Summary of Work > Summary of Party Committee Party Work

Summary of Party Building Work in 2019

In the past year, under the correct leadership of the Party Committee, the Party Committee of the Finance and Trade System, and the Party Group of the Municipal Taxation Bureau, the Party Branch of the Bureau insisted on the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of “xxxx” and unified the local taxation with the scientific development concept. Work, earnestly implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Party's xx session, and focus on the "four-four-four-four-concentration" strategy and the "open, breakthrough, speed-up, and leap-forward" guiding ideology proposed by the district's "xxx" plan, district committee, and district government. We will continue to strengthen the party's ability to govern and build its advanced nature, earnestly implement the party's line, principles, and policies. According to the arrangements of the party organizations at the higher levels, in accordance with the requirements of the responsibility, the party general branch and the branches will lead the majority of party members and actively carry out the party. Organize the construction, actively carry out the activities of striving for the "five good party branch" and "excellent party members", and incorporate the party building work into the primary task of the party group to grasp the party building, break down the implementation of the responsibility objectives, strengthen supervision and inspection, and complete The various tasks assigned by the superiors have made positive contributions to the economic construction of the whole region and the construction of a harmonious socialist society. Below, I will summarize the report on the party building from the eight aspects.

First, adhere to the goal management, the team attaches importance to the formation of party groups to grasp the strength of party building

We insist on the management of party building goals, not only the party building work as an important part of the "Responsibility Book of the Year's Work Objectives", but also the Party Branch General Branch and the four branches must sign the "Party Construction Task Responsibility Letter" for individual assessment and acceptance. To ensure that the party group grasps the implementation of the tasks of party building. In recent years, the bureau has closely combined with the actual work of taxation. The heads of the party group have the overall responsibility. The party members and deputy directors have specifically grasped the responsibility of the party branch and the branch to further refine the responsibility of the party building work, and decompose them into party groups and each layer. Party members, level implementation, quarterly assessment, year-end total acceptance, formed the party group secretary, the director responsible for the overall responsibility, in charge of the leadership specific arrest, the team members jointly grasp, the branch secretary each one, level one level, level one level, The first-level responsibility mechanism for party building is responsible for the formation of the party building.

Second, act on the basis of behavior, and grasp the ideological and political construction of the team

The members of the leadership team are consistent in their words and deeds, taking the lead and taking the lead, and conscientiously practicing the moral standards and values ​​advocated by them are the key to doing a good job, and also the source of strength to mobilize the enthusiasm of the majority of party members and cadres. We have conscientiously implemented the learning system of the leading group center group, the reporting system for major issues, the regular assessment system, and the system of warnings, and incorporated the leadership team into the track of institutionalization and standardization. We insist on political learning every Friday, organize and study relevant political theories, profoundly study and understand the "xxxx" socialist concept of honor and disgrace, adhere to the principle of democratic centralism, strictly enforce the leadership package system on the task of work, and often go deep into the frontline investigation to understand the tax source. The situation helps the grassroots to solve problems in the collection management. In the target assessment, the team members and other comrades have the same indicators, the same assessment, the same rewards and punishments, established a prestige in all taxation, and won the support of cadres and workers.

In order to help cadres and workers correctly understand and deal with various problems encountered in real life, the district bureau stipulates that the branch secretary and the tax director should become the backbone of the taxation business, and must become the expert in carrying out ideological and political work on a regular basis. It is required to conduct regular talks on a regular basis every quarter, and the branch secretary should be in charge of the deputy director in charge, and the deputy director in charge should report the thought state and talks of the taxation to the party secretary and the director. In daily work, we should conduct conversations and home visits at any time as needed, so that we can achieve "ten must and ten must talk." That is: when the tax is awarded for merit, when it is commended by the superior; when the tax post changes, when the work is transferred; when the tax encounters setbacks, and the work is mistakenly punished; when the tax is executed, it encounters difficulties and is insulted; When there is a contradiction between the tax and the tax, there is a gap; when the hospital is sick or the family suffers from accidental misfortune; when the tax-married marriage has a setback such as disappointment, rupture or divorce; when the tax is badly corroded and swayed; When marriage, birth, or family have major events such as weddings, funerals, and marriages; when the graduates of colleges and technical secondary schools and military-transfer cadres are newly assigned to their own units, the leading members must lead the relevant stocks and staff to come to the door to timely visit or help solve the tax. The ideological problems and practical difficulties, the close relationship between leaders and taxation, have greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of tax work.

