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2014 English teacher personal work summary

English teacher personal work summary

In this semester, I teach English teaching in seven or seven classes. Near the end of the year, I successfully completed the work of this semester. Reviewing the work of this semester made me feel busy and full, and my teaching thoughts and teaching level have been greatly improved. However, there are also deficiencies, which are summarized as follows: 1. Ideological and political aspects

In the teaching work of this semester, I have been engaged in English teaching from beginning to end with a serious and rigorous work attitude, diligence and perseverance. I actively echoed the various calls of the school, actively participated in political studies, and conscientiously grasped the content of learning, taking the professional ethics of teachers as the yardstick and strictly demanding myself. Thought is positive and requires progress. In teaching, we can be a teacher, care for students, help students to learn and be passionate about English learning, and teach them in a healthy and civilized image. Second, the quality of business

I continue to study new teaching concepts, explore new teaching methods, and constantly apply my own learning to classroom teaching, and have achieved good teaching results. I have been teaching English design courses in cities and schools many times. A consistent praise. I actively participate in business learning organized by the school and various English trainings organized in the city, earnestly study, understand their spiritual essence, and learn advanced teaching concepts and teaching methods. I also actively research textbooks and teaching methods with other English teachers in our school. At the same time, I can express my opinions without any reservations in the places where they are puzzled in teaching, so as to jointly improve their business level. Third, education and teaching work

I study hard, diligently research, focus on exploring new teaching methods in practice, study English classroom teaching, deeply understand the concept of new curriculum reform, focus on stimulating and cultivating students' interest in learning English, self-made teaching aids, and develop English specialties. Activities, etc., enable students to learn and use language in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, establish self-confidence in learning English, pay attention to the use of formative evaluation in English teaching, and be able to sum up experience in time and improve their own research level. Because the classroom teaching is solid and effective, a unique teaching style has been formed. When carrying out teaching and research activities, I actively took out classes without any reservations. Thanks to my unremitting efforts and the support and help of the school leaders. This semester, my students have achieved good grades in English.

In the future work, I will study harder, improve my own quality, strictly demand myself, improve myself, and meet the challenges of the future with a hundredfold confidence and effort.

English teacher personal work summary

Since I joined the work, I first strictly required myself to be a teacher of the teacher’s "learning as a teacher and being a teacher". To be a qualified people teacher, to study and understand the spirit of the 16th Party Congress and "three Representing "important thinking, advancing with the times, dedicating to work, being a teacher, loving students, respecting students, and striving for every student to enjoy high quality and effective education, can have different levels of development, based on the above understanding I don't dare to be sloppy at work, prepare every lesson, and take every class. Appropriate every assignment, pay attention to each student, and strive to be a respected and trusted teacher. In terms of subject teaching, I always tell myself to be a research-oriented teacher. As a young teacher who has just joined the work, there is a passion and a firm belief in the profession, but what is lacking is the valuable teaching of the old teacher. Experience, so I have to learn from them voluntarily about the teaching methods, teaching skills and classroom control skills. Under the leadership and guidance of the team leader, Mr. Wang, I actively participated in the weekly teaching and research activities of the group, and learned the new curriculum concept with the teachers to explore teaching methods. This year, we have launched a blue-blue project. These new apprentices must study with humility and conscientiously complete this teaching activity. The growth and maturity of young teachers depends on their own hard work in teaching and exploration. In the face of large class teaching, I constantly think, explore, practice: how to mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of students, eliminate the phenomenon of classroom dead angle; how to both high and excellent quality and overall quality. For this reason, I am also trying to actively create a flexible and diverse game design for teaching materials in each class, so that students can gain knowledge while actively participating in the class; after class, I carefully write the evaluation to the child and take the initiative to talk with the child. We communicate with parents and continue to encourage underachievers to help them solve their learning difficulties and make progress.

I know that my current teaching level is far from the standard of an excellent English teacher, but I believe that by learning, operating, rethinking, summarizing, and then learning and operating, so do not stop, do not give up learning, in In the near future, I will certainly make progress and teach a group of outstanding primary school students to realize the immortal value of a small English teacher.

English teacher personal work summary

During the internship, I was the class teacher in the eighth grade and the acting class teacher in the third grade of the seventh grade. These are two lovely groups, and in my opinion they are already an inseparable part of my work and life. Although I have only been a class teacher for only half a year, I have developed a deep friendship with my classmates. As a class teacher, I fully respect the personality of the students, love every child, respect each child, accept every child, and believe that every child is the pillar of the future, so that there is no class.

The class meeting I successfully led the eighth grade class. I held the theme class of "Love Yushu, Love Without Borders", and also led the three classes of seven years to carry out the "Grateful" theme activities, let the students know that they must learn to "grateful." I led three classes on the back wall, made paper-cut decals together, and hand-written my words on them on some patterns. Our joint participation is our cohesiveness!

