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Beijing Youth Quotations

1. Every cynical person grows up because of the baptism of life.

2. After so many things, what else can I not let go of?

3. Love is a responsibility, not love, but also to fulfill the responsibility.

4. There is no way in the world, there are more people to go, and there is no way to go.

5. The farthest distance in the world is not that I am at the end of the world, you are at the cape, but I am by your side, you are playing with a mobile phone.

6. All the women are the same after turning off the lights.

7. You said that you have to go back from youth, why do you have to leave me. Are the two individuals together bad?

8. When you come over, everyone will be right.

9. I can't pit my brother!

10. What is the quality of life of a man? The quality of life of a man lies in what kind of wife you have found.

11. Love is a responsibility, not love, but also to fulfill the responsibility. Happiness is to fight for it on your own.

12. The best way to keep a man by your side: you make him feel like he can leave him at any time.

13. Men and women are inherently unequal and can never be equal, so our women must be better to themselves and have to be enshrined like a queen.

14. Don't use their men's ignorance, their breakups hurt themselves. They don't understand women at all, and never expect them to understand women.

15. People are first responsible for themselves, and they are responsible for making themselves happy in this life.

16. For our women: If you want to be happy, you have to learn from their men, and learn not to let love break this thing.

17. Don't give up, don't give up. Love is deeply responsible.

18. There is no road in the world, there are more people to go, and there is no way to go.

19. The farthest distance in the world, not that you are at the end of the world, I am at the cape, but I am standing next to you, but you are playing mobile phones there.

20. You won't be that?

21. My daily life is the same. Sedum is the same as yesterday. Yesterday and today, day after day, I have nothing to do. As long as I close my eyes, I can think of what I will look like in the next decade. This is not the life I want.

22. If you don’t go out and look at it, you don’t know if you can find it in this society. .

23. We must embrace our future with the humility of the modest, the job-seeking attitude that the hungry desires.

24. Don't trust people's words, believe in your own judgment.

25. Mojido - a bit sour, a bit sweet, savor, and a bit bitter, isn't that the taste of youth?

26. I don't like you, it doesn't prevent me from loving you. Rogue, I only rely on you alone.

27. You can only love what you love, and you don't love what you don't love.

28. Every cynical person grows up because of the baptism of life.

29. After so many things, what else can I not let go of?

30. Sex, love, marriage, only a small part of a man's life; but our woman, but regard it as our whole, we also have our own business, we can also regard it as a small part of our lives .

31. A woman who has no family and no family is not a successful woman, but a man who has a career without a family is a diamond king.

32. The secular expectation of men is a successful career, and the expectation of a woman is a good wife and a good mother. If we women, to get the same success of their men, they have to double their efforts, but also have to take care of the family, otherwise they will be condemned by the society.

33. Who knows where we should dream, who knows what dignity is? The deeper the hurt, the deeper the love.

34. How can we be equal to men and women and be equal? ​​This is not artificial, nor is it a man. It is a deliberate attempt to bully our women. It is the gender itself and the difference in social responsibility.

35. If a lot of women can understand this, they will wake up from the equality of men and women, this daydream.

36. This is not to make us feel inferior. We confess our lives and make us live more active and happier.

37. This man is still twenty-seven, and our women are twenty-seven.

38. Who knows where we should dream, and who knows what dignity is?

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