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Zhuangzi Quotations

Zhuangzi Quotations:

1. Between the heavens and the earth, if the white is over the gap, it will be. "Chuangji·Zhibei Tour"

2. All the people are profitable, the sages are the same, the sages are still wise, and the saints are precious. Deliberate

3. Losing one's own things, losing oneself to the vulgar, and calling it the inverted person. Deliberate

4. He said: "Death, no king is on the top, no minister is on the next; there is no four-time thing, since the world is the Spring and Autumn Period, although the South Wang Le, can not be too." "To the music"

5. The squatter is in the fish, and the fish is forgotten; the hoof is in the rabbit, and the rabbit is forgotten; the speaker cares, smug and forget. I am a man who forgets to speak and speaks with it!

6. Shaped above the rivers and seas, the heart is under Wei Wei, so he is quietly meditation, thinking for thousands of years, quietly moving, and seeing thousands of miles. "Chuangji·Let the King"

7. The husband and the abandonment are also far away, and the wine of the monarch is as light as water, and the villain is handed over. Jun wine is light and close, and the villain is willing to take it. "Mountain Wood"

8. Feng Yu Feng Yu, He De's decline also. It is not to be seen in the afterlife. There is a saying in the world, the saints become a scorpion; there is no way in the world, and the holy life is awkward. "Zhuang Liquor and the World"

9. Good reputation, it is also good to destroy it. "Chop Wine, Bandit"

10. The mourning is greater than the death of the heart, and the death of the person is second. "Chuangji·tianjiufang"

11. I use the heavens and the earth as the shackles, the sun and the moon as the shackles, the stars as the jewels, and all things to be sent. I don’t have any evil in my funeral?

12. The clever person knows that the person is worried, and the incompetent has nothing to ask for. If you are full of food and you are traveling, if you are not a boat, you will be a virtual one. 《庄酒·列御寇》

13. The big man carries me in shape, laboring me to live, swearing me to be old, and letting me die. Therefore, those who are good at living are also good at death. Grand Master

14. Ganqi food, beautiful clothes, happy customs, Anqiju, neighboring countries, the sound of chickens and dogs, the people to die and not to go. "胠箧"

15. Therefore, the husband is ignorant, nothing is inactive, the world is flat, and the quality of morality is also. Deliberate

16. There is great beauty in the heavens and the earth, and there is no law in the four days. Everything is justified. The sage, the beauty of the original heaven and earth, and the truth of all things. "Chuangji·Zhibei Tour"

17. “The mortal is in danger of being in the mountains and rivers, and it is difficult to know the heavens.”

18. Working on the sunrise, getting in and out of the world, and enjoying the freedom between the heavens and the earth. "Chuangji·Let the King"

19. "I don't want to live, don't mourn, don't glory, don't be ugly, don't be arrogant, think that you have to be private, don't take Wang Tianxia as already. Show clearly. Everything is a house, life and death are the same." Zhuang Liquor, Outer World, Heaven and Earth

Personal profile:

Zhuangzi, Ming Zhou, Zizi Hugh, famous thinker, philosopher and writer, the main representative of the Taoist school. Because of advocating freedom, Zhuangzi should not be hired by the king of Zong Chuwei. His life has only been the painter, the inheritance and development of Laozi’s thought. Later generations will call him and Laozi "Laozhuang". Their philosophical ideology has been honored as "Lao Zhuang philosophy" by the ideological and academic circles. Known as one of the two most quintessential of Laozi.

Zhuangzi first proposed that the "inner and external kings thought" had a profound influence on Confucianism; Zhuangzi knew that it was easy to reason, and profoundly pointed out that "Easy" is based on yin and yang; Zhuangzi's "three shackles" thought coincides with the "three classics" of Yijing. The representative works are "Zhuangzi" and the famous articles include "Easy Travel" and "Qiwu Theory".

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