In the management of class management class, I strive to achieve ten points. This is what I learned at the university: First, the combination of unblocking and blocking, and the integration into the tower; Second, the combination of internal and external, steady progress; The combination of grasping and releasing, complementing each other; Fourth, combining the combination of Yang and Yang, and promoting the whole; Fifth, teaching by words and deeds, and being a teacher; sixth, teaching and learning, teaching and educating people; Seventh, combining physical and mental development, comprehensive development; , science loves; ninth, combination of sorrow and habit, internalization and sublimation; tenth, the combination of home and school, the formation of synergy

1. Establish a common goal of struggle. The first goal I made with my classmates in Bayi was to take the first grade in the monthly exam. With our joint efforts, the first goal has been achieved, which has enhanced my prestige, enabled students to see collective strength, enhance student confidence, and improve the collective cohesion of the class.

2. Develop effective class cadres. As the head of the internship class, I discussed with the class cadres how to manage classes, handle class affairs, and carry out daily work. Create a good interpersonal atmosphere.

3. Establish a class schedule that everyone follows. Our class passed the class convention, let the students write suggestions to the class cadres, and then lead the class cadres to work together to develop our own class rules. At the same time, set up a suggestion box to listen to students' opinions in a timely manner.

4. Work hard on student learning. All aspects of work are carried out with a focus on learning, and I value their training habits. Carry out the training and supervision of the four stages of “pre-study, lecture, review, homework”.

5. Carry out health reforms and strengthen the health management of the class. In terms of health, I have made a lot of reforms, changing from the original value system of each group to the current weekly value system. And the corresponding reward and punishment measures were formulated. Due to the effective work of health, our Bayi class received a red flag in the school.

6. Pay attention to the transformation work of the undergraduates. Because the backward students often affect the entire class. I never say that children are stupid, insist on being concerned about life, and strictly demanding students in thinking, especially the problems of backward students, try to "digest" in this class, and give them every flash to be sure. After my efforts, Li Wentong, who is more interested in playing with love, is the squad leader. Zhao Guoli, who lost his father two months ago, is more optimistic than before. He also worked hard to learn the small experience and experience of the class teacher's work. Small note: I use the method of small note to communicate with students. The note can be a euphemistic criticism of the student, a kind reminder; it can also be a sincere encouragement and praise for the student to correct the mistake. If I am big inside When I am angry, I will use the method of small notes: "Please come to my office for a trip, I have something to look for." A short note avoids the uncle's reprimand, giving students a chance to reflect, and Most students have regretted when they talked to me! 2. "Smuggling": People have a desire to be respected by others in their hearts. As a class teacher to effectively educate the naughty students, they must respect them and let them They dispel the rebellious psychology. In this respect, I have adopted a whispering method. They always like to do some "small actions", obviously they are trying to attract the attention of others or vent their spleen. I noticed that they were not good in public, so they just walked over to them and touched them, or said a few whispers in their ears, they would nod their heads and tried to correct them, despite the habit of love. They will also commit crimes. But they really work, because they know that the teacher is caring about themselves and respecting themselves, so that the performance converges. 3. "Heart box": I ask the students who love the craft to make the heart box. Open twice a week, so that I can keep abreast of the students' situation and exchange emotions. The content can be whispered, suggestions, and teachers.

Self-behavior and quality improvement

1. Establish a good teacher image and personality charm. Teachers should use their personality charm to influence students. I pay great attention to my words and deeds and strive to be their role models. The classroom is calm and full of passion; life is well-dressed and civilized; I am never late, absent from class; teach students to be patient; I participate actively in the collective activities of students.

2. Continuously improve your work. I insisted on writing a good work log, actively studying books and magazines related to the class teacher, and insisted on writing a monthly summary of the class teacher's work, constantly guiding and improving my work.

3. The class teacher and the English teacher must have perseverance in their work. Don't grab a period of time and relax for a while. I insist on day and night, don't relax any time, don't relax any details. 4. Use my behavior to infect my students. Confucius said: "The body is right, it is not allowed to do it, and its body is not correct, although it does not work." Therefore, I ask the students to do it myself. Over time, it also infected my students.

Lack of work and future direction

1. The regular management of the class is not perfect enough. A few students have insufficient initiative in thinking about learning, and good living and learning habits are still not formed.

2. There are not enough contacts and communication with parents. It should be reflected and communicated to parents in a timely manner to help my work go smoothly and effectively. 3. In the future, I will work harder to achieve our goals. At the same time, we must actively study relevant materials and exchange learning with experienced class teachers.

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