Work Summary > Safety Work Summary

Safety education theme class summary

Safety education theme class summary

I. Introduction

"Safety" - these two words, I do not know how many times people have heard it, it is really a word of loyalty. Like outings, the teachers and parents always pay attention to our safety. When we go to school by bicycle, the teachers and parents will always pay attention to the vehicles. We dare not take it lightly, and we dare not act rashly. Because safety is first. Safety is too important. Who wants to exchange their own injuries for the pain of themselves and their relatives and friends?!

So what exactly is security?

Clear: Exempt from the state of acceptable damage risk.

Second, introduce the data

1. From January to September 2008, there were 195,319 road traffic accidents across the country, causing 50,682 deaths, 229,484 injuries, and direct property losses of 770 million yuan. Compared with the same period of 2007, it decreased by 20.1%, 12.7%, 21.2% and 14.5% respectively. There were 23 major road traffic accidents involving more than 10 deaths, which was flat year-on-year. The number of traffic accident deaths during the Olympic Games and the Paralympic Games decreased by 28% and 2.6% respectively.

In 2007, there were 327,209 road traffic accidents across the country, causing 81,649 deaths, 380,442 injuries, and direct property losses of 1.2 billion yuan. Compared with 2006, the number of accidents decreased by 51,572 cases, down 13.6%; the number of deaths decreased by 7806, down 8.7%; the number of injured people decreased by 50,697, down 11.8%; direct property losses decreased by 300 million yuan, down 19.5%. Among them, there were 26 major traffic accidents involving more than 10 deaths, resulting in 389 deaths. Compared with 2006, the number of accidents decreased by 12, down by 31.6%; the number of deaths decreased by 169, a decrease of 30.2%. The death rate of road traffic accidents was 5.1, a year-on-year decrease of 1.1.

2. The number of deaths due to various types of accidents in China is about 100,000 each year, and the number of road traffic accident deaths accounts for more than 60%. The number of traffic accident deaths in China ranks first in the world, with an average of more than 280 people dying in car accidents every day. Among them, primary and secondary school students account for about 10% of the total number. This figure sounds alarm to people, traces the source, has a weak sense of security, and is ridiculous. Violation of rules and regulations is the root cause of traffic accidents.

Teacher question: After listening to this group of data, what do students think?

Third, the debate

Whether a safety accident can be avoided

1. Discussion


Fourth, introduce safety knowledge

Let the students be divided into several groups and talk separately.

Five, question and answer

1. Why is it not allowed to use open flames in the dormitory?

Use an open flame in the dormitory, point the candle, burn the sundries, use kerosene stoves, gasoline, alcohol and other inflammable and explosive materials, and smokers throw away unburned cigarette butts and matches. These are prone to fires, so open fires are not allowed in the dorms.

2. How can middle school students prevent being deceived?

In contact with strangers, identify fraudulent practices that use fictional facts or conceal the truth. Don't trust other people's rhetoric; don't arbitrarily tell strangers about their home address; obey campus management and consciously abide by school The school rules, do not bring the social idlers into the school.

3. What are the self-rescue methods in the event of a fire?

In the face of fire, trapped people should calm down and choose a favorable time, route and direction to save themselves.

Fight for time and flee the scene as soon as possible. Don't delay precious escape time for some trivial things, choose the channel opposite to the fire source to quickly escape the danger. When there is heavy smoke, try to lower your body or crawl so as not to be suffocated by smoke.

Select the channel and decisively detach. If the fire is not very strong, you can quickly rush down from the upper floor with clothes or sheets soaked in water. If the fire is too strong to pass, you can use the rope or tear the sheets into a strip of wire to form a rope, fix one end, and then slide down the window along the rope. If the floor is only two or three stories high, you can consider jumping off the window. You can also throw some soft items before landing.

Fight for time and wait for rescue. When all kinds of escape routes are cut off, they should be returned to the living room, and the doors and windows should be closed without watering to delay the time. Use your own wet towel to cover your mouth and nose for personal protection. At the same time, you can throw things outdoors, and you can call the flashlight at night to send out a distress signal. Or use the mobile phone or telephone to contact the outside world.

4. How to ensure safety when playing games?

Choose a safe game to do. Don't be a dangerous game. Don't imitate dangerous shots in movies and TV. For example, ride a car, climb a tall building, fight with a knife and stick, throw each other with bricks, etc., and ignite the branches of waste paper. This is very dangerous and can easily lead to unexpected consequences.

Choose the right time for the game. The time of the game can't be too long. This is prone to excessive fatigue and the likelihood of an accident is greatly increased. It is best not to play at night, the darkness of sight is not good, and people's ability to respond is also reduced. It is prone to danger.

Six, teacher summary

Classmates: Compliance with discipline is to respect life and respect yourself. When we can do all of this, our society is a step closer to the other side of civilization. It is the duty of each of us to attach importance to traffic safety, and it is the responsibility of each of us. Let us join hands to care for the flower of this civilization, let us stay away from the pain and cherish each other's lives. Students must strengthen their attention to safety.

Safety education theme class summary

Purpose of the class: Through the safety knowledge education class with the theme of “Love Life, Safety First”, enhance students' awareness of holiday safety, learn some safety knowledge, and achieve the ability to actively prevent dangers and improve students' self-protection.

In the blink of an eye, this summer's summer vacation has arrived. For our safe, healthy and enjoyable transition to this longer holiday, our class has collected knowledge of students' safety education and management, hopes and The school will jointly carry out safety precaution education and management for student holidays.

