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Summary of the work of mental health education in the country in 2019

Summary of the work of mental health education in XX years

Third grade language, number Zheng Haihong

First, the guiding ideology:

Guided by the important thinking of the "Three Represents", we will strive to cultivate students' psychological self-knowledge of "self-knowledge, self-respect, self-control, self-confidence, self-improvement", so that every small and medium-sized student has a healthy mind and truly becomes physically and mentally healthy. A new generation. To enable students to constantly understand themselves, enhance self-regulation, withstand setbacks, adapt to the environment; cultivate students' sound personality and good individual psychological quality. Give scientific and effective psychological counseling and counseling to a small number of students with psychological distress or psychological disorders, so that they can get rid of obstacles as soon as possible, regulate self-improvement of mental health and enhance their ability to develop themselves.

Mental health education is one of the important contents of the education of elementary education. The mental health education of the national primary school is mainly aimed at the needs of children's psychological development. It aims to cultivate and improve the psychological quality of students and help students learn how to cope properly. The various pressures faced in real life, how to carry out emotional regulation, etc., enable students to adapt more effectively and actively to the society, adapt to their own development and changes, and promote the development of children's and adolescents' mental health. Therefore, it is the main goal of Guo Xiaosheng's mental health education to promote the improvement of psychological factors and prevention of problems.

With the rapid development of society, people's cultural concepts, lifestyles, and thinking consciousness have undergone dramatic changes. The psychological load capacity of contemporary Chinese students has encountered an unprecedented test. According to statistics, about one-fifth of children and adolescents in China have different levels of psychological behavior problems, such as disgusting, truancy, theft, lying, cheating, selfishness, self-willedness, poor resistance, attack, withdrawal, anxiety. Depressive and other explicit and implicit psychological behavior problems. These psychological behavior problems not only seriously affect the healthy development of children and adolescents themselves, but also bring great troubles to normal education and teaching work, directly affecting the completion of school education tasks and the realization of educational goals. Therefore, it is very urgent and important to carry out mental health education in schools .

Mental health is a problem of all-personality. It is an inevitable problem for every small and medium-sized student in growth and development, including those who study well and are considered “good” children by teachers. Because often due to good academic performance, the unhealthy aspects of the psychological development of these “good” students are often overlooked, without the attention of teachers and timely help education. It can be seen that mental health education is not only the need of individual education, but an important issue for all students, and should be an important task of our school education. At present, the development of mental health education in the national small school should not only pay attention to the exclusion of students' psychological barriers, prevent psychological patients, but also pay attention to comprehensively promote the development of students' mental health; not only pay attention to carry out psychological counseling, hold psychological lectures, but also attach importance to the implementation of mental health education. In all education and teaching activities, it penetrates into the process of subject teaching; not only rely on psychological experts and specialized workers, but also pay attention to relying on teachers to do their jobs well.

Mental health education can not only play a role in moral education, but it also provides a new perspective, so that each of our educators can re-recognize and treat some behavior problems of their students and students, which can effectively help teachers improve. Teacher and student communication. In the past, teachers only noticed that their superficial behavior problems were chaotic, tired of learning, and truancy, and these problems quickly rose to the height of moral education to make bad judgments, while ignoring the hidden behind these behavioral problems. The reasons include the psychological needs of the national students. It can be seen that mental health education requires teachers to recognize and treat the behaviors of students and students in a more tolerant, understanding and accepting attitude, not only paying attention to the behavior itself, but also paying attention to discovering and reasonably satisfying the basic psychological needs behind these behaviors; It is not simple to judge right and wrong, but to understand and educate students from a humanized perspective. Therefore, mental health education truly reflects the respect for students - a kind of respect for "people", which is the premise of establishing a good teacher-student relationship of mutual support, understanding and trust, and is also the practice of each of our small Chinese language teachers. Important issues facing China.