Third, establish a long-term mechanism for advanced sex education, consolidate and expand the achievements of advanced education

In the year of the Communist Party of China, the Party Branch of the Bureau continued to revise and improve the relevant system. It has revised the party member's ideological reporting system, the party's internal information reporting system, the development of the party members' publicity system, and the talks system. The focus is on establishing a mechanism for party members to improve the mechanism and strive for excellence. We will supervise the evaluation mechanism and further maintain the good mental state that the majority of party members have spurred in the advanced nature education activities, and consolidate and expand the achievements of advanced nature education activities.

Focus on the basis of the advanced nature of party members and establish a mechanism for improving the quality of the party. Focusing on mobilizing the enthusiasm and initiative of party members to learn, we must lay a solid foundation for maintaining the advanced nature and focus on the establishment and improvement of four systems. The first is to adhere to the regular political learning management system. The Party Branch determines the key content of political learning every quarter, and distributes it to the grassroots branch in the form of archives or memo. It requires each party member to self-learn for at least 20 hours a month, and the annual study notes are not less than XX0 words. At the time of the quarterly assessment of the target responsibility system for each unit, the party members’ reading notes are examined. A political examination is conducted every quarter. Party members in the first half of the year conduct a political theory discussion and reading notes to test the political learning and effects of party members. The second is the exchange rotation training system. In conjunction with the reform of the personnel system, the district bureau plans to select a certain number of comrades from the district bureaus and tax bureaus close to the urban areas to exchange rotations at the grassroots or remote township tax bureaus. The conditions are relatively difficult. The grassroots units with relatively high work difficulty receive the form of exercise, so that the cadres can experience the wind and rain and develop their talents in practice, accumulate practical experience and enhance their practical ability. The third is the system of the party building work secretary. Set up a full-time secretary at the grassroots branch to focus on party building. In order to strengthen the organization and leadership of the education of advanced nature, the General Party Branch of the Bureau of the Party Branch has been appointed by the Director of the Grassroots Inspection Bureau and the branch offices of the two branches directly under the branch, and has specially selected two years of grassroots work experience and many years of experience. Party members and cadres of the branch committees served as full-time branch secretaries to these two branches, further clarifying their responsibilities and rational division of labor, which not only enriched and strengthened the organizational leadership of grassroots party building work, but also ensured the sustained and effective development of educational activities to maintain the advanced nature of party members. The fourth is the lecture exchange system. The District Bureau regularly organizes all party members to watch special lectures on advanced nature education, participate in listening to the outstanding communist party deeds report meeting of the city and district organizations, and invite experts and scholars from the municipal and district party schools to make special counseling reports. The district bureau and all grassroots units have established learning areas, focusing on the key learning content of a period, the ideological work of party members, organizing party members and cadres to write a learning experience, and publishing exchanges in the special issue of the section and district bureau's "newsletter".

