Work Summary > Safety Work Summary

Traffic Bureau strengthens safety assessment summary

In order to ensure the smooth progress of all work, strengthen supervision. Complete on time and quality, continue to improve the various liability systems. We will implement the working mechanism of “main leaders grasping comprehensive, responsible leaders, and responsible leaders directly”, regularly and irregularly review and supervise key projects and key areas, and timely identify and correct problems in the work; formulate and refine corresponding The assessment method includes the key objectives in the year-end assessment content of each unit, and the task completion status is an important basis for the year-end evaluation of each unit.
1. The District Transportation Bureau insisted on the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important idea of ​​“xxxx”, since the beginning of the year. In-depth implementation of the scientific concept of development, closely surrounding the goal of the "quality construction" of the district committee and district government, vigorously promote the work style of seeking truth and pragmatism, all cadres and workers work hard, pioneering and innovative, tenacious struggle, and insist on doing a good job of "three services" Efforts will be made to provide transportation guarantees for the development of economic and social undertakings throughout the region.
Functional goal
1 Fully promote the scientific organization of the Rural Road Construction Bureau, carefully arrange, strictly control the quality, speed up the progress, and vigorously promote the construction of rural roads. Up to now, the x042 Hanshang Railway Reconstruction Engineering Railway has completed 2.5km south of the railway. The north of the railway is coordinating the land of some village groups in Lishui Town, Puyang City, and will start construction in the near future. The second phase of the project is connected to the village. Construction started on the 8th of the month and will be completed in the near future; Zhaoling - the pavement has been completed 1km, according to the layout and requirements of the district committee, the district government and the municipal transportation bureau. The roadbed has completed 1.2km north-western ditch 2.5km north-large slope top 1.8km - 1.9km three groups - Dapoding 1.0km - 0.8km - 0.9km road construction has been completed.
2 Accelerate the development of the transportation market and successfully complete the annual plan. 480 new trucks, 12 passenger cars, 2 new maintenance companies, 800 service certificates were inspected, and 53 illegal vehicles were seized. A survey was conducted on the logistics industry in our district, and a total of 17 large logistics enterprises were registered. The road transportation market in the region adheres to rapid growth and provides a good transportation environment for the economic development of the district. Since the beginning of the year, our district has completed a total of 950,000 passengers by road, with a passenger turnover of 41.6 million kilometers, a cargo volume of 2.02 million tons, and a freight turnover of 285 million tons.
3 Vigorously develop the modern transportation industry to speed up the adjustment of transportation structure, and further enhance the development awareness. Transform the mode of transportation development, vigorously develop the modern transportation industry, further strengthen the management of the transportation market, and actively realize the transformation from a radical industry to a modern transportation industry.
Enterprises that have failed to meet the requirements in the reputation assessment and those whose qualifications have not met the requirements will be shut down for rectification. 1 Establish and improve the enterprise business qualification certification and reputation assessment system. Actively carry out special work on enterprise quality credit assessment and qualification certification in all transportation enterprises and maintenance enterprises in the region.
Strictly hold the certificate-based employment system, and strictly control the qualifications of employees and transport vehicles. Strengthen training for employees in transportation, maintenance and special industries. Since the first three quarters, the training rate of employees in the transportation, maintenance and special industries in our region has reached 100%. At the same time, we have strengthened the technical management of operating vehicles and actively carried out secondary maintenance, technical assessment and operational certification for the operating vehicles in the region. Accumulated vehicle inspection XX times, the test pass rate reached 98%.
Severely crack down on illegal business practices such as “black car” wild car, and establish and improve a long-term mechanism to combat illegal operations. Take a combination of mobile audit, fixed-point inspection, gps monitoring and telephone reporting. Bus special treatment activities. Investigate and deal with more than 200 illegal vans and invent a good operational order.
Accelerate the pace of informationization in the regulation of the transportation market. The gps dynamic supervision system has been installed on all passenger cars and dangerous vehicles in the district and 24-hour monitoring has been implemented. 4 The road transportation monitoring center has been perfected from time to time. Effectively curbed the violations of vehicles such as speeding, overloading, non-line driving and illegal driving, and actively opening the 96520 transportation service hotline to establish a car rescue network.
4 Do a good job in safe production. Always regard safe production as the lifeline of the transportation industry and attach great importance to safe production. We will continue to hold monthly safe production work meetings, resolutely implement the production responsibility system for safety, strengthen the supervision of production safety in the industry, and make the alarm bells long and often unremitting.