1. The characteristics of psychological development of Guo Xiaosheng

From a psychological point of view, the age of the national ministry is 6-7 to 11-12 years old, and the growth and development of children is relatively stable and even. In particular, the uniform and stable development of the brain's nervous system constitutes the coordinated development of the national minority's psychology; learning becomes the dominant activity, which not only makes the national Xiaosheng's intelligence transition from concrete image thinking to abstract logical thinking, but also makes their psychology get Rapid development.

The experience of Guo Xiaosheng is limited, their psychological activities appear pure and straightforward, and their inner activities are easy to show. At this stage, the "latency" is not obvious. Their emotions and emotions are expressive. The joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are clearly manifested on the face, and they are easy to change, not good at grooming and control. Therefore, in the national stage, adults and children are easy to communicate, and the relationship between parents and children is easy to get along.

The psychological development and changes of Guo Xiaosheng have greater plasticity. No matter whether it is thinking ability, personality, sociality or morality, it is easy to cultivate. A stable personality consciousness such as outlook on life and world outlook has not yet sprouted in the national stage. Another core component of the personality mentality of personality is just the beginning. During the formation period, good or bad habits can be changed through educational measures.

2. The basic law of the psychological development of the country

Congenital and acquired relationship. Innate inheritance is the biological premise and natural condition of psychological development. Good genetic traits are undoubtedly the material basis for normal psychological development. The psychological development of children is mainly determined by their environmental conditions and educational conditions, and education, especially school education, plays a leading role. The leading role of school education is mainly reflected in the leading role of teachers.

The relationship between education and development. The psychological development of Guo Xiaosheng is mainly determined by the educational conditions that are suitable for their psychological development. Elementary and small education should choose appropriate educational content and methods, arouse their new needs, activate their desire for knowledge, and thus guide children's psychology to move forward in a rhythm and step by step. Our teachers can only activate students' interest in learning by paying attention to the cultivation of health psychology in the process of education.

. Characteristics and purposes of Chinese language teaching

Language is the most important communication tool and an important part of human culture. The Chinese language is an important basic subject. It is important for the development of students' scientific and cultural literacy and ideology and morality. It is of great significance and far-reaching for students to learn other disciplines and continue their studies, to promote the excellent culture of the motherland and to improve the national ethos. significance. Therefore, instrumentality, ideology, artistry and comprehensiveness are the characteristics of the Chinese language discipline.

Infiltrating mental health education in the teaching of Chinese language

Language teachers should have a good psychological quality. As the main body of education implementation, teachers' own self-improvement plays an important role in the development of mental health education. It is difficult to imagine that teachers with low psychological health standards and lack of scientific understanding of mental health education can cultivate students with good psychological well-being. Therefore, attaching importance to the improvement of teachers' own quality is the premise and guarantee for the in-depth and effective development of students' mental health education. This topic will qualitatively and quantitatively study the relationship between the mental health level of the Chinese language teachers and the mental health standards of the students, and how to improve the teachers' mental health standards and the growth of teachers' knowledge about mental health, giving full play to the teachers' initiative and initiative. Creativity combines mental health education with their daily education and teaching activities.

Since the starting point and destination of the Chinese language teaching are based on promoting the development of students and laying the foundation for their lifelong study, life and work, it also focuses on students while cultivating and improving their language proficiency.

The psychological quality requirements and training of emotional attitude, willing character, good habits and healthy personality, this kind of people-oriented education and teaching for the sustainable development of students is an important way and guarantee for the school to carry out mental health education.

Infiltrating mental health education in Chinese extracurricular activities The Chinese extracurricular activities are characterized by openness, pleasure, autonomy and activity. It is an extension of Chinese classroom teaching. Its development has opened up new channels for the school 's mental health education. In the national small and medium-sized organizations, the colorful extracurricular activities allow students to experience the mental health knowledge they have learned in the practice of Chinese extracurricular activities and receive mental health education. At the same time, through these extracurricular activities, students will realize that mental health education comes from life and practice in the basics of life.

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