Summary of work > Summary of scientific development concept

Experience activities, mobilization, study, practice, scientific development, the first phase of the summary

Since March 21, 2019, xx Coal Chemical Industry Group has convened an in-depth practice of the Scientific Development View Activity Mobilization Conference. Since the full mobilization and deployment of the in-depth study and practice of the Scientific Outlook on Development , xx Company held a mobilization meeting on March 27th. , fully deploy the activities of learning and practicing the scientific development concept . All units at the grassroots level acted quickly, and in accordance with the arrangement and deployment of activities, combined with the actual work of their own work, set off a wave of in-depth study and practice of the scientific development concept . The majority of cadres and employees have in-depth study and practice of the scientific development concept through centralized learning exchanges and personal self-study. Through careful investigation and research, the study leading group actively seeks opinions from all parties, conducts extensive ideological launches, and implements various measures. It has completed various tasks such as study and training, investigation and research, and conducting ideological liberation discussions. Effectiveness and achieve the desired goals. Now I will summarize the first phase of my company's work as follows:
First, the leaders attach importance to, clarify the key points, and make overall arrangements according to the arrangement and deployment of the party committees of xx Coal Chemical Group and Coking Coal Company. Our unit has taken active actions to effectively strengthen the organization and leadership of the activities of in-depth study and practice of the scientific development concept , and successfully complete the study and practice activities. The objectives and tasks are as follows: First, the “Leading and Practicing Scientific Development Concept Leading Group” with the deputy secretary of the Party Committee and the secretary of the Disciplinary Committee Zhang Mingjun as the team leader and the chairman of the labor union, Liu Jinliang, set up an office. Second, on the basis of earnestly studying the designated textbooks, we will focus on the important speeches of the central leading comrades Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao and Xi Jinping on learning and practicing the scientific development concept , focusing on the development perspective, humanistic concept, overall planning method and sustainable requirements. The core of the concept of development , unifying thoughts and building consensus. Thirdly, it was meticulously organized and carefully arranged, and the “Program Implementation Plan for Learning and Practicing the Scientific Outlook on Development ” was formulated. On March 27th, the mobilization meeting for the in-depth study and practice of the Scientific Outlook on Development was held. At the mobilization meeting, the spirit of the speeches of the main leaders of the xx Coal Industry Chemical Group and the Coking Coal Company to study the Scientific Development View Mobilization Conference was conveyed, and the relevant archives on the scientific development concept were thoroughly studied. The chairman and party secretary of the company made an important speech at the mobilization meeting for in-depth study and practice of the scientific development concept . It is required to grasp the "four ones" in the study and practice activities. At the same time, it is necessary to combine the work of the unit. Four combinations", to determine the theme of learning, to clarify the purpose requirements, to adhere to the "four unifications" of time, time, content, and standards. After the meeting, each unit held a branch mobilization meeting to organize study and discussion and combined with the actual work of the unit to formulate an activity plan.
Second, improve the organization, clarify the responsibilities, and carefully guide the organization and coordination of the company's in-depth study and practice of the scientific concept of development activities, to ensure that the activities are carried out in a solid and effective manner, in accordance with the requirements of the "xx company to carry out in-depth study and practice scientific development concept activities implementation plan", in order to implement Seeking practical results, throughout the entire time, based on the establishment of the xx company in-depth study and practice of the scientific development concept activities leading group office. The 8 groups of the steering group, the secretarial group, the comprehensive group, and the publicity group are responsible for the daily work, and have established a work system, which clarifies the duties, work procedures, work requirements, and work disciplines of the comprehensive group and the publicity group. . From the organization, we have ensured the study and practice activities, and formed the overall responsibility of the “number one”, the first level, the level, the implementation, and the work pattern that everyone participates in.
At the same time, in the first stage of learning and practicing the scientific concept of development, in order to ensure the learning effect, in organizing the branches to conduct self-learning, the leading group office is not regularly on the basis of the supervision of the branches, we take the go out and invite in. The combination of archives learning and film learning, concentrated learning and decentralized activities, etc., summarizes the good practices and good experiences found, so that there is a record of concentrated learning, and individuals have notes. On April 6th, a meeting of middle-level cadres to study and practice the scientific development concept was held, and the xx coal industry chemical group learned and practiced the scientific development concept mobilization meeting.

