Work summary > self-summary

Personal self-summary: seeking truth from facts

Personally, we do one thing first to analyze our own situation, the environment we face, the resources we can use, the advantages and disadvantages, and then we can combine the goals we want to achieve and develop the best plan. The process of seeking truth from facts. Without a goal, there is no direction, and you lose the meaning of seeking truth from facts. Defects in the method will affect efficiency, and it will be half-time and even useless.

Seeking truth from facts is a universal truth and has broad guiding values ​​for countries, organizations and individuals.

In our kindergarten, teachers will often say to us, “You have to be serious and do everything well, so that you can get what others like.” At that time, we were all loud. Say "good."

We need everyone to do everything well, because I can be happy, or we will be very upset. For example: next week we are a model. What we need is that every classmate can learn the experience that she lacks in this training. We don’t want to do some unnecessary little tricks in our books. I don’t know what the so-called thing is when I don’t know the campus. First, it’s unacceptable in terms of price. It’s just a boring reason. I like it most. I want to eat it. I need it. Is to make a detailed or brief survey. This will reduce your own costs. If the goods that are not sold are unattended, the next few days will result in a significant increase in the cost we have to pay when we create profits later than others. It is. We have to actually plan the cost to make our own budget tables and questionnaires to purchase good quantities, the cost and the amount of sales needed to minimize their own costs. So we have plans to sell.

Therefore, we should pay attention to the future study and work, improve our ability to analyze problem-aware problems, learn ways to solve problems, and cultivate scientific thinking and ideas.

Another example: the bidding of the booth before the mold, this is a big cost investment, we can not blindly vote for the booth, what we really need is to seek truth from facts, we need a good booth price policy. It is ideal for the living area that cannot be used for the cooked food area. But in the living area, we can't put the price too high, because we sell some daily necessities or some small snacks or some consignment products, the cost must be low, so our cost will be reduced. When buying goods, you have to figure out where the wholesale price is the lowest, but the fare you need is also the lowest. We can also get the law of “lending more than three” from all sides. There are also countless facts that need to be done in the mold.

"Now we are all an adult, but we must not remember the teacher's paragraph in our kindergarten." Students should seriously and do everything well, so that You can get the likes of others." This is indeed the case, no matter what time we are, we need to seek truth from facts.

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