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To say that a penguin can really be said that no one knows it, no one knows it, and it is famous. Penguins are one of the most famous birds growing in Antarctica. It always loves to wear a black and white tuxedo all year round, and has never seen it changed yet!

Although the penguin is a bird, it does not fly, it can only walk around on the land. I think: If I am a cute little penguin, I must be eager to fly freely in the sky, replace it with You must be the same as me!

The penguin family has a wide variety of sizes and sizes. The penguin living in Australia is only 40 cm tall, almost only the bag is big, like the dwarf country; and the giant penguin in the penguin family, the emperor penguin has a 1.2-meter big man, equivalent to a seven-year-old child. The weight has also reached 16 kg. It can be said that it is a world apart!

This cute little guy belongs to the sea after all, and they are all highly skilled swimmers. They spend most of their time in the sea, only on the land when spawning and raising a baby.

In the cold Antarctica, the average temperature in winter is 60 degrees Celsius below the zero, even if the summer temperature is difficult to exceed 0 degrees, like a natural ice bank. How do penguins keep warm in such an environment? The original penguin's fur is a natural coat that can function as a cold, and has a thick layer of fat on its skin.

No matter which type of penguin, there are sharp cockroaches that can catch sea fish, shrimp and squid at lightning speed. At the same time, they must also be careful of their own enemies - the seals of the seals and killer whales.

You said that these little guys are very cute? Hey, the little guys are waving goodbye to us, I hope we will go to them next time.

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