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Concavely accommodates hundreds of rivers

Concavely accommodates the characteristics of the river. The characteristic of the concave land is the gathering of power. The ending of life is the success of life.
People look high and the water flows down. The biggest feature of the concave land is that it brings together the water of all parties because of the terrain. Li Bai has a poem: "The water of the Yellow River comes up in the sky, and it will not return to the sea." What a momentum! If the sea is not in the concave, how can it accommodate the hundred rivers?
"The valley takes a low position, so it can be used for everything." Laozi particularly praised the characteristics of the valley in the Tao Te Ching, and thought it was very close to the Tao. In modern society, a new word "concave effect" is derived, which means that something has an attraction to certain things because of certain characteristics or advantages, which causes these things to gather in this place.
The characteristic of the concave land is the gathering of power, and the ending of the life situation is the success of life. If you want to have a good relationship, improve your popularity index, and gather a group of good friends, then you must make yourself a "recessed land." As long as a person has the characteristics of "concave land", it will take a long time and good things will come one after another.
What are the characteristics of the "concave land"?

One is modesty. Not arrogant, not arrogant, resigning and humiliating, loyalty, ignorance, and vain. In the Chinese dictionary, the idioms that express humility are everywhere. however. People like this in life are scarce. Many people are often very modest and open-minded when they are struggling, and they become arrogant after they become famous. Not only are they hard to make progress, but they are often swollen because of self-righteousness. In this connection, it can be said that it is more difficult to overcome defeat and to bear victory. Only with the heart of modesty can we stand the test of failure and stand the test of victory. Modesty is one of the elements of good personality. In real life, modest and cautious people are often able to take care of the overall situation and be strict with themselves. In the face of achievements, modesty is like a calm messenger. It teaches people to ask questions, talks with the soul, and sounds the alarm of "don't be proud" and "do not indulge". The success of a business and the realization of a goal are all processes of continuous improvement and struggle. They are all small and large, from low to high development chains. If there is progress, it will be satisfied. If you have a good idea and a hole, you will never reach the peak of victory. In the face of progress and success, modesty is a kind of sobering agent, a gas station, a driving force, which promotes the strugglers to continue to move toward new goals after achieving initial success.
The second is tolerance. The friendship between Guan Zhong and Bao Shuya has long been a good story. To know that this "Bao Baozhi" is that Bao Shuya does not care about the selfishness of Guan Zhong, and understands the results of a series of "tolerance" such as Guan Zhong's greed and fear of death. Lincoln was known for his tolerance to political enemies. Later, he finally caused dissatisfaction from a member. The House said: "You should not try to make friends with those people, but should destroy them." Lincoln smiled and replied: "When they become my friends, can't they? Am I not destroying our enemies?" In the phrase, more inclusive, open opponents may be our potential friends. The Three Gorges Project has successfully intercepted the river, who has contributed the most to the third-line project? The well-known hydraulic engineering scientist Pan Jiaxuan returned to foreign journalists to ask questions: "Those who oppose the Three Gorges Project have made great contributions to the Three Gorges Project." The existence of opponents allows you to keep a clear and rational mind and make things more comprehensive. Encourage your courage to accept challenges and evoke the potential of life. The sky embraces every cloud, so it can be vast; the sea is inclusive of every wave, so it can be vast and endless. The influence of the first temper personality, experience vision, cultural accomplishment, and living environment, people show various differences, and even various shortcomings and shortcomings. Whether to accommodate their individuality and tolerate their lack is not only a kind of elegance, but also a kind of art. People must tolerate the embarrassment of others, crowded out and even fell. You must know that the cool words can give you a cold mind "cold"; the little shoes you wear may make you jump out of the best "ballet" on the stage; the blow to you, like the athlete's injured barbell, will Increase your explosiveness.
The third is to listen. Some people are very popular and everyone likes to make friends with them. Such people, people are very good, everything is easy to succeed, and one of its psychological characteristics is often good at listening. Today, when people's self-expression is universal, it is a virtue to be able to calm down and listen to others. Listening to it helps to collect information and observe personnel, and it can also avoid mistakes caused by multiple words. The folk song said: "People who are good at listening are wise." People like to listen to the people they speak. Listening is the basic skill that makes them popular. Listening is more important than expression. A good listener is more than a talker at any time. Welcomed. Listening is like attracting people around the magnets that attract the surrounding iron. Listening, opening the key to people’s hearts. If someone talks to you, you must listen carefully, with patience and patience. Because this is their trust and support for you, your listening is also an inspiration, sharing, comfort and warmth for them. Listening is a life attitude. He is kind, sincere, and wonderful. Learning to listen is an important magic weapon for the world. Don't worry if you are eager to talk about other things. Listen carefully to others until they finish talking. If you persist, you will have an unexpected harvest.
Modesty, tolerance, listening, persevere, you will find that life in the concave world will be wonderful.

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