Inspirational article

Although you are weak, you will be strong

Although you are weak, you will be strong. <br />文/meiya
——For everyone who is crying and crying in life, for me, one person writes for three or four hours at a desk, one person reads a book quietly for an hour or two, one person runs silently for an hour, one cooks at home, one takes a walk Listening to music, when I go to the cinema to watch a movie, I don't feel lonely. I can even go to the restaurant to order food and eat. I don't think there is anything awkward. In short, I only need to do a single thing. I can list a lot. But I don't think I am lonely. I just don't want to be alone.
I have lived a collective life since I was a child. I have been working for three years now. I still live with my classmates, integrate into the group, live with others, get along with me. I think I have no problem at all, but I often need someone. Staying, especially when running, I don't really like to have friends with me.
Some friends said that they would run with me, or stand by and watch me running and accompany me running. On the surface, I will be happy to say that I am actually very reluctant, frankly, because I often run long distances. I cried because I used to face my own pain when I was running, so I prefer to run alone.
When I was crying while running, what did I think? It is nothing more than trivial, painful, boring, and helpless things in life, such as stress and difficulties at work, sorrow and suffering in love, and hardships and troubles in the family. When I think about these pains during long-distance running, I will cry. If I encounter or think of the pain on the day of running, I will cry. If I encounter or think of the pain on the day of running, I will only squeeze two tears. Meaning it. Even if I cry, I won’t stop running.
If there is a long shot in the movie, facing my crying face, I know it must be ugly, but like I can't stop running, I can't stop crying. I can only release when I cried and screamed. The spiritual pain accumulated in daily life, I can see the power and courage contained in my body, I can truly accept this pain, understand my own vulnerability, and then think about how to solve these pains.
In my daily life, I often forget one of the greatest truths in my life - life is hard.
In the movie "This killer is not too cold", the little girl Mathilde was beaten again by her parents. Her nose was standing on the corridor in front of her house. Leon came back from the outside and passed her and handed her a handkerchief. nosebleed.
Mathilda: Is life always this hard, or is it just when you're a kid?
Mathilde: Is life always so painful? Still only childhood pain?
Léon: Always like this.
Leon: It’s always so painful.
The writer David Foster Wallace said: "Tolerating suffering is a part of our lives that cannot escape."
Life is like Wang Xiaobo’s slow process of being hammered in the Golden Age. Everyone in life is like the Sisyph in the myth of Sisyph, and he repeatedly and painfully The stone pushes to the top of the mountain until death, and the pain of life is completely over.
However, it is always easy for me to forget this. Every time I encounter the sufferings in my life, I always feel guilty and think: Oh, how can I be so tired and so tired, the pressure is so great, life is so sad reminder. When I cried in the long-distance running, I finally accepted this fact again and again. I knew all the hardships that life gave me, and admitted that I was weak and ignorant. I knew that I was so embarrassed that I didn’t use it, and then I started. Really face the pain, calm down and think if you solve the problem.
If you can persist in solving the problem, then stick to your teeth and stick to it.
If you can solve problems with positive actions, then take action.
If you can rely on the help of others to solve problems, then quickly go to help others.
Every time I cried in the long-distance running, I was able to maintain the "normal" state for most of the next month: stable emotions, positive attitudes, positive thinking and hard action. Then greet the moment when I was crying for the next long run.
The more I grow up, the more I am afraid that others will praise me for being strong, because the more I grow up, the more self-aware I know. The more I understand my own vulnerability and helplessness, the more I understand that I can’t afford this "strong" character, but in these runs. When I cried, I knew that although she was weak, she would be strong. In fact, who is not so long-distance running and crying in life? Isn't everyone's life like a super marathon that is crying and running completely?
