Summary of work > Summary of scientific development concept

District in-depth study and practice of scientific development concept activities analysis and inspection stage work summary

Xx district study and practice scientific development concept activity analysis and inspection stage work report

The xx district in-depth study and practice of the scientific development concept has been transferred to the analysis and inspection stage since December 26, closely surrounding the overall deployment and relevant requirements of the municipal party committee on the implementation of learning and practice activities, under the guidance of the municipal scientific development concept leading group office, this With the principle of deepening understanding and seeking truth from facts, we will carry out the "six investigations and six look" as the general plan, and open up the three aspects of democratic life meeting, organization life meeting, and do a good job, and carefully deploy and solidly advance. The leading bodies of all pilot units and all party members played an exemplary role, carefully summed up the investigations, and accepted the people's comments and supervision in good faith. After more than 20 days of intense, orderly and conscientious work, the learning and practice activities in the xx district adhered to the “six actions of the prescribed actions”, the practice of reforming the boundaries while learning, and the innovation of the featured work”, which was a complete success. The work situation is now reported as follows:

First, the prescribed action "six no"
The focus of the analysis and inspection phase is to analyze the problem, find the cause, and carry out the review. This stage has many tasks, heavy tasks, and high requirements. The xx district has organized a life meeting for the democratic life meeting of the leading group and the special members of the party members, and has done a good job in extensively soliciting opinions and suggestions, forming a leading analysis and inspection report, and organizing the work of the public comment. No, humbly listen to opinions, identify problems, analyze the causes of problems, clarify the direction of rectification, and ensure that the work in the second phase is effective.

First, soliciting opinions is uncompromising. Before the democratic life meeting, the pilot units fully promoted democracy, adhered to the popular line, and broadened the channels for soliciting opinions on the basis of emancipating the mind and discussing activities and studying and researching stages, and issued written solicitation letters and opinions. Tables, setting up suggestion boxes, holding symposiums, branch meetings, conducting talks and other activities, and soliciting extensively from workers, members, and leaders to uphold the party's ideological line, implement the rules of honesty and self-discipline of leading cadres, and implement Implementing the opinions and suggestions on the scientific development concept , and carefully reviewing and appraising the opinions and suggestions that have been solicited, the five pilots have sorted out more than 30 opinions, and have done a good job of seeking opinions and ensuring “wide and true”. "Full and accurate" will lay the foundation for a good democratic life.

The second is to carry out talks regardless of distance. The pilot units used the activities of conducting talks as the basis for the successful democratic life meeting of the leading group. Between the main leaders and the members of the team, between the members of the leadership team, between the leaders of the party members and the heads of the departments in charge, between the party members and the party members, between the party members and the people, the implementation of the scientific development concept and the strengthening of the leadership team In terms of self-construction and problems in the party-style party-style party discipline, the use of commuting, rest day interviews, telephone interviews, and online messages has been widely used to conduct general talks. I have done "four talks and four sees": talk about ideas, see whether the individual's ideological concepts that do not meet the requirements of scientific development have changed through learning and practice activities, and whether the ability and quality have improved. Whether there are outstanding problems in the work that affect and restrict scientific development; talk about problems, see how to overcome shortcomings, give full play to their strengths, and make contributions to the new development of the unit; talk about the future, and see how the scientific development concept can be used as a guide to further clarify the working ideas. Promote the innovation and development of work. Through mutual talks, the leaders of the leadership team, leading cadres and ordinary party members communicated ideas, enhanced unity, identified problems, formed a consensus, and achieved the goal of common progress.

Third, the materials for the speech did not include “condiments”. On the basis of extensively conducting talks and soliciting opinions and suggestions, the pilot units have combined different divisions of labor, and in accordance with the requirements of the “Six Checks and Six Looks”, closely follow the theme of the democratic life conference, and carefully find the team and individuals to implement them. The outstanding problems in the scientific outlook on development , the prominent problems of the people in the party-style party style and the party, the lack of contrast, summed up the reflection, "original" reflected in the leadership group democratic life speech materials and individual speech outline, and the focus It analyzes the causes of the problems, puts forward the direction of efforts, and is fully prepared for the establishment of a democratic life.

