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Summary of the efficiency monitoring work of the County Planning Bureau in 2019

In accordance with the spirit of the Notice of the Provincial Construction Department and the Provincial Supervision Department on the Monitoring of the Efficiency of Urban and Rural Planning, in accordance with the notification requirements of the Planning and Efficiency Building Leading Group of Xiaogan City Planning Bureau and Xiaogan Supervision Bureau, the Office adopted a sound system, strengthened functions, and standardized procedures. The efficiency of planning and management has been gradually improved, and the efficiency of urban and rural planning has achieved remarkable results. The summary is summarized as follows:

I. Strengthening organizational leadership and in-depth publicity of urban and rural planning efficiency monitoring work. The establishment of the Yunmeng County Urban and Rural Planning Efficiency Monitoring Leading Group, led by Comrade Ding Xiaoyan, the head of the Supervision Bureau, formulated the implementation plan for urban and rural planning efficiency monitoring. Since then, we have carried out targeted research on laws, regulations, technical specifications and other related knowledge, and have effectively ensured the in-depth development of urban and rural planning efficiency monitoring.

II. Establishing a sound system and solidly promoting the planning efficiency supervision According to the implementation plan of the county's urban and rural planning efficiency monitoring, in the implementation stage, we focused on the establishment of eight systems: “urban and rural planning hearing system” and “urban and rural planning government affairs disclosure system” , "City Planning Administrative Fault Responsibility Investigation System", "Yunmeng County Urban and Rural Planning and Construction Project Publicity System", "Urban and Rural Planning Information Consultation and Enquiry System", "Yunmen County Urban Planning Committee Work System", "Yunmen County Planning" "Reporting and Investigation System for Violation of Laws and Disciplinary Cases" and "Approval System for Construction Projects of Yunmeng County". Through the joint supervision with the supervision department, the organic combination of grasping the system construction and grasping the efficiency supervision work has been formed, which has made the implementation of various systems very satisfactory, and the effectiveness monitoring work has achieved substantial results.

Third, earnestly perform functions, and gradually prepare the urban and rural planning work plan is the basis of planning work, but also the basic requirements for carrying out planning efficiency monitoring work. In addition to completing the overall planning revision, zoning planning, and control detailed planning, this year, the bureau completed the planning of 19 demonstration villages. Chengguan Xiaoli, Jianxin, Huanghu, Xinli, Qunli and other urban villages, as an important part of the urban area, are preparing detailed plans. At the same time, our county will re-map the current situation of 60 square kilometers of terrain, except for the urban area, covering the "one main two wings" industrial corridor and several towns connected. The surveying and mapping work has been entrusted to the provincial surveying and mapping institute for aerial survey, and the results will be produced by the end of the year. Fourth, strengthen the administration according to law, establish diligent and honest government awareness to carry out urban and rural planning efficiency supervision, and implement the "City Planning Administrative Fault Responsibility Investigation System", the sense of responsibility of the cadres and workers of the bureau has been significantly enhanced, and the individual's subjective initiative and work enthusiasm have been fully exerted. In the past, it was the leader of the management. Now it is the system administrator and management. It has truly established an effective internal supervision mechanism, which is strictly in accordance with the procedures of the work, interlocking and layer-by-layer, avoiding management and law enforcement. The existence of "eat, take, card, want" and other phenomena have achieved good social repercussions.

V. Transfer of the source of this article: change the concept of ideas, enhance the management-as-a-service awareness, improve the work style through the development of urban and rural efficiency, simplify the approval process, and improve the efficiency of work. The staff is managed by the service. In the process of construction project construction, site selection, line release and certification, the company has optimized the service by adopting the time limit of commitment, advance intervention, full service, emergency, special affairs and other special procedures. Quality has effectively promoted the establishment of civilized institutions and enhanced social credibility.

6. Standardize the examination and approval procedures to improve the efficiency of planning and management. In this year, our county strictly implemented the relevant systems in the examination and approval of planning projects, and resolutely implemented the “one book and two certificates” and “four lines” planning control of the construction projects. For the major urban planning and construction, implement the working system of the planning committee, implement the pre-approval and post-approval publicity system on the approval of other planning projects, and adopt public transportation, news media, and cloud dream planning websites to publicize the methods for the general public. Have the right to participate and know the right to plan for approval, making the planning approval more open, transparent and legitimate.

Seventh, perfecting the reporting system, and seriously investigating and dealing with violations of disciplines and disciplines has always been a hot issue reflected by the general public. For this reason, the bureau has started to carefully grasp the reception of letters and visits and report cases, and has not let go of the slightest information. Resolutely handle and contain the problems of inaction and chaos in the cadres and workers of the organs; resolutely crack down on illegal and illegal construction, the fines will be fined in place, not to be dismissed, but not to be fined.

Through a series of measures, the disciplinary violations and illegal cases in our county's planning have shown a significant downward trend. The work of monitoring the efficiency of urban and rural planning has been carried out for more than a year. Although the bureau has achieved phased results, there is still a certain gap from the requirements of superior leaders. In the future work, we will further establish a scientific development concept, establish and improve a management mechanism that is compatible with urban and rural development requirements, and promote comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable economic and social development.

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