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Summary of 2014 fourth grade teaching work

Summary of fourth grade teaching work

Time flies, one semester work is over, and my fourth grade teaching work has come to an end. In the current semester, I continue to discuss teaching methods and methods, and actively carry out classroom teaching reform attempts, and gains. Of course, there are some unresolved issues for the implementation of the language practice activities of the students. The four-grade teaching work of this semester is summarized as follows:

First, strengthen teaching and research, innovation and promising, and improve business quality.

Quality education requires a good education and research reform. Every teacher is required to continuously improve the quality of their business. To this end, I actively explore and practice boldly. I actively learn from teachers in the same grade, strive to implement innovative teaching, and actively exert the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of each student, so that they can really try the joy of success. In teaching, I try my best to encourage students to dare to speak, to guide students to speak and do, and to continuously improve the quality of students in all aspects.

In order to better promote teaching, I carefully prepare lessons, attend classes, tutoring and correcting assignments. Every step of my design is carefully designed to make students want to learn. In the collective lesson preparation, I carefully recorded, actively spoke, and humbly learned from experienced teachers and explained my own opinions.

Second, relying on the language comprehensive practice activities to increase the knowledge accumulation of students.

The direction of this semester is the reading of poetry by students. In the teaching, for the actual situation of our students in the fourth grade, I fully stimulated their enthusiasm for reading ancient poetry. Every Tuesday morning, I insisted on using the most handsome words to copy beautiful ancient poems and students on the blackboard. Inspire students to recite their interest in ancient poetry. Encourage students to compete for the school's poem "Little Talent" poetry "Little Doctor" Children are very competitive and participate in high interest. More than 80 students have recited more than 80 ancient poems. Two students were evaluated by the school. For the poem "Little Talent". This activity greatly improved the students' interest in learning poetry, expanded the extracurricular accumulation, and played a positive role in shaping the campus. This semester, I attach great importance to guiding students to read more books, read good books, and really play the role of reading class. Great efforts have been made to expand knowledge accumulation. Each of my classmates has an accumulation of books, extensively accumulating knowledge to learn from each other, compete with each other, and strive to be the language "big king" of the class. I have always asked students to insist on writing reading notes, and encourage students to show their readings boldly and display them through reading reports and other forms. Because the students have expanded their knowledge and increased their knowledge reserves, they have achieved a good hungry score in the test of the extracurricular test of the idioms in the final exam. In the future teaching, I will increase the number of classes. Teaching and extracurricular extended life combine to establish a "big language" concept. Encourage students to go to life to learn Chinese, because life is learned everywhere.

Third, take scientific research as the guide and improve their theoretical literacy

This semester, my research goal is to study the combination of research reading teaching and composition teaching to improve the teaching efficiency goals. I believe that the basic skills of students should be strengthened first. The formation of students' basic skills is based on the full mastery of basic knowledge. In the fourth grade language group, we will vigorously strengthen the education and teaching of basic Chinese knowledge, and then continue to consolidate basic skills.

Do a good job in the research of inquiry learning methods, so that the inquiry learning method is truly mastered and used by teachers. Pay attention to the development of students' ability, strengthen curiosity, inspire students to dare to imagine, dare to question, encourage students to reverse thinking, divergent thinking, seek common thinking, and seek different thinking, and strive to develop the depth and breadth of students' thinking.

In teaching, students are always the mainstay, teachers are the leading, and teachers' innovation is based on this. Do a good job of innovation, and actively implement research on inquiry learning methods, so that every student becomes the main body of inquiry teaching.

Actively create situations, let students cultivate interest in inquiry learning, stimulate curiosity and curiosity. We make students the masters of learning. Carefully guide students to study independently and think independently, and encourage students to discover problems, ask questions and solve problems on their own.

Reform the teaching method and focus on learning the Fa. The full-fledged classroom teaching is a free and developmental teaching for students. Teachers strengthen the guidance of learning and law, and give students sufficient time and space to let students fully experience the hardships and joys of learning. The teacher puts in a timely manner and expresses the spark of the students' hard learning.

