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Summary of safety culture training

First, the concept of safety culture:
Safety culture is the sum of the concepts, habits, behaviors, environment and physical conditions of safety production, risk control and labor protection created in corporate safety activities; the safety attitude, safety behavior and way of doing things in employee work activities are the sum "The external reflection."
The term “safety culture” comes from the United States. According to its definition and its use in enterprises, “safety culture” is called “safety culture” for groups and enterprises, and “safety literacy” for individuals. For individuals, it emphasizes that an individual's safety literacy determines the individual's state of security, that is, consciousness determines behavior.
Second, the essence of safety culture:
The essence of safety culture is people-oriented and safe. For a group or enterprise, it is the first place in the production activities, from the perspective of overall safety, to achieve the purpose of avoiding or reducing accidents by solving unsafe behaviors and conditions caused by people.
Third, the history of the development of safety culture:
1. Ignorance stage: At this stage, people hold fatalism and passively take damage.
2. Perception stage: At this stage, people hold empiricism and know how to remedy afterwards.
3. Recognition stage: At this stage, people hold system theory and know how to adopt human, machine and environmental countermeasures.
4. Cognitive stage: At this stage, people hold the theory of intrinsic safety and know the proactive prevention of accidents. At this stage, we emphasize behavioral consistency and focus on communication; promote employee interaction and full participation; require safety as a prerequisite for operations, predict and control risks in advance; provide a humanized environment and use intrinsically safe equipment and tools.
China's safety education policy is: safety from the doll.
4. Overview of enterprise safety culture construction:
In the safety culture construction of a group and enterprise, the adoption of security measures, the implementation of safety management, the research, analysis, and resolution of problems in the process of security control are all solved by people; the object of enterprise safety culture is people, and the beneficiaries are also People, through researchers, correct human unsafe behaviors, improve people's safety awareness and protection and ability, so as to achieve the purpose of protecting employees and preventing accidents, so each of our employees is the main body in the construction of corporate safety style, It is an object.
V. Enterprise safety culture system:
The enterprise safety culture system includes three major levels: safety material culture, safety management culture and safety spirit culture.
1. Safety material culture: including safe behavior and safety conditions; refers to the specific safety performance behavior of employees in business operations and related safety tools, materials, crafts, labor insurance supplies, etc.
The culture of safe materials is the surface culture of corporate safety culture. It is visible and tangible. It is hardware. The construction requirements of this stage: the harmonious construction of people, machines and environment; the purpose: to achieve the coordination of people, machines and environmental systems, to improve the degree of intrinsic safety of the system; the specific work from the process and equipment to create a safe working environment, etc. Implementation of the aspect; the focus is on the prevention of accidents involving everyone, the identification of sources of danger, the use of intrinsically safe equipment, tools, and labor protection supplies.
2. Safety management culture: including safety technology culture and safety system culture. This level is between the material culture and the safety spirit culture, and it plays a role of incomprehensibility and invisibility. The construction requirements of this stage: the implementation of reward and punishment in the system, technically encourage employees to scientific and technological innovation; the purpose: to make the rules and regulations, safety management system, safety concept and safety resentment to achieve an organic combination, so that everyone "I want to be safe" to achieve " I will be safe"; focus on work: focus on understanding, execution and deep roots.
For example, the various cultural connotations often mentioned in practical work are as follows:
Executive culture: the responsibility and strength of front-line leadership supervision;
Live culture: I am responsible for my safety, I am responsible for the safety of others;
Communication culture: remind you because you care about you;
Accident culture: prevent in advance, learn lessons from inside and outside, and avoid accidents;
Disciplinary culture: Safety is a prerequisite for being hired.
3. Safety spirit culture: including safety concepts and safety habits. The safety concept refers to people's safety thoughts and safety values; safety habits refer to people's safety psychology, safe thinking, and behavioral safety unspoken rules.
This level is a deep culture in the construction of corporate safety culture. It is invisible and invisible. It is the software of enterprise safety culture. The construction requirements of this stage are: the cultivation of employee safety literacy, the construction of safety value concept and behavioral norms; the purpose: to improve the safety work attitude, working methods and operation methods of employees, strengthen team communication and collaboration; work focus: focus on employees The change of ideas has changed from "I want to be safe" to "I want to be safe."
For example, the various cultural connotations often mentioned in practical work are as follows:
Conscious culture: If there is a problem, there may be problems, and the accident can be prevented;
Risk culture: anticipation in advance, prior prevention;
Construction culture: everyone participates, leaders attach importance, and practice;
Investing in culture: Effective security investment is a need to comply with the law and is a reward.
Six elements of corporate safety culture:
From the above, it can be summarized into six elements: safety spirit, safety law, safety responsibility, safety technology, safety investment, behavioral safety and conditions.
VII. Relationship between safety material culture, safety management culture and safety spirit culture:
Safety management culture is the carrier of safe spiritual culture, the mother of safe material culture, that is, the organic combination of hardware and software; the safety material culture is the foundation of safety culture, the safety management culture is the means, and the safety spirit culture is the criterion of action. The core, only the effective unity of the three, can make everyone change from "I want to be safe" to "I want to be safe" to "I will be safe" to ensure that "I am safe."

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