exist

1. Insufficient understanding. Some coal mining enterprises lack initiative, enthusiasm and long-term for the safety standardization of coal mines. The idea of ​​doing a good job of standardization is to spend money. The understanding of the safety standardization of coal mines is a lack of understanding of the basic safety management of coal mine enterprises.

2. Development imbalance. In addition to some resources integration mines in Dazhu County, the city’s safety supervision department agreed to postpone the bidding, and the counties and mines in the Quxian and Tongchuan districts all met the standards. In addition to a coal mine in Daxian, the compliance rate of Kaifeng County’s planned mines was significantly lower than that. Other counties, cities and districts have to urge coal mining enterprises to further strengthen this work and ensure that the provincial targets are completed on schedule.

3. Coal mine safety management needs to be further strengthened. First, coal mine safety management personnel, technicians, and special types of work are inadequately equipped to meet the needs of coal mine safety production; second, coal mine safety production responsibility system, job responsibility system, rules and regulations, operating procedures, and basic materials need to be further improved; Third, the coal mine safety hazard rectification is weak. According to the requirements of the “Coal Mine Safety Quality Standardization Standards and Assessment and Acceptance Measures”, the city has found 1,535 safety hazards of the mines.

Third, the next step of work requirements

1. Firmly grasp the coal mine safety and quality standardization work confidence will not move away. All levels, departments and coal mine enterprises in our city will take the safety and quality standardization work of coal mine enterprises as "people-oriented", adhere to the concept of safety development, and build a harmonious state. To promote the importance of sustainable development of local economy, we must conscientiously implement the "Safe Production Law", "Decision of the State Council on Further Strengthening Work Safety Production", and "Sichuan Provincial People's Government Resolutely Curb Heavy Work on Safely Strengthening Coal Mine Safety Production" The Urgent Notice of Extraordinary Accidents will enhance the confidence and determination to grasp the safety and quality standardization of coal mines, and effectively strengthen the organization and leadership of the coal mine safety and quality standardization work, so that the institutions will not withdraw, the personnel will not be dispersed, and the strength will not be reduced, and the coal mine safety management work will be realized. From the passive prevention to the source management, establish a long-term mechanism for coal mine safety, consolidate the safety foundation of coal mines, and prevent the occurrence of large accidents in coal mines.

2. Comprehensively promote the construction of coal mine safety and quality standardization. The city earnestly follows the "Guiding Opinions on In-depth Implementation of Safety and Quality Standardization Activities in National Coal Mines", "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Safety Management of Small Coal Mines", and "Notice on Deepening the Standardization of Coal Mine Safety and Quality" [2008] No. 198 and the provincial government Chuanfu Power Generation [2007] No. 33 archives spirit, scientifically formulate coal mine safety and quality standardization standards, strengthen the publicity, education and training of coal mine safety and quality standardization, and urge coal mining enterprises to increase investment in science and technology, Focusing on “one pass and three defenses”, we must do a good job in the safety and quality standardization of coal mines. Strictly manage the face management of coal mining, vigorously promote the reform of coal mining methods and support methods, strive to improve the safe production conditions of coal mines, and comprehensively promote the construction of coal mine safety and quality standardization.

3. Strictly implement the superior policy. The city will conscientiously implement the responsibility of the company's safety production and the supervision responsibility of the department in accordance with the spirit of the provincial government Chuanfu Power Generation [2007] No. 33 file. It is necessary to instruct the coal mine safety supervision department to timely release the decision on the suspension of production and rectification of the mines that have reached the standard in the province in 2007, and not to allow production before the standard is reached, to prevent some coal mining enterprises from using the name of resource integration to launch assault production and super-capacity production. Super-strength production, over-contribution production, avoiding the occurrence of coal mine safety production accidents, and promoting the stable and improved situation of coal mine safety production.

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