Fourth, taking the teaching activities of the school as an opportunity to continuously enrich their teaching experience and improve the teaching level

Teaching quality is a school that strives for survival and development in competition. In order to improve the teaching level of teachers throughout the school, it creates a brand school. The school has carried out several unique and effective teaching activities, and I have actively participated in these activities and have benefited a lot from the activities. In the "Lanqing Project" activity, I was honored to be a master and Tan Liang as a pair. After the solemn signature of the "Lanqing Project" launching ceremony, I had a sunny and happy apprentice in teaching. Since then, we are not alone in the teaching path. We have studied together, discussed together, listened to each other, and judged each other to complement each other. In the teaching and research activities held by the school, our vocational education "Touch Spring" Tan Liang live evaluation class, we all received praise from the leaders. In the series of teaching activities carried out around the teaching year, I and the teachers of the same year group actively participated in the teaching forum and benefited a lot. The teaching scenario seminars in the whole district were held at our school, our teaching forum and me. The vocational education classes are highly praised by the leaders of the conference.

Fifth, establish a class blog, and find ways to overcome the difficulties of writing.

Writing has always been a daunting task for students, and it is difficult for teachers to overcome difficulties. Students in the fourth grade should have a certain writing ability. In order to stimulate their writing interest and improve their writing level, I will try to find a solution. At the beginning of the semester, I will create a blog for my class, "My Chassis, I will be the master." Go in. Children can see their essays online and are very excited to be able to leave messages with each other. Every student is eager to try on our blog soon. The children published more than 50 articles and more than 60 comments, including parental involvement. The composition written by Ma Chi in my class was published in the National Primary School Newspaper. Wang Ziwei was hired as a small reporter. The essay kings of our class grew day by day, and in order to play their leading role, the team of "Essay King" was expanded. I took every essay class, seriously revised the students' small pens, and let the students read their own essays. In the exploration of others, I am happy with the happiness of the students and the spring of collaboration.

In short, after one semester of Chinese language teaching, my level of educational theory has improved, and there has been significant progress in classroom teaching. But it is not insufficient. If the students in this class do not follow the discipline, the results have not been satisfactory. In the future, based on the reality, pioneering and enterprising, and constantly advance.

Summary of fourth grade teaching work

Time flies so fast, and the teaching work of one semester is over. Looking back at the busy and fulfilling footprints of the past, the joy of harvest and the loss of doubts have made me grow a lot. In the actual work, I constantly improve the classroom teaching methods, actively explore the way of teaching, and respect the care of every student in the "people-oriented"; with a high sense of responsibility and responsibility, work seriously, conscientiously, and complete more satisfactorily The teaching tasks of this semester. The semester teaching work will now be summarized to promote future work:

First, class, student profile

This semester is a fourth-grade language teaching work. The total number of students in the class is 32. Teachers and students are familiar with each other and management is easier. Based on the study of Chinese language, there are many students who are poor and have fewer students. Students have the following shortcomings in language learning:

1. Most of the Chinese Pinyin is not mastered, and a large number of words are not closed;

2, reading ability is generally not high, reading level is too poor, "singing and reading" phenomenon is serious;

3, writing sloppy, the job format is not standardized.

Second, the specific work

1. Develop a teaching plan.

According to the requirements of the syllabus and the writing characteristics of the textbooks before the start of the school, combined with the actual situation of the students, a comprehensive and systematic teaching plan was formulated. According to the unified time schedule of the school, the teaching plan has set the teaching progress reasonably. According to the training focus of this book, the general teaching objectives are defined: to cultivate students' language sensibility and to form a higher language expression ability; to learn to understand the thoughts from the content summary, to distinguish the main points of the article; to listen, to speak, to Write, read. It is difficult to identify different texts. The teaching plan enables the language teaching throughout the semester to be carried out with purpose, planning and targeted work under predetermined arrangements. .

2. According to different types of texts, different teaching methods are arranged according to the actual degree of knowledge of students. For example, the "Great Wall" lesson uses a combination of pictures and texts to allow students to intuitively feel the majesty of the Great Wall; "Lifeline across the Straits" is based on reading aloud, to understand the content of the article, self-study completed teaching objectives. The use of different teaching methods helps to improve students' interest in learning and facilitates the teaching objectives in the simplest and most appropriate way.