The fourth is to carry out criticism without sympathy. On December 30, 2019, on January 9, 2019, the pilot units held a focus on the theme of “playing regional characteristics, serving the local economy, achieving coordinated development, scientific development, and harmonious development”. "Scientific development, enriching the people and strengthening the district, building harmony", "implementing the scientific development concept , promoting the construction of new countryside, promoting the development of rural productive forces", "through the study of the scientific development concept , the actual work of the department, talk about how to promote the enterprise is good and The theme of democratic development is the theme of “fast development”, “in-depth development of scientific development concept , promotion of harmonious community construction”, “innovative service mode, and adjustment of community service functions”. The two levels of in-depth study and practice of the scientific development concept , the comrades of the leading group office and the leaders of Baolian attended the meeting. In accordance with the requirements of the "six investigations and six views", the leaders of the pilot units of the pilot units adhered to the theme, insisted on seeking truth from facts, and carefully analyzed their own problems in terms of learning style, ideological style, work style and party style and clean government. The members have profoundly carried out criticism and self-criticism, profoundly expounded the understanding of the in-depth study and practice of the scientific development concept , and sincerely investigated the shortcomings and weak links of their own existence, and found a total of 19 questions, so that they did not talk about the problem. Speaking of results, not subjective, not telling the truth, telling the truth, not telling the truth. Focus on analyzing problems, focusing on summing up experience, focusing on clear direction, the team members to find the problem accurately and meticulously, and analyze the problem thoroughly.

Subsequently, the pilot parties organized a special organization life meeting for party members. Each party member adheres to high standards and strict requirements, combines learning and practice activities, and compares the standards of "six investigations and six readings", frankly meets and speaks freely, and profoundly analyzes the individual's ideological style, learning style, work attitude, ability and work. The gaps and shortcomings in the actual situation have seriously carried out criticism and self-criticism, clarified the direction of future efforts, and submitted a written speech outline. Party members and leading cadres also participated in the special organization life meeting of the party branch of the party as an ordinary party member.

Fifth, the analysis and inspection do not leave a dead end. After the special democratic life meeting was held, the pilot units quickly drafted and drafted the analysis and inspection report of the leading group based on the outstanding problems found. The analysis and inspection report focuses on examining analytical problems and clarifying scientific development ideas, fully combining the previous stages of in-depth research, conducting emancipation of ideology and democratic life meetings, and summarizing the achievements in the implementation of scientific development in recent years. In-depth investigation of the problems existing in the current work, profound analysis of the subjective and objective reasons for the problems. It summarizes the new understanding formed by party members and cadres, especially the leading group, in the process of implementing the scientific development concept , and puts forward the overall ideas and main measures for implementing the scientific development concept in the future, and clarifies the specific measures to strengthen the leadership team's own construction. . After repeated solicitation of opinions and repeated revisions, the leadership team analyzed and examined the report to gather collective wisdom, which concentrated on the achievements of the xx district learning and practice activities, formed a consensus on scientific development, and truly reflected the actual situation of each pilot unit. The will of the people laid the foundation for the work in the implementation stage of the rectification and clarified the direction.

Sixth, the public comment does not go through the game. After the democratic life meeting and organization life meeting, the pilot units organized party members' representatives, people's representatives, "two representatives and one committee member" and the service targets to hold a public comment meeting. A total of 219 people participated in the five pilots, including 118 party members, 44 public representatives, 8 “two representatives and one committee member”, and 49 service representatives. The meeting informed the convening of the special democratic life meeting and the leadership team to implement the scientific development concept analysis and inspection report, and aimed at "the profound understanding of the scientific development concept is not profound, the problem is accurate and inaccurate, the cause analysis is thorough and thorough, and the development thinking is clear. Clear and work measures are not feasible. The five issues have been democratically reviewed, and opinions have been widely heard. The satisfaction of the people has reached more than 92%. According to the deliberation, the opinions and suggestions put forward in the public comment were fully absorbed, the analysis and inspection report was revised and improved, and the analysis and inspection report and the evaluation results were made public.

Second, learn and reform

In the in-depth study and practice of the scientific concept of development, the xx area highlights the characteristics of practice, focuses on solving the outstanding problems that affect and restrict the development of science, and the prominent problems that the people of the party members and cadres are party-style party-style party disciplines, and insists on studying and checking. The actual results of solving the problem are based on the people.

Pay attention to hot spots and effectively solve the problems of people's livelihood. In the study and practice activities, the pilot units paid attention to the hot and difficult issues involving the vital interests of the people, earnestly benefiting the people and making the people affordable. Sunshine Community responded strongly to the property issues of residents, actively communicated with the property management committees of various communities, further coordinated the relationship between residents and property, established the owners' committee for the Sunshine Community, and actively communicated with the higher authorities, and re-employed residents for the year. There are 26 certificates and 268 basic medical insurances, which have been well received by the public. The iron district community focuses on cultivating young people under the age of 35 to join the party organization, and at the same time strengthen the construction of supporting organizations with the party branch as the core, organize the unemployed youth in the community through the help and group function of the group organization, and regularly carry out activities and related skills training. Inspire the spirit and enthusiasm of young people to dare to think, dare to do, and dare to unite their ideas into building a harmonious community. Other places are also planning to bring together the elderly in the community, and set up an old-age mutual aid association to implement self-improvement around the tenet of “having the old, having the doctor, the old, the old, the old and the old”. Management, mutual assistance services. The community will provide special activities venues and recreational facilities for the elderly, and regularly organize various activities to enable the elderly to increase contact and resolve loneliness.

