Work Summary > Department Work Summary

Summary of class work in the last semester of 2019

In the twinkling of an eye, we are about to become a senior school student from the "novice" who just entered school, and we will soon meet the arrival of a new student. Looking back on the past semester, there are really many words to say, we are bitter and sweet, we have all kinds of childishness and insufficiency, but this is the footprint of growth. Since this semester, it can be said that the class as a whole is developing on the positive side. After all, the students have been together for a year, and the deep friendship established between them is the basis of class cohesion. The work of the class committee has also been carried out smoothly. Thanks to the whole class committee and all the brothers and sisters of the 074 class.

In order to achieve more achievements in the future work, to inherit the advantages, avoid mistakes, and make our contribution to the development of our school, the following summarizes the development of the work of this semester.

First, learning

My class maintains a good classroom learning atmosphere and a positive learning spirit. In the classroom, we constantly learn the cultural knowledge taught by the lecturers, and read related books in the classroom to consolidate and deepen. Although there are still some discord factors in the class, overall, everyone's learning status is better than last semester. At the end of the class, the mobilization meeting at the end of the class sent representatives to talk about the atmosphere of their bedroom. The students with good grades such as Yan Wen, Chai Qian, Huang Xinyao and the school committee told everyone about their good study. Ways to give everyone a mirror. After that, Huang Dao made a summary, let everyone put the goal in the long run and make plans for their future. After this meeting, there was a pair of one-on-one pairs in the class. Some students with good grades helped the students with weaker grades, and some students with similar grades helped each other. I believe that through our efforts, the grades in the class will improve compared with the last semester.

Second, the aspect of activities

My class will enrich the students' extracurricular cultural life as one of the themes of their work. Encourage them to participate in various cultural activities organized by the school and the department. In the first half of the semester, my classmates teamed up on behalf of the college to actively participate in the ten-player event held in the school and achieved the second place. In the market marketing competitions held in the courtyard, my class members Zhang Jianchuan, Zeng Jun, Yan Wen and other students participated enthusiastically and actively, and Zhang Jianchuan and their team members won the prize in their own efforts. During the Mid-Autumn Festival and other festivals on Valentine's Day, in response to the common demands of the majority of students, we held several events, which promoted the festive atmosphere and promoted the emotional connection of the students. On Valentine's Day, the English section represented by Yan Wen, the English-sponsored englishcorner, first organized everyone to learn to sing the English song "heyjude"; then let everyone know some Valentine's Day celebrations around the world; The prepared paragraph of "Pride and Prejudice" is given to the classmates. After explaining the new words, the boys and girls will perform on stage with their own performances. Finally, the words about valentine'sday and the two units of the English class will be used. In English, the students fill in the words according to the English explanation, select the champion and runner-up, and issue the Alpine sugar as a prize. The whole event was very successful and the atmosphere was very active. Every student got the opportunity to speak English. Through this English Corner event, the students' enthusiasm for learning English was raised again, and the students were more brave in showing themselves and expressing themselves. Later, we organized a trip to the coastal road, so that everyone can appreciate the Dalian scenery in the early spring. In addition, we also contacted the 3rd class of the Industrial Management Department to organize the seaside barbecue activities of the Reef Bay, further achieving the purpose of entertainment life, enjoy life, and exercise from entertainment.

Third, social practice

“Practicing true knowledge”, for college students in the new era, participating in social practice is an important way to gain knowledge and improve their abilities. In view of the importance of practical activities, more than a dozen students in my class participated in social practice activities during the winter vacation. Students in the disaster-affected areas of the snow disaster participated in the obligation to sweep the snow. Some students worked hard to train themselves. Some students participated in the basketball competition organized by the county. Also won the prize and so on. In the upcoming summer vacation, many students in my class also actively enrolled in the college's social practice survey activities in order to better adapt to the social development and comprehensive ability to exercise their own work.

In summary, in the past six months, my class has both gratifying achievements and obvious shortcomings. But no matter whether the results or the shortcomings have become a thing of the past, we can't be immersed in yesterday's achievements and be self-satisfied, not enterprising, and we can't just regret and regret the mistakes of yesterday. We will get the momentum from the achievements and learn from the failures. I believe that my class will have a lot of progress compared to the last semester, just like our class singing, running!

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