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Can't forget my skull

In the flower bed, a small cross stands there. In this little grave, I have been sleeping with my favorite insect, the cockroach.

A few years ago, I was digging in the floating map, ready to go fishing, and suddenly I dug a small white thing. I thought it was a small stone and I wanted to pick it up and throw it away. Who knows, I touched this little "stone", "stone" suddenly exploded, crawling and crawling up, ha! It turned out to be a white chubby larva, I like it very much, so I took it home and raised it.

Not long after it was raised, the white larva gradually hardened, and it plunged into the soil and began to degenerate. The winter is coming, and you have spent a long winter in the warm soil. Spring is coming, everything is reviving, birds and flowers are fragrant, and the scent of spring feels in the earth. On a sunny morning, it broke free of the hard clam shell, revealing the milky white, soft body. After a few days, its soft body grew a layer of bright black armor. I met, ecstatic, and hurriedly changed it to a new home with flowers, grass and branches. It crawled up and down in the new home.

Every morning, the scorpion scorpion will climb the tree to suck the juice. At noon, I went to see it, and it climbed out and looked at me, as if to say to me: "Little master, you are back!". After a while, I went to the sun in a lazy way.

Once, I forgot to close the cage, and the scorpion scorpion flew away. I was in a hurry and could not find it everywhere. After a week, I found it in the toilet. It must be starving, and I ran out to find it! Also, I may still be reluctant to be my little master!

Time is passing by, my and my scorpion are good friends, it likes me, I can't bear it, I have to look back at it every day. But one day, the unfortunate thing happened, the same in the spring, and also on a sunny morning, I found out that my beloved skull-shaped armor died. I decided that it was old and dead. Because the adult life of the cockroach is only three years, it has been alive for two years, and it is very good. I dug a tomb in the flower bed for it, buried it in the soil, and made a small cross with a stick, standing in front of the tomb. I meditate in my heart: "Goodbye, my good friend."

Later, as soon as I got home, I could no longer see my lively and lovely friends. I saw only a small cross in the flowers. The cross would always remind me of many memories.

Hey, hey, I can't forget my friend!

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