Work Summary > Safety Work Summary

Kindergarten winter fire safety work summary

In the current academic year, under the supervision and management of the superior department and the garden leader, according to the spirit of Yu Jian Wen and Yu Jiao telegraph, combined with the reality of our park, adhere to the principle of “prevention first, anti-disintegration”, and solidly Do a good job in fire safety, improve the safety awareness of teachers and students, and ensure the safety of life and property of teachers and students throughout the park. The fire safety work of this year is reported as follows:
I. Attaches great importance to the improvement of fire safety work. Kindergartens put fire safety work in the first place, attach importance to fire safety publicity and education, and regularly carry out fire protection knowledge activities among teachers and children to improve the safety of teachers and students throughout the school. Consciousness, to make fire safety alarms long, long-term unremitting.
Second, strengthen leadership, improve the organization In order to do a good job in fire safety, our park has established a fire safety leading group composed of the head of the park, according to the principle of "who is in charge, who is responsible", "who is in the post, who is responsible", careful Various fire safety work was deployed, and the “Safety Leading Group Meeting” and the Whole Garden Staff Meeting were held to learn the spirit of Yu Jian Wen and Yu Jiao Telegraph.
Third, carry out various fire protection work
1. The park office and the internal insurance team worked together to make fire safety knowledge publicity: a blackboard report on fire safety knowledge was posted; fire safety education texts and pictures were posted; fire safety knowledge was posted on the campus website.
2. In order to increase the fire awareness of the staff of the whole park, we have the purpose of inviting the staff of the municipal fire brigade to visit our school to teach and explain the fire protection knowledge and how to operate the fire fighting tools correctly. After training, check again whether the fire extinguisher in the park is safe and effective. At the same time, we will strengthen the safety education for young children, and educate young children on how to deal with accidents. We educate young children to know how to protect themselves, learn to save themselves, and organize classes to conduct drills for accident prevention.
3. The park's insurance team inspected the fire protection facilities and electricity consumption in the park. The two expired fire-fighting equipments were updated. The inspections were recorded and the faculty and staff of the whole park were held on the morning of December 10. A fire fighting skill training was conducted.
4. Strengthened the management of the guards on duty, and the guards set up the registration books for the foreigners. For each alien to enter the park, the guards have the right to ask about the reasons for coming to the park. After asking the reasons, the foreigners are registered to make records, and the outsiders are not allowed to do whatever they want. Walking around the park, doing campus patrols during holidays and evenings ensured campus safety.
5. The park office, the education department and the internal insurance team jointly carried out a “three ones” fire safety knowledge education activities: each grade was given a fire common sense class according to the characteristics of children of different ages; Sexual fire-fighting escape self-rescue exercises; a warning letter on fire safety was written for parents of children.
The above is a summary of the fire safety work in our park in the winter. Due to the close cooperation between the leaders of the park and the faculty and staff, all the work has progressed smoothly, thus ensuring the safety of teachers and students on campus.

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