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Technical management work summary

In 2019, the economic form of the enterprise followed the changes in the social environment, and it was ups and downs in this seemingly tangible and invisible huge market. The fate of any individual is affected by the surrounding environment, and the enterprise is the same.

We are all trying to find a more convenient, smoother and more comfortable way to achieve the ideal realm of life. For example, we all want to take the road with the shortest line between the two points. I don’t know, we Each individual and every company in the society will have different outlooks on life and world view because of their different karma. This has caused a small environment in our big industry and the common industry. The various circles of the environment, people, like many small planets running, turn into these large and small circles. Because of the law of gravitation, people or teams constantly produce various dependencies or exclusions of writing force and reaction. Therefore, this makes it difficult for each of us to do everything, and it is difficult to take the path of “the shortest line”.

The more complicated the simple problem is, the more it will cause a lot of detours and troubles. Finally, it will entangle its limited energy into some artificial set-ups, and finally its own mind will be exhausted. The more people who simplify complex problems, the more they can work hard towards a specific goal, so that the seemingly simple eyes will be more accessible to their ideal life or realm, not only will they get the so-called success. Let your mind be clear and quiet, no matter what environment you are in, the ultimate happiness of man is the process of enjoying life with a peaceful and beautiful heart. If you can't even do this, then it is useless to say that you are all right.瞎 tossing in general. Life needs everyone to experience and taste. The sweetness, the bitterness, the cold and the warmth are all in the air.

Second, personal debriefing

At the beginning of 2019, it was my first job turn in 20 years. I took the position of a technical manager from a purely technical staff. In the 18th year of my work, there was an idea in my own heart, and I wanted to break through my former past. Because I have realized that my thoughts are gradually maturing, during the nearly 20 years of growth, I have reserved my conscious work ability, good psychological endurance, excellent communication and coordination skills, and comprehensive and comprehensive professional knowledge. These are the best gifts that the years have given me. I want to turn this accumulation into concrete things in a way to realize the feedback to the enterprise or to a big resource that is said to be a society. In the end, I will use the heavy gift that I have given me over the years to shape the best that I can do. (Li Kaifu, a scholar who founded Microsoft in China, wrote a book: "Be the best of yourself". Everyone is recommended to read it. Even if they are no longer young, reading these inspirational books will definitely lead to spiritual growth. Some nutrients are necessary. If life has to add a meaning to it, I think it is the process of spiritual growth and spiritual enlightenment. This consciousness does not mean that the older the person is, the more the fish is fried like a fritter. People can't help but stay away from it, but grow up to a compassionate and compassionate mindset. They can take the initiative to recognize their own deficiencies and improve them. They can respect everyone who they meet as teachers. To accept the strengths of others from your heart, when you are in the righteous and righteous, you will create a beautiful atmosphere for yourself and others, so that everyone around you will be united. The mood is sunny and the atmosphere is positive.

The past work and study experience has laid a solid foundation for my life transformation, and I grew up on this foundation. I am strong and assertive. I understand that there is no lack of creativity, and understanding others is like understanding myself. At the right time, I chose to do management work that I was not very interested in, so as to improve some of the management omissions and deficiencies I found or felt within my ability. Of course, individual feelings and facts tend to have some discrepancies. People's work habits and work styles may also have different ways of doing things because of differences in knowledge, experience, cultivation, and character. But I believe that everyone's ultimate goal is I want to do a good job in my own affairs. I have no doubt about the good side of human nature. What I want to do is to let everyone in the team play their own positive, healthy, sunny, hard working, and enterprising. On the one hand, the dissatisfaction and gloom in the heart are reduced to a minimum, or even disappeared, in order to achieve a highest level of "doing nothing".

I understand my team. They are not a group of "sages" living in a vacuum. They are ordinary workers who want to support their families, but at the same time they are knowledgeable talents with certain professional knowledge and responsibility. How to Effective communication with the people in the team, how to connect the communication between the upper leadership and the ordinary employees, how to complete specific tasks in a limited time, this is the basic task; how to break through the existing conditions Under the appointment, it is my fundamental responsibility to organize all R&D personnel to upgrade their technical standards and develop new products. I know very well that I have to do good things. In addition, I will continue to grow and find better ones. The right way to solve the problem.

In the nearly 10 months since I was the minister in charge of product development, I have been honored to think that good opportunities are standing for me, thanks to the efforts of the predecessors and the support of everyone, and the participation and market promotion of xxxx and yyyy. In the shade of others, it’s cold, and we can’t make it clear because of many karma, but I only know that the pious efforts to pay must be rewarded. When the predecessors planted trees, they did not necessarily know how big the tree could grow, how long it took to hold a shade; but the predecessors must know that only when the tree was planted would it be possible for future generations to enjoy the shade of the tree. Every moment we work is like seeding a good life for ourselves, our families and the community. We hope that we can grow into a big tree and prop up a shade.

In the process of promoting new products, due to the limitations of experience, my understanding of the draw frame is stronger than the understanding of the weaving machine. Therefore, the specific work of participating in the draw frame is more than the specific work involved in the air jet loom. The air jet loom still stays in the stage of organization coordination and preliminary understanding. It takes a period of research and study to upgrade a segment, because there is no way to give a better opinion on a thing that is not well understood. A technical manager must first understand that technology is fundamental. Of course, I know that I can't do the role of technical authority in many aspects, but I am willing to train and discover more talents who can be technically competent, so that they can make good use of their skills and make greater contributions to the company.

According to this idea, in addition to specific technical things, I intend to strengthen the cultivation of people. I believe that any management is carried out with people as the fundamentals. It is no different from the castle in the air to separate management from the actual situation of people. The implementation of any management method is to achieve the best of its ability and make the best use of it.

In the face of the fierce competition in the market, our primary task as a technician is to maintain and create the authority of product technology , because any unfair competition means can not shake the technical charm of the product itself. In an environment of non-equal competition, The technology and quality of the product is the most powerful competitive weight.

I will continue to work hard to improve within the limits of my ability. Not only for their own personal growth, but also for the company to train and retain more talents, talent cultivation is a huge cost to the enterprise. It is definitely not a task that can be completed in a day and a half, but to form a kind of atmosphere, form a system, attach importance to talents, attach importance to quality, and value integrity.

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