People-oriented, promote the harmonious development of non-public enterprises. In the in-depth study and practice of the scientific development concept , Qinggu Xinhe Company, in the face of the impact of the international financial crisis, adhered to the “people-oriented” corporate philosophy, and reflected the issues concerning the vital interests of employees in the process of investigation and solicitation of opinions. Closely adhering to the theme of “Why develop, develop for whom, how to develop, and how to ensure development”, while improving learning, we have introduced a series of measures to solve problems and actively build a harmonious enterprise. First, the company decided not to implement the attrition policy and adapt to the increase in employment, to ensure that more than 100 employees are not unemployed, and secondly, on the basis of insisting on the “five risks” for employees, starting from June 2019, The workshop workers will pay 100 yuan per month for summer heatstroke prevention. Third, invest 2 million yuan to install a full set of decontamination equipment in the new fruit kernel workshop, and install air conditioners in the grain workshop, filling workshop, testing center, nut workshop and various offices. Improve the health and working environment of employees.

Integrate resources and promote the construction of rural service systems. In the in-depth study and practice of the scientific development concept , Jianxin Village starts from reality and comprehensively promotes the pace of new rural construction, and strives to solve the most concerned, most direct and most realistic interests of the people, and to do practical things and do good things for the people. First, the party branch coordinated and communicated through various parties, actively strived for more than 400 million yuan in construction funds, built a high-standard boarding school that can accommodate 800 students in the village, and hired excellent teachers to teach at the new school. At present, the civil engineering of the school has been Entering the final stage and putting it into use in September 2019, it will facilitate the schooling of the students in the village and surrounding villages. Second, the party branch adheres to the road of energy conservation, environmental protection and sustainable development, making full use of the existing resources in the village. Special funds, the introduction of advanced technology, the construction of a straw gas station, the use of 460 villages in the village with safe, energy-saving, environmentally friendly clean energy; Third, the village party branch through a multi-party coordination of funds to purchase four large-scale agricultural use The machine has established an agricultural machinery cooperative. Villagers can use agricultural machinery to carry out sowing, harvesting and other farmland operations free of charge, so that the farmers' farming has been mechanized, which greatly facilitates farmers. Fourth, the party branch uses the hotels, guest houses and trade fairs in the village. Eight enterprises, including the market, are employment bases. After the party branch has organized vocational skills training and recommendation many times, more than 100 people have successfully achieved Employment has enabled the surplus labor force in the village to achieve local conversion. Fifth, the party branch draws a special fund each year to provide 200 yuan of pension for each elderly person over the age of 65 in the village. For those who have difficulties in life, physical disability, and loneliness, they have all provided minimum living security and organized all the villagers to join. The rural cooperative medical care has solved the problem of eating, wearing, living and medical treatment for the elderly in the village, and has eliminated the worries of the elderly in the village, especially the disadvantaged groups. In addition, the party branch organization party members and village cadres respectively carried out "one-on-one" and "one-in-one" pairings with the elderly and the children who were out of the poor family, and gave full care to them in the village. Formed a good atmosphere of harmony and mutual assistance.

Strengthen implementation, establish and improve rules and regulations. In the study and practice activities, the pilot units actively searched for places in the existing institutional mechanisms that were incompatible with scientific development and formulated new institutional mechanisms. Jianxin Village has established a sound village affairs disclosure system, a democratic financial management system, a village-level democratic hearing system, a village-level petition management system, a village-level cadre democratic supervision system, and a village committee by carefully searching for deficiencies and clearing the original unsound rules and regulations. The report system, the village representative's parliamentary system, the village collective financial revenue and expenditure approval system, the rural financial escrow system, and the “one-on-one discussion” system for fundraising and investment in the village are required. Xx Street focused on solving the problems of the institutional mechanism affecting the scientific development of the street community, and further improved the long-term mechanism for the party members to talk about the long-term mechanism of the party class and the long-term mechanism of the duty patrol team. Through the process of party class middle school, lecture and evaluation, we will achieve the purpose of promoting education and evaluating education, further deepen the understanding and grasp of each party member cadre on the scientific development concept , and strengthen the purpose consciousness of serving the people wholeheartedly, so that party members Consciously set an example in the workplace and social life, and truly achieve the actual effect of party members and cadres being educated. At the same time, the establishment of the “Safe Construction Obligatory Patrol Service Team” has established a new pattern of large-scale patrol work, fully mobilized the enthusiasm of the community to participate in the maintenance of public security, and provided guarantees for maintaining social stability, building a harmonious community, and promoting long-term stability. The iron district community has established a sound mechanism for party building, adopted new measures in the study of the team, the management and role of party members, strengthened the democratic management of collective decision-making on major issues, and strived to build the party branch into a forward-looking work. The core strength of development.