God. At the meeting, the majority of party members and cadres made serious speeches, further emancipating the mind, solving outstanding problems, how to implement the scientific development concept into all aspects of the work of the unit, and promoting the sound and rapid development of the company. On the afternoon of April 8, the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Coking Coal Company and the Chairman of the Mining Industry Union xx was invited to give a special counseling report on the special development and practice of the scientific development concept of "Yonggui Spirit". It has enhanced the perceptual understanding of the majority of party members and cadres, and further ensured the learning effect.
Third, create an atmosphere, in-depth study, and do a good job in research since the in-depth study and practice of the scientific development concept activities, our company in strict accordance with the coking coal company to carry out in-depth study and practice of the scientific development concept of the unified arrangements, closely combined with safe production, management, around the group The company "promotes scientific development, leads the rise of the Central Plains", the theme of learning and practice activities, correctly handles the relationship between carrying out learning and practice activities and doing a good job in the current work, and earnestly achieves "two hands, two mistakes, two promotion" in the process of learning. , to achieve both the focus and effectiveness.
First, grasp the learning atmosphere. In order to deepen the study of practical activities, create a strong atmosphere of public opinion. Since the launch of the learning activities, we first concentrated on publicizing and reporting on the scientific development concept of learning and practice through the distribution of learning materials and column development activities, and attracted the active participation of the majority of cadres and staff; at the same time, further increased publicity guidance and typical cultivation efforts, Highlight the good practices and good experience of the analysis and inspection stage, highlight the propaganda of typical characters and typical examples emerging from the study and practice activities, so that the study and practice of the scientific development concept activities are well-known and well-known, and create a good learning. Atmosphere.
Second, grasp the implementation of learning. In order to effectively ensure the implementation of the learning time content, the implementation of the research report, the implementation of the comments collection, and the implementation of key tasks, the learning and practice activities have achieved “four non-leakage”, namely: no leakage of a grassroots organization, no leakage Participate in the study, do not miss a prescribed action, do not miss an activity link. On April 5th, the company held a safety production scheduling meeting. The company's chairman and party secretary xx focused on the current development situation, how to learn and implement the scientific development concept , and actively adjusted the thinking of leading cadres to learn and practice scientific development activities, highlighting the practice. Characteristics, more than 200 leading cadres of the company concentrated on the "Extraction of Important Discussions on the Scientific Outlook on Development "; on April 23, the organization's propaganda team went deep into the grassroots district team to conduct lectures on learning the scientific development concept , and quizzes knowledge. During the period, 8 briefings were prepared, and each of the leading cadres at the sub-department level and above wrote more than 1500 words to learn the scientific development concept . During the activity period, the company's grassroots units carried out the study and practice of the scientific development concept in an orderly manner according to the company's activity plan. In the big discussion of ideas, in accordance with the requirements of the scientific development concept , combined with the actual work, seriously put forward the problems of the company and find out the problems existing in it, and deeply analyze the reasons for the existence of the problems.
Third, grasp the study and research. According to the requirements of the party committee of the coking coal company, the party members and cadres at the deputy department level and above went deep into the grassroots research around the company. The 14 company leaders at the deputy department level and above determined their respective research topics. They have conducted investigations through various forums such as symposiums, grassroots and visits. Fully listen to the opinions or suggestions of the cadres and employees on the work. At present, the text research materials have been formed and the research report has been completed. In addition, each unit of the company has also identified a research topic, which actually puts the theory of the scientific development concept into reality. When you get to the point, use the scientific development concept to guide your work and solve practical problems.
4. Since changing concepts, raising awareness, and promoting the implementation of learning and practice activities, we have taken this activity as a concept of change and firm belief in accordance with the requirements of the party committee of the coking coal company.

