Summary of work > Summary of scientific development concept

Summary of the work of the study and research phase of the scientific development concept of the street office

As a pilot unit for in-depth study and practice of the scientific development concept in the xx district, the xx sub-district office carried out special events with special features in accordance with the arrangement of the district committee's study and practice of the scientific development concept , and in combination with the actual situation. The report on the development of the study and research phase is as follows:
First, the prescribed actions are in place, and the implementation requirements are solid. First, the leading organization was established. The Leading Group for Learning Practice Activities with the Secretary of the Party Working Committee was established to comprehensively lead and organize the implementation of the Office's learning and practice activities. Second, the “Specific Implementation Plan for the xx Sub-district Office Study and Practice Scientific Development View Activities” was formulated. The study and practice work promotion process table, etc., made a comprehensive plan and arrangement for the study and practice activities; the third was the mobilization meeting. On October 30th, a full-scale mobilization meeting was held to mobilize and deploy the majority of party members and cadres. The fourth is to highlight the advanced theme and start the work of the study and research phase in a timely manner. On the basis of formulating the "Implementation Plan", the office has set a goal of "exploiting new thinking, adding new vitality, and establishing a new style of work" with the goal of "convenience for the people, for the people, and benefiting the people". The study and practice activities will be fully implemented within the scope of the office. At the same time, the office has deployed the work in the study and research phase and put forward specific requirements. The first is to carry out research activities around “community health, urban demolition, community construction”, etc. Secondly, it has strengthened the supervision of letters and visits. The task requirements for clear petitions that need to be supervised in the near future are clear.
Second, combined with the actual work, the main features of the work of special activities: First, attach great importance to and act quickly. After the district committee held the mobilization and deployment conference for learning and practice activities, the office quickly convened a meeting to organize and convey the spirit of the learning conference, study and implement the opinions, carry out all mobilization, and deploy learning and practice activities. The second is to mobilize the people and widely publicize. After the task is determined, the office has carried out publicity activities in a timely manner, and widely publicized the scientific development concept through window displays, posting slogans, and distributing leaflets. Let the general public understand the purpose and significance of studying and practicing the scientific development concept . The third is to highlight learning and deepen understanding. The leading group has formulated a detailed study plan, and requires party members and leading cadres to take the lead in setting a good example and truly organize and organize the study. It is required to focus on special study, special person organization, special person counseling, keynote speakers, discussion and discussion; personal self-study plans, content, standards, everyone to create a dedicated reading notebook; open a learning field, display all kinds of learning materials On the books and magazines, it is convenient for party members and cadres to teach themselves. Through study, lectures and coaching, we will deeply understand the scientific connotation, spiritual essence and fundamental requirements of the scientific development concept , accurately grasp the guiding ideology, main principles and objectives of the study and practice activities, and further deepen the important guidance in promoting the modernization of the scientific development concept . Awareness of meaning. The fourth is to strengthen the standardization of the organization and provide guarantees for strengthening services. Further improve the various rules and regulations of the organs, continue to implement the work summary system of party and government members, the weekly report system of the department heads, the attendance system of the staff of the organs, establish and implement the learning system of quantitative assessment, education archives, and academic studies, and perfect the introduction of the system. "Institutional Assessment Opinions" and "Community Assessment Opinions". At the same time, we began to organize various departments to open the work flow, job responsibilities, service content, and procedures online, and actively accept the supervision of residents and the public. The fifth is to find problems and deal with them in a timely manner. Open a hotline, hold a symposium, set up a suggestion box, issue a questionnaire, etc. to solicit opinions, sort out the problems found, queue up, and prioritize research and resolution. The sixth is to contact the public and reflect the characteristics. The office is at the front line of grassroots work, with few staff and heavy tasks. The arrangement of study and practice activities is based on the characteristics of the work of the office. In terms of program formulation and content arrangement, it is guaranteed to complete the “actions” prescribed by the superiors. Some self-selected "actions" with their own characteristics have been designed, such as the "Specially Rescuing People's Relief Activities". The leading cadres have extended relief funds and condolences to the families of the poor people. The leading members and the destitute people have formed a helping pair. The poor people will help the economy and life; carry out the "three visits and four activities", the office will be part of the party members into four groups, go deep into the community, exchange and discuss with the "three interviews" personnel, solicit opinions, in order to better carry out Work, through the development of self-selected "actions", make this learning and practice activities more lively, with characteristics, highlights and targeted.
In this study and practice, the office actively carried out the activities of “loving the people, facilitating the people, and serving the people”. Assisted 28 villagers in xx community to purchase 37 electric roller blinds, trained 100 migrant workers, distributed 144,000 yuan of various benefits to farmers, actively changed the planting industry structure, established xx street xx community grape association, and increased the grape planting area by 38.6 mu. It has reached 217 acres. In order to smooth the communication channels of the cadres, the office set up a convenience bulletin board at the entrance of the first floor, and posted the contents of the office and the contents of the office and the work of the staff of the office in a conspicuous place, and solved the consultation of the public. The problem is convenient for the people to handle the work; the hotline service telephone has been set up to realize the telephone service, and the telephone community service has been set up; the community social opinion public opinion mailbox has been set up to realize the problem of the people reflecting the problem; the organization community members have gone deep into the community to listen to the public opinion, solve the people's worries, and realize the people. Reflect the problem directly. At the same time, the office has extensively carried out the services of “into the 100-door, listening to Baijiayan, knowing 100 families, solving 100 families and making friends, and serving the people” in the eight communities in which they belong, and strive to help the community solve the problem. There are more than 40 problems in employment, health, pension, relief, public security, family planning, housekeeping, foreign population and tenant management. We work hard to solve the key and difficult problems of people's livelihood and strive to establish a peaceful and harmonious community.
Third, the next work arrangement
1. Optimized development: Pay close attention to the "six major capabilities", strengthen the efficiency of the organs, enhance service awareness, improve service quality and standards, strengthen organizational discipline, improve various work systems, and organize the majority of government cadres in ideological and ideological realms. Finding problems and deficiencies in their work style, mental state, efficiency, integrity and self-discipline, and guiding the majority of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, to establish the courage to dare to do and dare to be the first. Good job and high efficiency work situation.
2, improve services: temper the "four concepts", the streets and communities to expand service projects, improve service quality, at least one service project or service entity in each community.
3. Renovation environment: All communities will clean up the domestic garbage, strengthen daily management and cleaning, and vigorously carry out greening and beautification, clearing small advertisements, rodent control and mosquito and fly activities. Strengthen property management, increase publicity, improve the civilization of residents, and enhance the awareness of green environmental protection.
4. Maintaining stability: Seriously investigate sensitive personnel such as religion and two labors, organize and mobilize the majority of party members and cadres to study how to do a good job in the investigation and mediation of contradictions and disputes, the comprehensive management of social security, the handling of mass emergencies, and the improvement of group prevention and control mechanisms. Work, focus on conducting contradictory investigation activities that affect stability, rationalize hidden dangers, resolve disputes, promote harmony, and provide guarantee for sound and rapid economic and social development.
5. Improve people's livelihood. We will work hard to do a good job in employment, education, culture, medical care, security, and assistance, gradually improve the long-term mechanism for safeguarding and improving people's livelihood, continue to deepen the social actions of "helping the poor and help the poor," and concentrate on helping a group of extremely poor families in conjunction with the coming of the New Year's Day and the Spring Festival. People, increase work, and focus on solving hot and difficult problems that residents care about.

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