Focus on the implementation of advanced standards and establish a mechanism for excellence. Focusing on stimulating the work enthusiasm of party members, we fully mobilized the intrinsic motivation of party members to faithfully practice the important thinking of "xxxx", promote party members' entrepreneurship, and strive to be the first to focus on the establishment and improvement of four systems. The first is the target management system. The Party Branch of the District Bureau and the branches, branches, and party members shall sign the "Party Responsibility Letter for Party Building Work" and the "Annual Responsibility Document for Party Members" at each level. Every quarter, the implementation of the implementation of the inspection, including the party members' work performance, job completion, major achievements, participation in social contribution activities, etc., accept the party organization, the public and the community's review and supervision. The results of the inspection are combined with the evaluation of the party members at the end of the year, and they also serve as an important basis for selecting and appointing cadres. The second is the post competition system. The Office of Taxation Services carried out the "Party Demonstration Post" and "Position-to-Contribution" activities, placing party members under the broad supervision of the people and society, and urging party members to constantly regulate their words and deeds, improve service attitudes, improve service quality, and optimize taxation. service. The third is the social dedication system. Party members and the poverty-stricken families in the poverty-stricken villages formed a long-term relationship, trying to help them out of poverty. At the same time, according to the industry characteristics of the taxation department, the party branches actively carried out the tax payment law for the public, launched the policy for the newly opened taxpayers, carried out service-oriented activities for disabled taxpayers, and organized party members to participate in voluntary labor. Voluntary blood donation and other voluntary activities. The fourth is to evaluate the system of first tree. On the eve of the "July 1" every year, the selection and commendation of 1-2 advanced party branches, 4-6 outstanding Communist Party members, and 1-2 outstanding party workers. At the same time, we will earnestly explore and vigorously publicize the advanced deeds of outstanding party members and cadres, establish advanced models with persuasive and touching deeds, and use the things around us to educate the people around them, so that party members can learn from their goals, catch up with goals, and inspire the majority of party members. Enthusiasm for work, forming a work style of striving for excellence, and playing a good role in typical model education.

Focus on the requirements of advanced nature and establish a monitoring and evaluation mechanism. Focusing on the establishment of organizational supervision and public supervision system, and enhancing the pertinence and effectiveness of supervision, the five systems have been established and improved. The first is the system of collecting opinions. The Party Branch of the District Bureau established a special leading group for advanced education activities, which is responsible for collecting opinions. The branches are coordinated and often organize special personnel to collect opinions and suggestions. Suggestions and suggestions for the collection, timely review and feedback. The district bureau also requires party members and cadres to go to the grassroots for annual research for no less than 100 days. Seriously organize democratic life meetings and organize life meetings, through criticism and self-criticism, find out their own problems, deeply analyze the roots of ideas, and clarify the direction of efforts. The second is the system of talks. Before and after the anniversary of the joining of the party members, when the party members change their positions or are dealt with by the organization, the branch secretary of the branch will talk with the party members. The third is to establish a follow-up management system for party members. The party general branch will establish a special file for each party member, and register the party members to participate in study and training, go out to study, donate and receive commendation, promotion and re-use, disciplinary action, and stage work results at all levels, as the members of the party. Important reference. The fourth is to improve the system. In combination with the political and wind evaluation activities, the problems and deficiencies of the team members and party members who find and solicit themselves are promptly rectified and improved. The fifth is to evaluate the assessment system. With the party branch as the unit, organize two democratic party members' activities in June and December each year. We will conduct democratic appraisal of each party member's performance of duties and functions by taking the evaluation of higher-level organs, mutual evaluation by party members, and evaluation by the general public. After the democratic appraisal, the party branch separately submitted comments and comments to each party member, and truthfully gave feedback to the party members themselves. Those who are assessed as unqualified party members shall be disposed of in accordance with relevant regulations. In the case of people reporting or organizing inspections, they found that individual party members’ problems and tendencies in their thoughts and work were notified to party members in the form of talk pardons and rectification within a time limit.

Fourth, focus on the discipline of work style, and vigorously promote the building of party style and clean government