First, prevent students from drowning. Surabaya is a high-risk period for holiday safety accidents. We educated our classmates on the knowledge of flood prevention. The weather is slowly getting hot. Every year, there are always water shortages in primary and middle school students in China. The crying of the parents of the students’ grief makes people feel bad. On June 9, 2019, in just one day, 16 students in our country were drowned, and the painful lessons must be paid enough attention. I have taught them certain water-saving self-rescue knowledge, such as cramps, ambulances during injuries, or ambulances for peers, but they also strongly urge students to do the following: 1. Resolutely swim or play in places where there is water outdoors. 2 When someone encounters drowning, they must quickly call out adults and cannot rescue alone. 3, to have a sufficient understanding of the safety of flood control, even if there are parents to pay attention to swimming safety, to prevent accidents.

Second, prevent traffic accidents. Nowadays, there are more motor vehicles and frequent traffic accidents. Our students do not necessarily understand the traffic safety situation. They learn common sense education during the holidays from the roads, crossing the road, cycling, riding and getting off. 1. Obey road traffic regulations and establish road traffic safety awareness. Obey the road traffic rules when you are on the 2nd road, do not climb the railings, do not carry out entertainment and game activities on the road, and do not drive, forcibly stop or throw stones, climb over, and rely on road isolation facilities. When crossing the road or the railway, you must "one stop and two look" to confirm the safety and pass quickly. 3. When riding a bicycle, it should be driven sequentially in the non-motor vehicle lane. If there is no motor vehicle lane, it should be driven on the right side of the road. Do not overspeed, reverse driving, and can not chase cycling, take off and ride. 4. Do not take non-operating vehicles and operate over-represented vehicles. When riding, the head and hands cannot extend out of the window to avoid accidents. When getting off the bus, you should confirm that there is no vehicle to leave.

Third, prevent violence. During the holidays, our opportunities to reach out to society will increase, and various types of social security and illegal activities may occur. To this end, we should pay attention to it. 1. Correctly recognize the people and things encountered, distinguish between right and wrong, improve the vigilance against various infringements, and eliminate the paralysis and luck of danger. Establish a sense of self-prevention, learn the correct alarm, help, and when you encounter an abnormal situation, do not be tempted to use things, can calmly, wit, courage to cope. 2. Do not participate in illegal activities such as fighting and kidnapping, kidnapping for extortion, and less entertainment venues such as dance halls and bars.

Fourth, prevent heat stroke. Heatstroke usually manifests as dizziness, headache, nausea, thirst, sweating, general fatigue, palpitation, chest tightness, flushing and other symptoms, or symptoms of pale, pale limbs, blood pressure, blood pressure, and pulse. In severe cases, it can be characterized by high fever, body temperature over 41 ° C, no sweat, disturbance of consciousness, convulsions of hands and feet, and even shock, heart failure, pulmonary edema and cerebral edema. Measures to prevent heat stroke: 1. Do not expose to the hot sun for a long time; do not adjust the temperature too low, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is too large to increase heat stroke; drink as much water as possible during outdoor activities. 2, once the above symptoms occur, should immediately rest in a cool and ventilated place to rest, add a cool salty drink; seriously sent to the hospital for rescue.

Fifth, anti-afraud. 1. Don't eat things given by strangers. Don't trust the strangers to say or promise the benefits. If you are away from non-direct relatives, you must get parental consent. 2, not online video with strangers, do not tell the other person's home address, do not contact the other party phone, do not meet with the other party, beware of being deceived. 3. Emergency self-rescue methods and witty help-seeking capabilities when injured.

In addition to the above safety education, there are also safety knowledge in electricity, fire, sports activities, safety and self-help. We believe that with the education and attention of our school, we will definitely have a safe and progressive holiday!

Safety education theme class summary

In order to effectively enhance students' safety awareness and risk aversion ability and ensure student safety, our class held a "safety education" theme class meeting.

The class will combine the theme of the school's "safety, civilization, law and discipline" education with the safety and interests of college students, and conduct safety education for students, learn safety knowledge, and recognize the importance of safety. In order to successfully carry out the class meeting, the various class committees actively participated in the collection and sorting of various safety knowledge, and made sufficient knowledge publicity work in each dormitory before the meeting.

The class will comprehensively understand various disaster prevention and avoidance knowledge and precautions from various aspects such as property safety, earthquake safety, traffic safety, fire safety, electricity safety, and flood disasters, and analyze the real safety accidents that are seen and heard. The case involves personal safety and financial security of the students, with emphasis on personal safety such as traffic safety and safety of dormitory electrical appliances.

The conference not only achieved the expected goals, but also lived and lived. The theme of “focusing on safety and cherishing life” was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it also played a positive role in helping each other and helping each other.

After the meeting, the squad leader and the group support committee organized the inspection and elimination of the health, electricity safety and safety hazards of each dormitory, and reported the specific situation of each dormitory to the school.

Through this class meeting, we are aware of many of our shortcomings and aspects that we have neglected in the past, and we will further strengthen them in future work. At the same time, we must emphasize the following points:

1. Always talk about safety and everything is safe. We should not be taken lightly in our work and study, we must not be numb, we must be alert and long-term, and ensure the safety of students.

2. We still have to pay attention to some details about the safety of people and property in our dormitory: various wires are interwoven in the dormitory, and flammable materials are piled up at random; some students invite unfamiliar people to visit the dormitory.

From time to time, we will remind students to pay attention to the personal financial security of the dormitory, and remind students to check their important items such as ID cards from time to time.

3. In addition to the above points, we will hold regular safety theme class meetings, actively discuss the problems that arise, take measures, and plan ahead.

"Life has no rehearsal", we must always be responsible for our personal safety, because only we are safe, those who love us and our deep love can be truly happy!

In short, we will do our utmost to ensure that the students live a safe and happy life in the school, so that each student can feel the warmth of a complete and happy "home".

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