Work summary > self-summary

Teacher work self-summary

I love the motherland and support the Chinese Communist Party. Fully implement the party's educational policy and loyal to the party's educational cause. Concerned about national events. Actively participate in various political activities organized by the school, earnestly study the three representatives of the comrades, and conscientiously implement the various rules and regulations of the school. Unite comrades, do love school like home, love life like a child. Wholeheartedly do a good job in teaching, discipline, and preaching, teaching and educating people.

Teaching and educating people is a comprehensive art that shapes the soul. Seeing how happy the children are as a teacher, how happy I am to be a teacher. Therefore, I have been doing class work for nearly two decades, always starting from caring for them, adhering to positive education, patiently guiding, affirming their achievements, caring for their self-respect, encouraging them to continue their efforts and satisfying their reasonable demands. Help them solve their problems.

Whenever I accept a new class, I always know in more detail the family situation of each student and their ideological basis, intellectual development, hobbies, personality traits; what temper, what methods parents take when they lose their temper, etc. In order to help them solve difficulties and carry out targeted education. What happens in the school, I always contact the parents in time, get the help of the parents, and jointly educate the children. Since my big man taught the first grade, I always felt that it was not a taste. When I saw the child’s lively look that day, my heart was balanced. Because the children in the countryside have less knowledge, the courage is also very small. When a child first entered school, there were always some people who did not dare to leave the seat. Some even have to take their own bags, rain gear, etc. in their hands, for fear of losing their own things. There are also great differences in intelligence. In response to this situation, in education, in addition to strengthening regular education, I took the initiative to play with them during class breaks and tell them stories. Then give them a theme class that "loves their own things, but also cares about the school and classmates." To explain what is the school should be loved, how to love, to start from the love of a chalk head. How should I do the value day, do it well, and how to put the desk stool and hygiene tools. Before going home from school every day, instruct them how to organize their habits. I found out that there are children who are used to falling on the ground or throwing them up. I will take the initiative to pick it up and help me organize it. Children's plasticity is very strong. After a period of training and demonstration, they slowly learn to self- service and develop habits. Therefore, my class children rarely lose things. Parents’ responses are also very good.

Usually I find that students do not come to class without taking time off, I will call or come to the door to ask why. Some children are ill, parents are not at home, I will spend money to buy medicine for students. Some children don't have pens or books, so I will buy them, and in the end let them feel warm.

For the naughty children in the class, I never scare and always carry out positive education, so that they can clarify what is right, what is wrong, what should be done, what should not be done. For children with poor grades, I never alienated him and discriminated against him. Instead, I was close to him and cared for him. When there was progress, I praised him and made him establish confidence in learning. At the same time, they enthusiastically gave them supplementary tutoring. Therefore, the grades I teach are better.

I sincerely care for the students and care for the students. The students will love me more and respect me. This kind of mutual love brings me endless fun.

In the work, I strictly demand myself, work hard, and can complete all the tasks given by the school. In order to improve my own quality, I not only actively participate in various trainings, but also go to various places to study, and usually check the relevant teaching materials. At the same time, I often contact students outside the classroom and always have a relationship with them.

Of course, there are some deficiencies in the teaching work, and further efforts are needed in the future.

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