In order to conscientiously grasp the construction of the organization's work style, and effectively consolidate the achievements of advanced nature education activities. In May of the same year, we launched a one-month discipline and rectification campaign. The focus is on studying the "Party Constitution", "xxxx" socialist concept of honor and disgrace, and the taxation cadres' clean and honest administration regulations, and organizing the overall cadres and workers to carry out systematic study. Individuals write ideological style work discipline analysis materials, each branch, all units hold democratic life will face-to-face evaluation, hold different levels of symposium, find problems and deficiencies of individuals and units, strictly formulate rectification measures within a time limit, and do the learning, Discuss, check, and change. Combining the discipline of work style and the evaluation of internal evaluation and evaluation, we further improve and improve the internal work evaluation system, take the evaluation of the bureau and the chief of the company, and score the points for the grassroots and grassroots organizations to evaluate the mutual evaluation of the internal and external points. To evaluate and evaluate the comprehensive performance and performance of each cadre and staff in terms of morality, ability, diligence, performance and integrity. Adhere to the results of internal evaluation and evaluation as an important basis for the annual assessment of the national civil servant, the final elimination system of the chief executive, the cadre waiting for the post system and the management of the tax personnel's level, and strictly carry out the reward and punishment assessment. Through the development of disciplinary style and internal evaluation and evaluation activities, the overall mental outlook of the cadre team has undergone new changes, and the dress is neatly arranged, listed services, and disciplined; the work style has been significantly improved, from leading cadres and agency staff to the grassroots level. Tax administrators, the awareness of in-depth initiative to serve taxpayers has been significantly enhanced, and work efficiency has been improved. The overall situation has presented a good atmosphere of intense work, vigorous and vigorous service, enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

V. Strengthening the basic work of party building with the establishment of the "Five Good Party Branch" as a carrier

First of all, each branch earnestly adheres to the party's organizational life system and establishes the "Five Good Party Branch" with the main content of "political good quality, good work performance, good tax service, good law enforcement, and good thinking style". Opportunities, vigorously strengthen the construction of branches, establish and improve the system of party members' study, education, management, supervision, etc., and the role of the party organization's fighting bastion has been further exerted. First, we have adhered to the ideals and beliefs and the party's basic theory, basic line, basic program, and basic experience education. In-depth development of "a branch of a fortress, a group of positions, a party member and a banner" educational activities. Second, we continued to carry out in-depth service activities for the listing of Communist Party members. All Communist Party members are required to wear the unified "Party of the Communist Party" badge while they are working in accordance with the uniform dressing and listing services, and clearly show the identity of the "Communist Party Member". And the "Communist Party Post" signboard was produced and placed on the desk of each Communist Party member or in the obvious position of the service window, indicating the identity of the party members and accepting the supervision of the society and the people. The third is to carry out organizational development, strictly control the entrance when developing party members, and ensure the quality of party members. We always adhere to the principle of high standards and strict control, adhere to the principle of maturity and development, and adhere to the principle of “adhering to standards, ensuring quality, improving structure, and developing with care” to ensure the quality of party members from the source. The Party’s general branch of the Bureau continued to increase the training and training of the party’s activists, focusing on solving the ideological problem of joining the party on the ideological side, focusing on cultivating the development of four new party members, and four probationary members who turned positive and supplemented with fresh blood. The party members have been continuously strengthened. The fourth is to carry out democratic evaluation of party members' activities. Each branch has organized a democratic life meeting to organize and study the general rules of the party constitution. The party members self-analyzed to find out the shortcomings. The majority of party members have criticized and self-criticized each other, and finally passed the democratic evaluation, the overall working party members. Eight of them were rated as outstanding party members, 34 were rated as qualified party members, and democratic appraisals strengthened the democratic atmosphere within the party, enhanced unity and stimulated work enthusiasm.

Sixth, play the role of group organization, the party organization's cohesiveness has been strengthened

During the 7th Party Congress in the suburb of Yangquan City from June 26th to 29th, the SIPO was used as a sub-meeting place. 383 party representatives from all over the region took a look at the “xxx plan” and economic and social development of the whole district. After a lively discussion, the reception work of the bureau was well received by the district committee and party representatives. The Party Branch carried out a large-scale series of commemorative activities to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army. In the city's local tax system "commemorating the 85th anniversary of the founding of the party, the 70th anniversary of the Red Army's long march victory" song concert, "Welcome National Day, celebrate the party, remember the Long March" in the new suburbs large square singing competition, won the second prize twice, showing the new era The style of local tax cadres.

