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Delicious cola chicken wings

I like to eat more vegetables, sweet and sour pork ribs, braised squid, noodles and so on. But if you ask me what is the favorite dish, I will answer without hesitation: "Coke chicken wings."

Cola chicken wings have a unique flavor that is fragrant and slippery. Its production process is very simple, first use fried chicken wings, fry the skin of the chicken wings to the tender yellow and yellow, then pour into the cola, soak the chicken wings in the cola, let the sweetness of the cola fully blend into the chicken wings, wait for the cola to cook After drying, add some ingredients, so that a plate of fragrant chicken wings is ready. Through the heat of the tempering, the yellow tinge's skin is shining with seductive oil. When you see the skin, it will make people's appetite increase, and the scent will be heard ten miles away. My troubles will disappear, and I will pick up a chicken wing and bite it. The thick fragrance is filled in the mouth. I hovered for a long time. I was originally prepared to eat three, and now I have eaten three. .

I still remember the first time I tasted the cola chicken wings. It was a summer afternoon. When I opened the door, I smelled a fragrant smell. I hungry to the restaurant and saw a large plate on the table. The golden golden chicken wings were layered on the plate. I smelled it together, and a strong aroma came out. The meat scented in the nose and filled my mouth. I couldn't wait to grab a finger with my fingers and began to eat it with a big mouth. The chicken wings were sweet and delicious, and the taste was unique. I ate five or six chicken wings in one breath, but I didn't know what to do. I just found that the plate was empty. Most adults laugh at me as a "little cat."

When I talk about the cola chicken wings, I will think of the unique and rich fragrance of the cola chicken wings, and I can't help but swallow a mouthful of sputum. Counting your fingers in your heart and expecting to arrive early on Sunday, so you can eat the cola chicken wings cooked by your mother again.

6th grade of Huaqun Guoxiao, Huilai County, Jieyang, Guangdong: Lin Ruimin

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