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I love the tower

On Saturday night, I came here and visited the radio and television tower with my father, fulfilling my long-cherished wish.

At the entrance of the Tianta, there is a huge stone with two bright red characters "Tianta" written by Li Ruihuan's grandfather, which is powerful and powerful. It is surrounded by beautiful rose flowers and is more radiant and spectacular.

I just checked the ticket, I was like a little bird can't wait to rush into the mouth.

The tower stands in the Tianta Lake near the north of the body. It towers into the sky, like a sharp sword piercing the sky. The floodlights on the tower shined. The lights are intertwined, so brilliant, so spectacular. The little fish in the lake chase and play. The fountain water accompanied the beat of the music, and also walked the waltz with a relaxed dance. Everything is under the cover of seven colors of light, it is particularly charming.

We took the elevator and went to the observation deck. The elevator is flying at a speed of 5 meters per second. We are like flying on a spaceship to the depths of the universe. More than 200 meters of the observation platform, less than a minute to arrive, it is simply a cloud.

There are so many good things on the lookout. The lively and lovely long-haired bear smirked and waved at us; the "clown" in the mirror, let me smile and bend, the gorgeous palace lantern, as if it is a noble lady, holding her head and a proud look. I have high-precision instruments such as cameras, video recorders and cameras to showcase the high, precise and sharp techniques that make me feast my eyes. On the lookout, we also sell small souvenirs to tourists and buy one to go home, so that you can keep the tower in mind forever.

Ascending the stairs, we came to the "rotating ballroom" that has long been famous. There was a burst of cold air on the front, refreshing and pleasant. I was sitting on a rotating chair, and a rose on the table gave a seductive fragrance. It’s so quiet here, it’s a fairyland on earth, a paradise! Occasionally bowing, I suddenly noticed that the floor under our feet was moving. Hey, what is going on here? I took a closer look. It turns out that the rotating ballroom is like a big circle, and the big circle includes two small circles inside and outside. The tourists are all sitting on the big circle, and it is obvious that the big circle is slowly moving, and it takes about 50 minutes to make a turn. The bar is in a small circle. The goblet is placed on a plastic stand, and an aunt is carefully mixing the wine. There is a TV on the wall we are facing for visitors to watch.

I am condescending and have a panoramic view. The houses on the ground are like pigeon cages, the green trees are like grass, the roads are like a belt, the cars are like beetles, everything is so small.

It’s already a million lights. Yellow, blue, red, pink, rose-purple; the store hangs on the branches for the business, the neon lights hanging on the signs, the pedestal lights, the street lights on both sides of the street, a variety of lights Dress up an ampoule night. They seem to be in the air, like stars, dense and covered with sky; they are like brilliant diamonds embedded in black velvet. Hey! Among the many lanterns in the Central Line, the brightest place is the Children's Activity Center. The red lights are like a beating fire.

"..." The bell of nine o'clock rang, we are leaving the tower, and my father's urging sound awakened me from the magical and wonderful dreams. I had to reluctantly leave the tower. I love Tianta and love the magnificence and colorfulness of it. May it be dedicated to the radio and television industry!

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