3. The development of correct study habits is conducive to the implementation of teaching and is more conducive to student learning. The study habits that focus on training include the following:

Pre-study before class 1 and review after class. Every day, when you are out of school, you will arrange specific preparation tasks for your study, and teach students how to prepare in advance. After the new course is completed, a review is required. The team leader checks and the teacher twitches the method to supervise. After a period of time, the students know how to prepare for it, and they can consciously review.

2 correct class method. "When you say that, you should listen when you listen, and write when you write." Listen carefully and think positively. Learn to take classes and learn to take notes.

3 Write the whole word and do the standard work. Emphasize the importance of writing, and conduct writing training and guidance in a timely manner. Unified specification of job format. The long-term supervision and training makes the students' words more and more beautiful, and the work is more standardized and beautiful.

4. A key breakthrough in the weakness of the language that is common to students at the school.

1 Hanyu Pinyin: Use all the available time before morning reading and self-study in the evening to review and consolidate Hanyu Pinyin.

2 word memory: From the beginning of school, insist on reading, writing and dictating the new words in the text.

3 text reading: a lot of time in the classroom, the students are trained and guided.

4 Reading: From the usual class to the exam, deliberately let students carry out reading training, think more, solve problems more, and improve reading. In order to further overcome this difficulty, and in order to increase the amount of extracurricular reading, a reading class is arranged every week to specifically carry out reading training.

5 In order to comprehensively improve the students' comprehensive language literacy, some individualized methods are adopted: each student has a copy of the text, the texts he has learned, the beautiful words he sees in the extracurricular reading, the ancient poetry he likes, and the famous sentence. Wait for the excerpt record. Increase student language accumulation; write an essay every week. Generally, the essay content is not specified, and free composition is carried out. Fully stimulate students' writing enthusiasm, develop students' creative ability; read ancient poetry before class. Improve students' perception of ancient culture and accumulate memory.

Third, the results obtained

With the joint efforts of teachers and students, the language teaching in this semester has achieved certain results:

1. Successfully completed the teaching objectives set before the start of school.

2. The students' comprehensive ability to use language has improved.

3. The language accumulation of students has increased.

Fourth, there are problems

1. Peiyou replenishment work is less effective and less effective because of the subjective and objective reasons such as time, number of people, and tasks;

2, not comprehensive, multi-level to improve the language level of students, and most students will not read the text;

3, the overall level of composition is low, and the training is not enough;

4. The teacher has not been able to fully “read” the students. The content and methods used cannot be widely evoked by the students.

There are also insufficient achievements. I will learn from the teaching work of this semester and learn lessons. Redouble yourself and improve your literacy so that you can achieve greater results and get the job done better.

Summary of fourth grade teaching work

Time is like the sun and the moon. This school year is coming to an end soon. In this school year, through my own efforts, student cooperation, and leadership attention, I successfully completed the teaching tasks of this school year. In order to facilitate future teaching, we will now make a simple summary of the mathematics teaching work of this school year.

First, based on your duties and due diligence

In the past academic year, I have been loyal to the party's education, consciously abiding by the professional ethics of teachers, and cultivating high-quality construction talents and successors as their unshirkable duties, being a gardener and serving the education cause wholeheartedly. Love your job and work hard. In order to meet the needs of the development of the times, I constantly study hard, study hard, update knowledge in a timely manner, and constantly improve my teaching level and ability. Be open-minded to learn from experienced teachers and take good lessons in a serious and responsible manner. Care for the students with full love, care for the growth of the students, actively do the ideological and political work of the students, follow the guidance and discipline, and teach and educate the students, treat the students equally, and discriminate against the poor students. Do in-depth and meticulous work, solve problems for students, and do more practical things for students. Can actively and conscientiously obey and cooperate with the work of the leaders at all levels of the school. This school year has undertaken the mathematics teaching of the fourth grade class and the science class teaching tasks of the four grades. And able to take care of the overall situation, work together with colleagues, help each other, and complete the tasks assigned by the school.

