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The campus is the most familiar place for elementary school students. It has experienced ups and downs with us and spent a happy time with us.

When I was on the rostrum, I was most familiar with each other. Every time I took the prize, I had to go from the podium to the front of the podium. There were more than a dozen pots of azaleas in the front of the podium. I counted that there were 38 pots, and a pot of flowers was opened all year round. So bright and so bright. Behind the azaleas, there are a row of neat little trees, green and oily, really green! There are two iron trees on both sides of the rostrum. The two iron trees were once destroyed by the classmates Cui, but after manual repair, they have restored the former glory. On the chairman's stage, there is a tall flagpole. There is a solemn flag on the flagpole. Every week, all the teachers and students must raise the flag under the podium. The national flag illuminates us all the time, accompanied by one of us. Happy childhood.

The playground is also a bit of my memory. The playground records the laughter and laughter that I left behind. There are several tall sycamore trees outside the playground. When it is near autumn, the leaves of the phoenix tree will turn golden yellow, and the leaves will fall with the autumn wind. Down, like a golden butterfly dancing in the air, and like the autumn wind gave me a golden letter. There are 49 athletes on the wall on the right side of the playground. Some of the athletes are running, some are playing billiards... It turns out that he wants to win a gold medal for China.

There is also a canteen behind, and the uncles and aunts in the cafeteria give us delicious and nutritious food every day. Make our body healthier.

Ah, the podium, the playground is so familiar and kind to me. Their beauty reminds me of childhood.

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