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Cute silkworm baby

From the paradise, we saw the aunt who sold the silkworm, so the mother bought 20 silkworms and brought them home. The silkworm baby settled in our house.

The silkworm baby looks very cute. You lick it, the whole body is white, the strip is a section, and each section has a black circle on each side, 8 on each side. The eyes are exactly the same as the circles on the body. They also have a brown protruding mouth with a lot of wrinkles on the head, wrinkles yellowish, and a total of 6 flexible small claws under the head, each with 3 on each side, which is equivalent to people's hands. There are 8 feet in the back, 4 on the left and 4 on the right. They have a small corner on the last section of the body. The top of the small corner is not so sharp, slightly flat, and very soft and fun. They always raise their heads as if they are thinking about something. Whenever I find the mulberry leaves, I eat it with a big mouthful, and I eat it along the side of the leaves. The movements are different. I eat chubby, greedy and cute, really like a greedy baby.

When people grow up, they have to change a bigger dress, and silkworms are the same - they have to be sued. Suede, for silkworms, it is too difficult. They have to do everything they can to get rid of the skin. There is a silkworm baby and there is no last thing left. You guess, what method does it use? This method is so clever – press the part that is kneeling down on the abdomen, and then pull the other part out of the skin. After about half an hour, the silkworm baby finally finished the skin. I am also happy to reward it with a green mulberry leaf!

When the silkworm crawls, first lick the buttocks forward, then, step back and climb forward. Then, the front footband moves forward and climbs one step, so forward. They are crawling like this. Through careful observation, I found that the silkworm has a suction cup under the foot, can suck things, and there are fluff on the buttocks. When I pick them up, I will make a "squeaky" sound, and it is not easy to pick it up.

When the silkworm baby eats the mulberry leaves, he will make a "sand" sound, like the sound of rain outside. When you are full, the black regular particles will be discharged at the tail. I heard that the silkworm baby came out of the scorpion and turned into a moth. The moth does not fly, and the time of living is very short. It will slowly die in a few days.

what! I really like these cute silkworms!

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