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Look, a small grass stubbornly drilled out of the brick wall of the broken wall. Its roots are firmly tied in the bricks, and a cute red dragonfly flies by its side. The author of this painting is Mr. Feng Zikai, a famous cartoonist in China.

Indeed, the vitality of the grass is just like the power of the ant. It cannot be underestimated. Ants always combine strength and struggle toward a goal; while grass plays its greatest potential for survival, a little bit, a little bit, overcomes all the difficulties and obstacles, and shows the world its own vitality.

How small they are. It seems insignificant in the colorful flowers. They are so ordinary, in the face of this huge world, what can they do in the face of this difficult living condition? Is it sad? Is it a sigh? Is there helpless? No, no! They chose to persist, chose to struggle, and chose to resist the unfair fate! Maybe it's just a drop of water, and in their eyes it's hope; maybe, it's just a ray of sunshine, but in their hearts it's all depends on survival. Whether it is the wind or the rain, whether it is electric flash or thunder, they will always stand up in their own chest and stand stubbornly in this wonderful territory of life.

“The rope is cut and the stone is broken.” When the grass experienced the wind and rain, it was finally pleasantly discovered that its roots were firmly stuck in the gap, and its head had been drilled from the wall. The tribulation has become a thing of the past, and the most sunny sunshine is waiting for it. However, the challenge of survival is not far off. But the grass will not give up. Will not give up the right to enjoy the beautiful scenery, will not give up to show their vitality to the earth.

"Wild fire, in spring". They will always struggle in the corner of the world and will always struggle for the "flowering of life" face and will not stop. Even if "the mountains are not edged, the heavens and the earth are combined", it is still them that show infinite vitality. They swayed their thin bodies and gave off a burst of fragrance.

May everyone be a grass, a small grass in a brick, a grass that is both ordinary and praiseworthy.

Zhongjia Village, sixth grade: Huang Xin

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