Strict management of rural road construction. Find hidden dangers in time to repair or report, 1 carry out special rectification work for highway bridges. Special personnel are responsible for maintenance and management of some road sections that are prone to danger. This year, a total of 8 hidden dangers have been investigated and all have been rectified. Adhere to the practice of pulling nets on rural road construction sites, requiring all construction units to carry out construction in strict accordance with the standard order to ensure construction safety.
Comprehensively strengthen the safety education of the passengers and passengers, and 2 strengthen the safe management of road transport. A comprehensive inspection was carried out on all operating buses in the district equipped with fire extinguishers, life-saving hammers and secondary maintenance safety inspections. Seriously implement the relevant requirements of “three customs and one supervision”. Give full play to the role of gps in dynamic monitoring of passenger and dangerous vehicles, and timely correct violations such as speeding, overloading and fatigue driving, with good results.
5 Actively do a good job in the stable work area of ​​fuel tax reform personnel. 24 tax collectors are facing the problem of transfer and re-employment. The fuel tax reform has been officially implemented since January 1 this year. The original transportation fee management fee of the Transportation Management Office was cancelled, the income and expenditure gap was large, and the wages could not be issued normally, which made the transportation system extremely unstable. At present, the arrangement plan for the hiring personnel has been basically determined. The district road traffic management brigade will be established soon, and some local personnel have also participated in the national unified organization examinations and diverted to the tax department; the district finance is about to transfer the fuel tax reform transfer payment to the transportation management office. Funds are used to maintain the normal issuance of employee wages and temporarily ensure the stability of the transportation system.
6 The bus station successfully completed the operation of the mission to transport more than 1.71 million passengers, and the bus station delivered a total of 114,000 shifts throughout the year. Investigating and handling 150 pieces of "three products", there was no case of a safety accident, successfully completed the passenger transportation task, and was awarded the advanced unit of the Spring Festival by the Zhengzhou Spring Festival Office. Throughout the year, it has completed various types of operating income of more than 1 million yuan, completed tax revenue of 100,000 yuan, and completed profits of more than 20,000 yuan. While doing all kinds of work, we will do a good job in public welfare services and improve our social reputation. Four times since XX, we have implemented free rides for college entrance examination students during the college entrance examination, and four times during the August 1st period, we carried out military personnel, re-transfer soldiers, and wounded. The disabled soldiers take Zheng Shang 1 Road for free.
7 public functions
1 Do a good job in e-government work and further improve the e-government hardware facilities, in accordance with the requirements of the district committee and district government. Clearly in charge of the leadership and e-government staff, the information staff participated in the government information training class organized by the Municipal Transportation Bureau and the district government as required, and earnestly done the e-government work.
Complete the tasks assigned by the district creation office. 2 Do a good job of creating.
To improve the organization, the first is to set up a bureau to create a work leading group. Clearly responsibilities; second, insist on organizing personnel to go to g310 Shangyu Road section and part of rural roads for voluntary labor every Friday afternoon; third, improve the creation of various systems, and actively carry out “four evils” and health education activities.
Comprehensive goal
1 Vigorously strengthen the construction of learning institutions to improve the effectiveness of activities, in order to further promote the smooth development of the reading activities of cadres and workers in the transportation system. The bureau actively established a long-term mechanism for reading activities. At the beginning of January and the beginning of the year, when funds were not sufficient, more than 360 books were purchased for funding, and more than 120 books of the transportation system cadres and workers were invited to donate books, and their own library was built. The vast number of cadres and workers actively borrowed books, carefully recorded their reading notes, exchanged their reading experiences, and the learning atmosphere of all members became increasingly strong, creating a good atmosphere for the construction of learning and cultural institutions. At the beginning of June, the organization department of the district committee carried out the class-level cadre reading competition. The bureau called on the cadres and workers of the transportation system to take active actions, and purchased the book “The Letter to Garcia” for more than 100 employees of the whole system. Learning, discussion, mutual exchange, closed-book examinations and other forms, so that employees gradually develop the habit of loving reading, reading, reading books, and using books, pushing reading activities to a new high.
2 Further strengthen the work style Construction of the transportation system is facing unprecedented difficulties, facing the current severe economic situation and further deepening of the fuel tax reform. Call on all employees to be passionate about doing business, to be responsible for taking responsibility, and to strengthen service to the front line.
