Summary of work > Summary of scientific development concept

Summary of the investigation stage of the Agricultural Development Bureau's scientific development concept

According to the unified deployment and requirements of the pilot project of xx County on the in-depth study and practice of the Scientific Outlook on Development , since October, the Bureau has systematically carried out the activities of learning and practicing the scientific development concept . Through the mobilization of deployment, study and training, in-depth research and the development of activities such as emancipating the mind and discussion around the scientific concept of development, we have completed the work of all aspects of the study and research phase, showing deep learning, strong atmosphere, full participation, and outstanding themes. The effect is obvious, and the characteristics of learning and work are correct. The summary of the study and research phase is as follows:
First, strengthen leadership and carefully deploy

After the mobilization meeting of the county study and practice scientific development concept , the party branch of the bureau immediately convened a branch committee to study and set up a farm machinery bureau with the party branch secretary, the other members of the team as the deputy leader, and the heads of the bureaus and departments. The Leading Group for Learning and Practicing the Scientific Outlook on Development , and the Office under the Leading Group. At the same time, the members of the Leading Group were divided into detailed divisions, and the staff were recruited to enrich the office work. Four learning groups, publicity groups, information groups and archives groups were established. The group is responsible for the daily work, and has formed the overall responsibility of the “number one”, the first level, the level, the implementation, and the work pattern that everyone participates in.

In order to strengthen the deployment of the activities, the Leading Group Office formulated the draft implementation plan for the learning and practice activities of the Agricultural Machinery Bureau. The Party branch specially held a meeting to study the program and proposed amendments. The Office revised the draft implementation plan again. The revised implementation plan refines the tasks and objectives of the ten phases of the three phases, and further integrates the actual work of the agricultural machinery, and is more targeted, and has passed the verification of the fourth steering group.

Second, deep mobilization, unified thinking

On October 20th, the bureau held a cadre and workers meeting to mobilize and deploy the learning and practice activities of the bureau. The secretary of the party branch of the bureau made a mobilization speech, requiring all cadres and workers to voluntarily and actively participate in the activities of studying and practicing the scientific development concept . To achieve the "two mistakes, two promotion" of learning work, use the scientific development concept to guide and guide the work of agricultural machinery. The Party Committee Secretary of xx Bureau xxx gave instructions and made important instructions to the Bureau to do a good job in this event.

Third, extensive publicity to create a learning atmosphere

In order to actively create a good atmosphere for learning and practicing activities, the SIPO has formulated a publicity work plan, fully exerted the role of media such as briefings and the Internet, widely publicized the significance of learning and practice activities, and fully reflected the progress of the school's learning and practice activities. Results. Up to now, the bureau has published a total of one issue of the blackboard, learning the first phase of the park, hanging two banners, and editing the 13 briefings on learning practice activities.

Fourth, strengthen learning and strive for effectiveness

In order to achieve tangible results in learning and training, the bureau has developed a learning plan based on the actual situation to ensure that the learning time, learning content, learning staff, and learning effects are implemented. Taking the form of concentrated study, self-study, special counseling, research and discussion, and mutual exchanges, the organization of cadres and workers focused on the spirit of the Party’s 17th and 17th Central Committees, "Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin on Scientific Development", and Science The exposition of the important discussion on the concept of development, the major decision-making arrangements of the Party Committee of the Central and Autonomous Region on the development and stability of Xinjiang, the speeches of xxx comrades at the Fifth Plenary Session of the Seventh Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, and the Fifth National Congress of National Unity and Progress in the Autonomous Region Comrade Bai Keli’s speech at the autonomous regional cadre conference and the spirit of the local and county committee meetings, and the use of spare time to strengthen self-study, the self-study throughout the entire process of learning activities. In the learning activities, the leading cadres combined with the actual situation, gave special training to the cadres and workers for 4 times, and carried out 4 special discussions on the theme of “Implementing the scientific development concept , what should I do”. Party members and leading cadres concentrated on learning for 11 days, reading more than 15,000 words, and writing 3 experiences; general cadres concentrated on 9 days of study, reading more than 10,000 words, and writing 2 experiences.

