Work Summary > Department Work Summary

Guarantee all 2019 work summary and 2019 work target plan

Review of the work in XX year In the past year, under the care of hotel leaders and the cooperation of various departments, we have strengthened the hotel's security management, improved the type system, security patrol inspection, service brand, organizational learning, etc. Certain work.
I. Further improve and improve the security system
1. Organizational implementation Since the beginning of October 10, we have established a fire prevention committee based on the needs of hotel security and fire protection. The staff has changed, the fire protection committee has been re-adjusted, the general manager is the director of the fire prevention committee, the deputy general manager is the deputy director, and the managers of various departments are members. In accordance with the principle of “who is in charge and who is responsible”, the three-level safety management target responsibility letter has been implemented.
2. System implementation In order to ensure the safety of the hotel, we set up a system of safety precautions based on the actual situation of the hotel, so that the security work of public security is truly rule-based and evidence-based. To this end, we have established fire fire disposal plans, job responsibility systems for key positions, responsibilities for squad gates, responsibilities for patrol posts, responsibilities for parking lot jobs, emergency work procedures, and key files for fire protection. At the same time, the registration system for guest data stipulated by the Public Security Bureau and the police station was implemented, so that it can be carefully registered and uploaded in time.
3. Publicity and education implementation In order to make fire protection and safety work deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and enhance employees' awareness of fire safety, we have adopted various plans to publicize, educate and train fire safety for employees. How have we trained our staff this year? 150 fire extinguishers were used, fire safety knowledge test 170 people, fire safety video information was viewed 140 times, and fire safety common sense was distributed to various departments and rental units for publicity. Let employees know the basic measures to prevent fires and the basic methods of fighting fires, and improve the vigilance against fires.
Second, implement safety inspections to ensure hotel safety.
In order to implement the fire safety work, we implement the spirit of the hotel's general manager and our department's weekly, third and fifth morning meetings to emphasize safety precautions, arrange safety precautions, and strengthen safety inspections. For the construction site of the second floor restaurant decoration, the time is long and the task is heavy. We implement key prevention and strengthen the number of patrol inspections. In the months of renovation, we sent the full-time personnel to conduct on-site monitoring, and at the same time implement the hot fire approval system. The examination and approval is not allowed to move fire, there is no operation permit, no fire is allowed, and the safety work is truly implemented.
Since taking over, more than 200 safety patrol inspections have been carried out, and safety inspections have been organized four times a month, while safety inspections have found 13 unsafe factors. In response to the problems identified, we have issued a notice of rectification and ordered them to rectify within a time limit. Except for some fire extinguishers that have not been reviewed, the rest have been rectified.
Third, tree service brand, grasp learning, management
1. Organizational learning As a hotel, grasping the quality of service, the first is to arrest people, to grasp their own construction, and to do a good job of the employees' thinking and quality. Only in this way can employees truly understand the purpose of the service. We implement 4 full security meetings per month. Make full use of the meeting to communicate with employees, dispel the positive and negative cases, and instill the purpose of our hotel to serve the guests. At the same time, the employees who are better at the meeting will be praised in a timely manner, and the employees who perform poorly will be seriously criticized. At the same time, employees should be disciplined to strengthen the discipline of the iron. In particular, the employees of our gates have a wide range of contacts. At this point, for example, on November 9 this year, our foreman Kong Weilong saw a guest stop at the gate, stopped the car at the entrance, blocked the way to the backyard, and went to talk to the driver. Don't stop here, affect other vehicles in and out. He must stop here. When he talks to him again, he not only does not listen, but swears, and hits our foreman with two punches and kicks. Our foreman has never Still hand, then pulled open. The people at the opposite side of the mobile company were also very angry. They told our supervisor why you didn’t help the staff to beat the driver. From this point of view, it is precisely because we often meet and study, emphasizing iron discipline, so that we can do this from the supervisor to the staff, can do the word.
To this end, in the overall preservation meeting, the leader of the class, Kong Weilong, was strongly praised. At the same time, the case was dissected: if the hand is back, the mood is balanced, but the loss will be even greater, which will directly affect the reputation of our gatekeepers and the people around them. It will even produce a bad view on our preservation, precisely because we have such preservation, mainly the result of the education and training of hotel leaders.
2. Humanized management Strengthening the management of employees is something that our department should do regularly. How to strengthen the management of employees is something that our department should pay more attention to. The only human management for employees is that we can make the employees better. Enthusiasm, in the future work, they can use their dedication to repay the company.
Fourth, the quality of service
1. The gate service is the forefront of our hotel's service to the guests. The quality of his service is related to the first feeling of the guests. To ensure the quality of our services, we will implement the following two aspects:
First, regular organization of employees to meet and study, to train employees to have a professionalism to the enterprise, only then the quality of service will be home.
Second. Quality of service, Damengang parking lot security service, to guide the vehicle service, guiding service when the passengers come and go. Especially in the cold, sun and rain, they always stand at the forefront of service and serve the guests.
The work of XX is going to be a new year. All the protections are closely related to the idea that “images must have new changes”, highlighting the word “change” and establishing a new image. The overall idea of ​​the year's work:
1. Sign the XX annual fire safety responsibility letter with all departments; make everyone have a burden on the shoulders of everyone to ensure the safety of the hotel.
2. Improve various rules and regulations to ensure the safety of the hotel. It is necessary to ensure the safe operation of the hotel's fire safety, ensure the safety of the hotel's fire, and be foolproof, adhere to the prevention and prevent the combination. In the work, we constantly improve and abide by various rules and regulations, use system administrators, set up safety inspection teams, conduct regular inspections of hotels and surrounding places, identify potential safety hazards, and coordinate with other departments to rectify and prevent all safety accidents.
3. Cooperate with the Human Resources Department to conduct pre-job fire safety training assessments for new employees, and they are not allowed to take up posts for unqualified assessments. And organize a full fire safety training every quarter.
4. Conduct learning activities and build a learning organization. For departmental employees, they don't pay much attention to theoretical study, develop detailed learning plans, change this habit of not learning, send more hotel materials, or write the form of learning experience, supervise and encourage the learning of department employees, especially hotel business knowledge. Learning. There are inspections in the month, season and year, and there are results and improvements. Improve the quality of departmental staff in an all-round way.
5. The post adopts a rotation system. For each position of the department, carry out two-month rounds of work, change the pattern of the past fixed positions, so that everyone is familiar with and competent in the work of each position, a multi-functional, comprehensive development.
6. Strengthen internal assessment and adopt the final elimination system. The image of the tree, the uniform uniform, the staff of the department are all dressed in work, and they are displayed in a new look. In conjunction with the assessment criteria set by the Ministry of Human Resources, each department employee will be assessed and eliminated at the end. If the assessment score is the lowest for three consecutive months, it will be laid off. The recruitment of personnel is to recruit highly qualified veterans.
7. Reorganize the dormitory. Learn from the management of the military quarters, learn the good dormitory management experience, and arrange them neatly and clearly, and drive the management of the entire dormitory to strive for a step.
8, usually pay more attention to the employees' ideas, often communicate, care, and care for employees. Individually talk to individual employees, help, find out the problems, and motivate them to have a leap in service quality in the new year.

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