Full implementation of delayed services, wrong time services, limited time services, 1 promote civilized services. Clear time limits for administrative licensing and work practices. Advocate the use of civilized language, put an end to civilized bans, and carry out in-depth training and civilized creation activities, so that everyone is a model of the standard, everywhere is a window of civilization.
Master the norms, 2 adhere to civilized law enforcement. Law enforcement officers are required to be familiar with the business. Do business proficient, standard and standard, and apply the law accurately. The rules and regulations for law enforcement should be disclosed, the subject should be legal, the documents should be standardized, and the files should be neat. It is strictly forbidden to chase cars in road investigations. It is strictly forbidden for law enforcement officers to use civilized banned words. It is strictly forbidden to have language contact or physical contact with management objects.
Responsible leaders are required to go to the grassroots level to supervise and inspect, and 3 strengthen supervision and promote implementation. Implement one-half work method. Do the problem at the scene and solve the problem at the grassroots level. In-depth development of unannounced visits, extensively solicit opinions and suggestions from all walks of life, and reflect the problem of constructive work styles for the people, and resolutely find them together, check and correct, and conduct checks at all levels to implement responsibilities.
3 Further strengthen the party style and clean government and the construction of spiritual civilization and other work together, and insist on organically combining the construction of the team, the building of the party's style and clean government, the building of spiritual civilization, the work of democratic appraisal, the creation of industrial civilization, and the efficiency of the organs. Implement together, check together, assess together, implement the first-level responsibility system, actively carry out various activities, and promote the effectiveness of party building and spiritual civilization construction.
Complete the prescribed work in a down-to-earth manner. Emancipate the mind from time to time, 1 Actively carry out the theme activity of "in-depth study and practice of the scientific development concept". In accordance with the requirements of learning mobilization, analysis and rectification and improvement, the three steps are required. Improve your ideological quality and improve your ability to solve problems with a scientific outlook on development.
In order to make the activities of the campaign a solid and effective, 2 to carry out "party spirit than dedication." The Bureau carried out a knowledge contest on party spirit than dedication and competition as a pioneer of transportation, which further deepened the system-wide understanding of the party's advanced nature and its historical mission.
To improve the exertion of employees' subjective initiative, 3 the establishment of a suggestion box and extensive consultation activities. The activity fully mobilized the employees' awareness of participation. Improve the scientific management level of the transportation system, so that everyone can contribute to the transportation industry and effectively solve the problems in the work.
Second, the main practice of achieving results is the leadership. It is the foundation and guarantee for the effective implementation of the Bureau's work. At the beginning of the year, the Transportation Bureau held a special meeting to reaffirm the responsibilities of various departments of the transportation system, and re-edited and improved the various systems to provide effective guarantee for the development of the new year's work.
with a clear purpose. Each work has been carefully divided, and the work of road construction, maintenance, tax collection, transportation market, road administration, etc. has been decomposed into secondary institutions, and responsible leaders and responsible persons have been refined, and the target responsibility letter has been signed at various levels. Form a level of grasping the first level, and implement it step by step, and everyone has a good atmosphere on the shoulders. Strictly implement performance appraisal in the work, set up a leading group, assess the implementation of each responsibility target every quarter, and link the work objectives with the year-end assessment of the responsible person, and conscientiously implement the relevant reward and punishment methods.
Strengthen supervision and inspection. Inspect the work of the various units of the bureau, hold a regular meeting once a week, report the work of each unit once every two weeks, commend the good units that work well, and ask the units with problems to rectify within a time limit. The inspector team has played a very positive role in improving the working level of the transportation system.
Unite up and down. For public opinion, the Transportation Bureau requires all cadres to focus on the cause of transportation and the interests of the people from time to time. They work closely, devote themselves to bureaucrats, engage in openness, and act cautiously. They will concentrate on reform, development, and breakthroughs. Team members can have both division of labor and cooperation. They want to go to one place and work hard to form a team of cadres and workers with strong cohesiveness and centripetal force.
Focus on learning and training. Actively provide various learning opportunities for employees, and strictly implement various learning systems so that employees can improve their service to the people from time to time. Policies, understanding the spirit of the spirit, and timely implementation. The second is to organize business knowledge training and ensure quality in the form of examinations. The third is to encourage innovation. Innovation is an inexhaustible motive force for a country's prosperity. In transportation work, it needs more innovative spirit, and has developed innovative reward methods to encourage the cadres and workers to be innovative, innovative, and active in transportation management. The fourth is to go out to learn and learn from each other. Regularly organize employees to go out and watch the advanced experience of other counties, cities and districts, exchange ideas, learn from each other's strengths, and speed up the improvement.