Fifth, establish the theme, do a good job of research

Based on the problem of discovery, the bureau made an in-depth analysis, solved the problem with the concept of scientific development concept , researched and formulated the research plan, and identified two research topics around solving the outstanding problems affecting and restricting the scientific development of agricultural mechanization. The coordination and unification of the quality, quantity and benefits of agricultural machinery and equipment, and the realization of sound and rapid development of opinions and suggestions; Second, the development of facility agricultural mechanization, problems, opinions and suggestions. With these two topics, the leading cadres of the bureau led the team and divided them into two research groups, which went to the township agricultural machinery station and the township resident village contact point xx village to take visits, discuss and discuss, issue questionnaires, and consult. Investigate and research methods, and fully listen to the opinions and suggestions of grassroots agricultural machinery cadres, retired veteran cadres, “three old” personnel, large agricultural machinery and other social sectors in the face of agricultural machinery. After the investigation, the leadership team of the bureau analyzed and exchanged the research situation, summarized the countermeasures and suggestions to promote the process of agricultural mechanization in our county, and formed a high-quality research report.

6. Actively carry out emancipating the mind and discussion activities

In the form of a symposium, the bureau will carry out the emancipation and ideology discussion activities in the form of a symposium. The key points are discussed from the following five aspects: First, how to promote the coordination and unification of the quality, quantity and benefits of agricultural machinery and equipment, and achieve sound and rapid development; second, the development orientation of facility agricultural mechanization, existing problems, opinions and suggestions; The ideas, concepts, styles, methods, opinions and suggestions that are inconsistent with the implementation of the scientific concept of development ; the fourth is the status quo of cadre team work style, how to strengthen and improve the cadre style construction; the fifth is to increase farmers' income and develop modern From the perspective of agriculture, how to accelerate the industrialization of agricultural machinery services. Through major discussions, we will solve the old ideas and old ideas that hinder the scientific development of agricultural mechanization, deepen our understanding in practice, transform thinking in innovation, and unify our thinking in development.

Seventh, study and practice activities and agricultural machinery business work "two mistakes, two promotion"

In carrying out the study and practice of the scientific development concept , the bureau correctly handles the relationship between learning and training and current work, organically combines learning and practice activities with agricultural machinery, and does not engage in learning and practice activities from the agricultural machinery business. Because of the busy work and neglect of learning, the real learning and practice activities and the current work "both hands, two mistakes, two promotion."

Eight, the initial results of learning and practice activities

1. Party members and cadres have a deeper understanding of the scientific development concept . Through the study of the scientific concept of development , many comrades who did not understand the scientific concept of development have a deep understanding. In particular, many comrades have truly understood the connotation and significance of the scientific concept of development , and have become more conscious in practical work. Take a scientific outlook on development .

2. The concept of guiding the development of agricultural machinery with the scientific development concept has been strengthened. In the process of studying the scientific development concept , all cadres and workers have enhanced their awareness of scientific development and made initial achievements in innovative work methods. The majority of party members and cadres have strengthened their ideas on using the scientific development concept to guide the development of agricultural machinery.

3. The service awareness of cadres and workers has been significantly enhanced. Through this stage of study, the service awareness of all cadres and workers has been significantly enhanced, and they are able to actively do their jobs, warmly receive every client, and sincerely do practical things for the people and solve problems.

Nine, existing problems

In the activities of studying and practicing the scientific concept of development , although we have achieved some results, there are still some shortcomings: First, the mind is not liberated, some party members and cadres work in the status quo, lack of innovative consciousness; second, in the connection between ideas and work The strength of solving specific problems is not big enough, and the quality and effect of learning and practice still need to be further improved. Third, there are also areas that need to be strengthened and improved in the specific organization and guidance, and constantly lead the learning and practice activities. This requires us to pay great attention to the next stage of study and practice activities, and indeed take effective measures to solve them seriously.

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