While paying close attention to the building of party organizations, we have played a group role, giving full play to the advantages of workers, youth and women's organizations, fully mobilizing their work initiative and enthusiasm, and supporting them to actively participate in various social welfare, donation, donation and charity activities. It has further enhanced the appeal and cohesiveness of the party organization. On March 6th, the on-site donation ceremony of the Hope Project jointly organized by the Bureau and the Youth League Committee attracted more than 600 people from leading cadres and people from all walks of life to participate in the donation of more than 20,000 yuan and 200 books. . On the eve of "Children's Day", we donated more than 1,400 yuan of learning habits to 56 children and national students in Nangou Village, Laojie Township, and received good social effects. At the same time, the "Youth Civilization" units in the overall situation have carried out a wide-ranging propaganda campaign of "Youth Civilization and the motherland to forge ahead". The youth youth members carried out the charity relief activities; the women workers carried out competitions such as vying for the sages. Through a series of activities, the people's hearts have been further condensed, and the good deeds of cadres and workers serving the society and contributing to the society have been cultivated. At the same time, the spirit of cadres and workers demanding progress and enthusiasm has been stimulated.

Seventh, play the role of battle fortress and vanguard model to ensure the completion of various income tasks

At present, the number of party members in the overall situation accounts for 60% of the total number of cadres and workers in the overall situation. The party members play an important role in all units and are the backbone of the district bureau. The Party’s general branch pays attention to giving full play to the role of the party’s fighting bastion and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, so that party members and cadres have achieved good party spirit and created a tax environment and atmosphere of honesty, harmony and pleasure. In the tax collection work, party members Cadres overcome various difficulties, work hard, do their duty, pay close attention to tax source management, strengthen tax collection and management, ensure that taxation tasks are overfulfilled in successive years, and achieve high growth. In the year of the year, the bureau organized a total income of 89.97 million yuan, an increase of 16.81 million yuan over the previous year, an increase of 22.98%. In the year of the year, the income of the bureau broke through the 100 million yuan mark historically, and the total income was 106.62 million yuan, an increase of 16.23 million yuan over the previous year, an increase of 18.04%, in order to protect the district's fiscal revenue and various undertakings. The development has made its due contribution.

Eight, overall planning and coordinated development, land and tax work to bear fruit

We have integrated taxation business construction, party building work, party style and clean government construction, spiritual civilization establishment, and political and wind evaluation activities, and arranged and deployed together, supervised and implemented together, and unified as an effective carrier to build a harmonious land tax. They have promoted each other and achieved good results. In recent years, the party general branch of the bureau has been rated as an advanced grassroots party organization by the district committee for several consecutive years; ~-~ years, ranked among the best in the political and evaluation activities of the district for three consecutive years, and was rated as an excellent unit; In the past two years, the bureau has been named as “provincial civilized unit” for two consecutive years. In August of this year, it was named as the only civilized industry in Yangquan by the municipal party committee and the municipal government; four units at the grassroots level have become the province’s local tax system. Civilized units, 7 units became the civilized unit of the city's local tax system, 2 units were named as provincial youth civilized units, 6 units were named as municipal youth civilized units or demonstration collectives, and 9 basic units were named. As a “district-level civilized unit”, it has established a good image of the suburban tax bureau in the society.

Looking back on the work in the past year, I have achieved certain results. However, while we are seeing the results, we should also clearly see that there are still many problems and deficiencies. The first is to grasp the strength of the party's basic work, and it is always loose when it exists; the second is that there is a lack of concentrated study in the party class education, more TV film education, less topical counseling; the third is to innovate in the party's working methods and content. many. In this regard, we must attach great importance to it, seriously overcome and improve it in our future work, and strive to raise the work of the Party branch of our bureau to a new level.

In the year of the year, we must continue to adhere to the goal of strengthening the party’s ability to govern and advance its advanced nature, continue to consolidate and expand the achievements of the educational activities of maintaining the advanced nature of party members, vigorously promote the concept of socialist concept of honor and disgrace, and continue to carry out the activities of establishing the "Five Good Party Branch". We will seriously explore new practices in the management of party building work objectives, combine innovation with the central work, and combine information construction to gradually improve the network station for party building work. Take effective measures to improve the pertinence and timeliness of party building work, strengthen supervision and inspection of various tasks, further consolidate the foundation of party building, ensure the completion of various tasks, and make additional contributions to the party's 86th anniversary with practical actions. .


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