Work Summary > Summary of Training Work

Semi-annual summary of agricultural machinery vocational skills training

In the first half of the year, based on the training theme of “Improving the overall quality of the agricultural machinery team”, our school has made a lot of training in terms of agricultural machinery training, from the continuing education of agricultural machinery technicians, new driver training and “tech winter” training. jobs. Summarized as follows:

1. Continue to adopt preferential training measures for farmers and hold 5 training sessions for cultivator driver training.

In view of the fact that the city's cultivating machine driving license rate is not high, the school has continued to adopt preferential farmer training measures to reduce the training threshold and reduce the burden on farmers, and dredged the “student source” channel, and achieved good training through careful coordination. work performance. Up to now, a total of 4 training courses for cultivator drivers have been held, and trainers have completed the annual training tasks. This has effectively promoted the development of cultivator driver training and played a positive role in improving the driving rate of cultivators.

Second, meticulously organized and completed the continuing education work of 54 people

Continuing education is an important system developed by the national personnel department to continuously improve the technological know-how of professional and technical personnel. In order to further improve the city's continuing education work in the agricultural machinery industry this year, to achieve the goal of improving the quality of training and learning convenience, our school first strives for the support of the state and municipal personnel departments for continuing education through active coordination; With the strong support of the leaders of the bureau, the city's XX annual professional course training was carried out using the special slack season in winter; the third is to strictly follow the training and teaching system of continuing education, and to ensure the quality of training from the management level; The actual development of agricultural production and agricultural mechanization in the city confirmed the content of the lecture; the fifth was to hire a teacher to complete the public class teaching in late May. The city's 54 agricultural machinery technicians received training in continuing education. It has enriched the business knowledge of the majority of professional and technical personnel, improved the business capability, and played an important role in improving the quality of agricultural production in XX.

Third, the "technical winter" measures are effective, and the training tasks are completed.

In view of the large-scale promotion of new machinery, new technology and “film under irrigation” and the new technology of agricultural machinery in the process of residual film treatment, and the improvement of the quality of agricultural machinery operations, the winter training of science and technology in the agricultural machinery industry was held in the Municipal Agricultural Machinery Bureau. Under the leadership, the work of training teaching and training management was emphasized. In teaching, the first is to determine 9 training contents; the second is to select 11 high- and medium-level engineers to form a lecturer group; third, each lecturer has carried out serious text preparation, some courses use multimedia preparation; fourth is Serious supervision of the preparation of the lesson. In terms of management, the first is to determine the training responsibility objectives of each township, and the second is to carry out the “three-in-one” training according to the responsibility target, that is, the combination of city and township training, township training and village group training, city-level professional teacher lectures and townships. The technical staff lectures are combined; the third is to establish the winter work norm content of agricultural machinery technology, which has promoted the development of the work. A total of 0.73 million agricultural machinery trainings were completed. Among them: the training rate of agricultural machinery operators and large agricultural machinery is 100.4%, and the agricultural machinery training rate of farmers is 30%. In particular, it greatly supports the large-scale promotion of the submerged irrigation project in this year, which is the development of the agricultural machinery industry in the city. The improvement of agricultural production efficiency has contributed.

X. Existing problems and ideas

1. There is very little exchange of agricultural machinery teaching, and there is a lack of teacher training. The improvement of the level of agricultural machinery training teachers requires real learning to improve. It can be solved without taking the form. It is necessary not only to do middle school, but also to provide opportunities for learning and communication and to go out to study.

2. Carrying out agricultural machinery vocational skills training requires a lot of material and manpower, and a lot of practical work to be done. At present, we have only obtained the qualification of agricultural machinery vocational skills training. The transportation security problems, internship equipment problems, teachers and treatment issues of vocational skills training have to be carefully planned and coordinated.

In the first half of the year, relying on the leadership of superiors and relying on the efforts of all faculty and staff, the training objectives are progressing smoothly.

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