Third, the characteristic work has innovation

In the in-depth study and practice of the scientific development concept , each pilot unit started a series of novel and unique carrier activities based on its own characteristics to ensure the effectiveness of the activities. Jianxin Village closely focuses on the new rural construction goals, seriously discusses the construction plan of the village in line with the requirements of the scientific development concept , vigorously adjusts the agricultural industrial structure, promotes agricultural science and technology progress, improves the comprehensive agricultural production capacity, strengthens the collective economic strength, and continuously increases farmers' income and On the basis of the accumulation of 18 million yuan and the per capita income of 5,500 yuan, the peasants' living standards will reach 25 million yuan and 10,000 yuan respectively by 2019, and all the indicators will be doubled. Among them, the investment was 480,000 yuan, and 32 wells were built again. The investment was 350,000 yuan, and 2 804 cultivators, 3 inverted ploughs and 3 precision seeders were purchased to promote agricultural modernization. The current investment is more than 2 million yuan. On the basis of the high-standard edible fungus planting test base, the company will adopt the form of “company + farmer” and village collective anti-rent, repurchase, etc., so that the economic crop planting area will reach 3,500 mu, and the agricultural production efficiency will be continuously improved; 10,000 heads, 2 cows per capita, 2 sheep, 1 pig, 10 poultry, vigorously develop animal husbandry; invest 200,000 yuan to set up cattle raising association and agricultural science and technology training center to improve scientific breeding standards; then introduce or establish collective enterprises 5 private enterprises, solve the surplus labor 500 people, so that the annual output value of village-run enterprises will increase to 10 million yuan, and the tax revenue will reach 5 million yuan, making collective enterprises become the pillar of collective economic income and become the guarantee for promoting the construction of new countryside; investment 300,000 yuan to repair the asphalt road with a length of 1000 meters and a width of 8 meters; invest 250,000 yuan in two green 1000m vertical streets; install 100 street lamps in the four main streets of the village, and invest 500,000 yuan in the street Drainage ditch on both sides; investing 15 million yuan to build 7 residential buildings, all of which update tap water facilities; afforestation area increased to 4,000 mu; the village's technology penetration rate reached 80%, 10 new associations were added; 80% of the village The households reached the ten-star civilized household standard; invested 150,000 yuan to update the village's cable TV facilities; raised funds of 200,000 yuan, introduced medical equipment and hired famous doctors with high salaries, built a high-standard community health service station; strengthened and improved the social security system. Construction, actively carry out rural low-income work; adhere to the principle of prenatal and postnatal care, continue to maintain low birth rates, and the birth rate is controlled within 12‰. Xx Street insists on practicality as the focus of activities. Starting from solving the most concerned, most direct and most realistic interests of the residents, and closely combining the actual work of the street, it puts forward the "complete implementation of the scientific development concept and the construction of the top ten service centers". Practice goals, and carry out in-depth research and theme discussions around this goal, so that the establishment of ideas is clear, forming a social economic development service center, party building work guidance service center, group work guidance service center, social affairs acceptance service center, labor The basic structure of the “Top Ten Service Centers” of the Guarantee Employment Training Center, the Project Fertility Service Guidance Center, the Urban Construction Environmental Management Service Center, the Letters and Visits Work Reception Service Center, the Retirement Service Center, and the Legal Promotion and Mediation Service Center.
On the whole, the work in the first two stages of the xx district study and practice of the scientific development concept is strictly in accordance with the requirements and deployment of the superiors, and is carried out in an orderly and orderly manner. The activities have progressed smoothly and achieved phased results, but there are also some problems. Mainly reflected in: First, due to tight time, more content, and heavy tasks, the analysis of some problems is not deep enough, and the proposed countermeasures need further research and improvement; second, the individual party organizations are not deep enough in their study and discussion, and there are many organizational learning. The discussion was less, the talks were more talkative, and the actual connection was less; the third was due to the heavy workload at the end of the year, the contradiction between work and study was more prominent, and the individual party members were not motivated to analyze and inspect the work, and the understanding was not in place; The practice and work are practical, and the efforts to solve specific problems are not big enough. The research on how to combine learning, practice and construction is not deep enough, and the quality and effect of learning practice have yet to be further improved. The existence of these problems has affected the further study and practice activities. This requires us to attach great importance to the next stage of study and practice activities, strengthen supervision and inspection, take effective measures, and seriously solve them.

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