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Gem flower

My grandmother planted potted gemstones in my home, and it has been four or five years now.

Gem flower is a plant. Every spring, the gemstone blossoms out like a five-pointed star. The flower has a yellowish flower, the petals are pointed, and there are some red spots. Although the color is not bright, the leaves are very cute. Each leaflet grows thick and full, with a layer of white powder on the beigeish grayish leaves. In the morning, the crystal dew on the petals is like a dazzling pearl. The leaves of the gemstones are interlaced, overlapping and growing together to form a large disk.

Planting a gem flower without seeds, just cut a leaf on the gem flower and gently put it in a pot. After waiting for ten days, the leaves will grow sprouts and fertilize properly. Gradually, it will grow into a thick gem flower.

The gem flower has a strong vitality and is very drought-tolerant. It does not water it for several weeks and can grow. Because each leaf of its petals is like a reservoir, the water is stored in the leaves, and it is reserved for drought. How wonderful this small reservoir is!

I like the gem flower very much because it is strong and drought-tolerant and unpretentious.

The sixth grade of the wisdom of the world counseling class: Yu Pingping

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