Second, work hard to keep climbing

"Shoushan has no roads to follow the path, and there is no end to learning the sea." Learning is endless, living to the old, learning to be old. Teachers must constantly update and enrich their knowledge. It is of course important for every teacher to be knowledgeable. As the saying goes: "If you want to give someone a drop of water, you must have a bucket of water yourself." Because we are the educators who directly face the students, students will ask questions and often “break the casserole and ask the end”. Without extensive knowledge, we can't solve the "confusion" of students well and pass it on to people. Therefore, I actively and conscientiously participate in various activities carried out by the school, actively participate in the study of continuing education, and actively strive to grasp the learning opportunities. Every time I teach and study, I actively participate and carefully record. You can also seriously summarize the teaching experience and write your own teaching experience and experience. In addition, I use my spare time to study computer knowledge, learn to produce multimedia courseware, and provide teaching services. I also assist my colleagues in making courseware. In the spare time, I often go to the website about education to find the materials for learning, and browse the excellent teaching plans, courseware, papers and teaching notes of the education peers. Efforts to learn from others' advanced teaching experience, change old teaching concepts, and apply new teaching concepts to their own education and teaching.

Third, use love to educate people to win the trust

Although I am not a class teacher, the educational philosophy of nurturing people is firmly rooted in my heart. I often teach students to love school, love class, love teachers, and love classmates. If you can't get along with people and things around you, how can you love the motherland and love the people? Therefore, I often take the opportunity to seize all opportunities that can be used, such as using the content of teaching materials to conduct regular education for students, and the behavior habits of students. The cultivation of morality and the education of love in terms of civility, courtesy and character. For example, when students encounter bickering or fighting because of small things, I will take the initiative to educate them and tell them to learn to care for others and let them learn to deal with the relationship between classmates. For the "problem students" and "low-achieving" students in this class, it is not a matter of rejection, but giving kind care and love. For students who are backward, I often give encouragement and help to solve the learning difficulties and make them confident to continue learning. I use my heart to teach my students. I use my feelings to nurture my students, use them to set a model of love for them, and really make friends with them.

Fourth, use the heart of teaching to achieve morality

The famous modern educational psychologist Bruner said: "Cognition is a process, not a result." Therefore, he stressed that "teaching a person's subject is not to write down some results, but to teach him to participate in the knowledge. The process of establishing." I correctly handle the relationship between "teaching" and "learning", "learning" and "guiding" in teaching classroom teaching, focusing on teaching and learning on "learning", in teaching methods. Focusing on "guidance", students' development is based on stimulating students' curiosity, inducing students to actively explore and actively participate in the process of cognitive structure, and encourage students to learn, learn, and learn. When I am in every class, I focus on mobilizing the enthusiasm of students, developing students' thinking, and letting them think, think, discover, and gain in every class. I try to let them discuss each other in their studies and exchange their opinions. Encourage students to express their own unique opinions. Eclectic, I will give appropriate recognition if there is any reason. This has established the students' self-confidence and stimulated his interest in learning, so that students actively and conscientiously participate in the whole cognitive process throughout the study, and promote the healthy development of students' mind and body.

Suhomlinski once said: "If teachers do not want to try to make students have a state of high emotions and intellectual inspiration, they are eager to spread knowledge, then this knowledge can only lead to an indifferent attitude. Without emotional brain power Labor will bring fatigue, and without rejoicing, learning will become a burden for students to learn. Therefore, it is very important for students to actively participate in learning with a happy mood, to stimulate students' interest in learning and to motivate students. necessary.

The new syllabus proposes: The important goal of the reform of mathematics teaching in small and medium-sized schools is to change the way students learn. It is necessary for students to actively explore, find ways to solve mathematical problems, discover the laws of mathematics, teachers should change roles and become true organizers. ,Guide. Let students actively mobilize relevant knowledge, positive thinking, and self-learning to solve problems independently. I am working so hard to achieve this goal in mathematics classroom teaching.

In short, I carefully prepared each lesson. In the lesson preparation, I seriously studied the teaching materials and teaching books. Learn a new syllabus and learn from others' advanced experience with humility. Strive to thoroughly understand the textbooks, find the key points, difficult points. Seriously lecture during class, and strive to grasp the key points and break through the difficulties. Use a variety of teaching methods. From the reality of the students, pay attention to mobilizing the enthusiasm and creative thinking of students. In teaching, consciously introduce new knowledge points through life, examples, activities, games, etc., so that students feel that mathematics knowledge exists everywhere in daily life. Through the students' personal experience, operation, practice, experience, discussion and other methods, create scenarios to stimulate students' interest in learning and realize the process of students' perception of knowledge formation.

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