Expand publicity. Organize special publicity activities, widely publicize the work responsibilities, order of work, and law enforcement basis of the transportation department, so that all sectors of society can understand and support my work, thus creating a good working atmosphere.
III. Problems and Suggestions The reform of the road management system is based on the principle of “county, county, county, township, village and village maintenance”, and 1 rural road management. According to the "Implementation Plan for the Reform of Rural Road Management and Maintenance System in Henan Province". The implementation of the maintenance system at the level of government at all levels, the county and township road maintenance funds are borne by the local finance. Since XX years, due to the delay in the reform of the rural road management system in our district, the district finance has not allocated the county and township road maintenance funds, and Zhengzhou Finance has stopped the allocation of county road maintenance expenses in accordance with the policy. Up to now, the county road in the district is 27.2 kilometers, and the township road is 61.7 kilometers. It is actually in a state of dying and abandoning. The road conditions are declining year by year, the road life is shortened, and the cost of reconstruction is increasing, which restricts the urban and rural social and economic development of our district.
According to the "Implementation Plan for the Reform of Rural Road Management and Maintenance System in Henan Province", according to the principle of the province, the village, the village, the township, and the county, the investment in the road construction of the two counties and townships. Since XX. The district has increased the construction of rural roads. However, while the road conditions have improved, the district and town finances have not matched the funds for rural road construction. Up to now, only a small amount of funds have been put in place in the district finance, and the town's financial owed funds have exceeded 2 million yuan, resulting in the temporary arrears of construction funds by the transportation department. The petitions have occurred from time to time, and the stability of letters and visits is grim. At the same time, it also reduced the enthusiasm of the transportation department to build rural roads and the support of the Municipal Transportation Bureau for the construction of rural roads in our district.
Due to the adjustment of administrative divisions, the year. The town is assigned to our district. The task of building and managing rural roads is getting heavier and heavier, but there is no rural road management office. The normal custody work cannot be carried out, and the funds and projects for the above are greatly restricted.
The transfer of the fuel tax reform has been completed, and the rural road traffic management brigade is unable to carry out the work. With the comprehensive advancement of fuel tax reform. According to the reform plan, the District Examiner has changed its name to the Rural Road Traffic Management Brigade. The transfer of personnel has been completed. According to the notice of the Municipal Finance Bureau and the Municipal Transportation Bureau, the annual financial budget of the district is only the staff salary and “three. The gold base is based on the salary in January. The total amount is 1.16 million yuan. There is no public expenditure, the subsidy for Tianjin is increased, and the salary for the thirteenth month is increased. The annual difference is 480,000 yuan. Currently, the collection office has stopped paying for November. The “three gold” allowance and the thirteenth monthly salary cannot be paid on time. Due to financial constraints, the rural road traffic management brigade after the transfer failed to carry out normal work. The phenomenon of infringement of rural roads and roads and road rights in our district has occurred from time to time, and road conditions are declining.
Transport administration and law enforcement are close to each other. Before the fuel tax reform, the wages of the 2 transport management stations could not be issued normally. The annual expenditure of the Transportation Management Office is 1.4 million yuan per year. The annual income source is 500,000 yuan for transportation management fees and 400,000 yuan for testing stations, totaling 900,000 yuan. The annual balance of income and expenditure is 540,000 yuan, which needs to be resolved from the penalty income. After the reform, on the one hand, the original fees of the transportation management department were cancelled, on the other hand, the inspection station was required to be separated, the income and expenditure gap was getting bigger and bigger, the wages could not be issued normally, and the employees’ thinking was extremely unstable, which led to the responsibility of the transportation management office. The work of passenger and freight market management, repair and distribution of market management, driving and management, and road source treatment can not be carried out normally.
The organization setting problem area shall establish a traffic war preparation office, according to the requirements of the Jinan Military Region National Defense Mobilization Committee. Responsible for the construction of national defense transportation infrastructure, transportation mobilization and professional assurance team. Since there is no institution, it cannot guarantee the transportation of national strategic materials and emergency materials, and it cannot guarantee the dredging of wartime roads.
At the same time as doing your job, focus on the above issues. It is recommended that the district government study and solve to promote the healthy development of the transportation industry.

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