The rare opportunity to raise awareness and advance the work, strict standards, meticulous organization, and conscientious study have achieved staged results.
Through in-depth study, the ideological concepts of the cadres and employees who have adhered to the rules have been changed, and the understanding of learning and practicing the scientific development concept has been greatly improved. Through solid and in-depth study, we gradually corrected the deviations in the thinking and understanding of the cadres and employees, so that the majority of party members and cadres correctly realized that the scientific development concept is a practical theory with direction, regularity and pertinence, which not only makes the masses of workers I clearly know what activities are being carried out by our group companies, and let all party members understand and understand why this activity is carried out. In particular, party members and leading cadres have a deep understanding of and grasp the key issues to be solved in carrying out this activity, thus enhancing the majority of party members. In particular, the party members and leading cadres learn and practice the scientific development concept of the consciousness and firmness. For example, the new mining area is based on the “four combinations” to earnestly study and practice the scientific development concept . First, in combination with the production of the team, in view of the fact that there are many faults on the working surface and the production conditions are extremely difficult, the party members and cadres are striving to be the pioneers in solving the problem. Second, in combination with the "double-base" construction, the party members and cadres took the lead in solving problems and difficulties in the implementation of the "double-base" construction. Third, in combination with the research work, Party members and cadres combined their own work, and wrote about their experiences and opinions on safety production, management, ideological and political work, and employee training, and promoted the work of the team. Fourth, in combination with doing practical things for employees, 12 party members in the district formed a pair with difficult employees and assisted in life, work, and study.
Through in-depth study, the consciousness of guiding the work with the scientific development concept is further enhanced. Carry out study and practice activities, so that when faced with contradictions and problems, the broad masses of cadres and employees will more consciously find ideas, find countermeasures and find ways from the requirements of the scientific development concept . For example, we actively deepen the reform of the three systems and implement new cadre policies, employment policies, and remuneration policies in light of the relevant requirements of large group companies. In order to link the enterprise management system with the advanced management system of the large group company as soon as possible, accelerate the implementation of the “three-oriented” management mechanism with marketization as the core, learn advanced management experience, introduce external market mechanism and value law into the enterprise, and use the market. The mechanism promotes the fineness, detail and strictness of management. At the same time, in accordance with the work objectives determined by the group company, prompt action, pay close attention to research, formulate detailed implementation plans, clarify responsible personnel, clarify time and advance requirements, and ensure the steady advancement and efficient operation of “three-oriented” management.
Through in-depth study, the mental state of the cadre staff and entrepreneurs has further strengthened. Through the study and practice of the scientific development concept , the mental state of cadres and employees has changed significantly. Faced with the heavy pressure of carrying out good learning and practice activities and high-quality completion of various tasks throughout the year, we pay more attention to mastering scientific working methods, do a good job of overall planning, speed up work, improve work efficiency, and improve work quality; Carry forward a good work style, concentrate on, concentrate on learning and work, and pay more attention to the spirit of continuous combat and tenacious struggle. For example, the five districts use learning and practice activities as gas stations and boosters for various tasks. Facing the situation of heavy production tasks and complicated conditions, taking the practice and practice of scientific development concept as the driving force, while learning and practicing, on April 13th, party members and cadres were organized to work at the working face; on April 15, gloves were distributed for each employee. Width. The activities promoted work and learning to promote development; on April 18, the region overproduced 189 tons, and produced 598 tons of raw coal that day, which promoted the work of the district team to a new level.
In short, the first phase of our company's learning and practice activities, although achieved certain results, there are still some problems and deficiencies, such as the understanding of the importance of carrying out learning and practice activities needs to be further improved, the work of various party branches is not enough Balance, the deep-rooted ideological problems of party members have yet to be further analyzed, and we will seriously solve them in the next stage of work.

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