Since the number of people who have been watched has gradually increased, more and more friends have emailed me. I think I have seen at least 300 emails. Their pain is almost no heavy. Some people have physical bodies. Defects, this defect is different, there is one toe, there is excessive obesity, there is a very successful rabbit lip repair surgery; some people have conflicts with their parents, this contradiction is different, there are parents forced A blind date, there are parents who oppose the current occupation, parents have opposed his development from the countryside; some people are facing the pain of love, this pain is different, there is a partner derailed, there is a quarrel about buying a house and getting married Some people who are in love with women are unable to extricate themselves; some people are under the pressure of interpersonal relationships, they are not good with their roommates, they are constantly rubbing, they have misunderstood their feelings with each other, and there are also intrigues among colleagues. Some people are trapped in the troubles of their work, they are doing work that they don't like, they have work pressure to sleep, and it is difficult to adapt to the office rhythm...
Just like a thousand people have a thousand Hamlet, a thousand people have their own thousand kinds of pain, maybe more than one thousand people have 10,000 pains, and when these pains are over, they will come to a new one, even Several pains come together. Sometimes I think if I am on the street, in the MRT station, in a crowded restaurant, in the shopping mall, interview anyone who meets and ask them a question: "Do you feel that your life is suffering?" I think most of the answers I get will be: "I am suffering." For more than 20 years, I have never seen a life that is not painful.
Pain is like a growing tree, a painful backbone, this is life, other trunks are many parts of life, career, school, love, marriage, family, followed by countless branches of branches with countless leaves And each of these leaves is specific to every pain.
There is no life without pain, life is full of hardships, life is the process of constantly facing and overcoming one pain. You must be convinced of this fact, do not try to make any refusal and evasion, because it is not useful for solving pain.
In these few days, I reread the words of Murakami's "When I talk about running, what do I talk about", which makes me resonate, because I also run like this.
"When you insist on running out of desperation, you feel as if everything is squeezed out from the deepest part of your body. A kind of refreshing feeling like self-destruction comes to life."
"When I get someone's blame for no reason, or feel that I can get someone's acceptance, it doesn't have to be the case. I always run farther than usual. Run longer than usual, let the body consume more. Re-recognizing yourself is a weak human being with limited ability - from the deepest point, physically knowing. And, if you run longer than usual, it strengthens your body, even if it is a little bit. If you are angry, you will be angry. If you feel annoyed, use your annoyance to temper yourself."
There are still some words that have inspired me. He said that the running mantra of a marathon runner is: Pain is inevitable, Suffering is optional. "Keywords are this optional. If you say, running and running suddenly feels: ah yeah, tiring, I can't. This 'very tired' is an unavoidable fact, but is it really 'no', still I have to be discretionary."
The pain can't be avoided, but the definition of pain depends on ourselves. Our attitude towards pain determines our attitude towards life. If you feel pain, it means you are growing. The pain of facing problems and solving problems can give us the best learning. American sage Benjamin? Franklin said: "Only pain can bring lessons."
If I didn’t go to college while studying, I would like to study the undergraduate course and work hard. When I graduated from the economic crisis, I would not find the job so easily, adapt to the society easily, and I can’t have such a strong self-learning ability to learn professionally. skill.
If I have not experienced the wholehearted effort, I have been suffering from insomnia and gluttony and loss of love for 2 years. I have no deep empathy for the emotional pain of others. I will not go to see so many books on psychology and gain those psychology. Know how.
Just like Eason Chan’s song "Bitter Melon" sings:
Just like you were saddened by the day, she refused to know how to find out that you can learn from excuses and forgiveness. It is like a business that I am very entangled. Looking back, I didn’t think that we really hated eating bitter gourd. Out of the wisdom, the more and more remembered to hang at the beginning, some of the plants that have been planted in the end, the flowers are fortunate, the road to sweetness, the sweetness of the youth, and the youthful fast food, only require that you ignore the game and have a playful space to appreciate the delicate and elegant to Dawu Da You will feel the pain and the pain is pain, I will not let you pretend to enjoy the pain, but please change the following attitude towards pain and regard it as your own life. Indispensable tempering. In the face of pain, you can cry, but don't evade; you can complain, but you need to act; you can be vulnerable, but please insist on it, it's really just a matter of time.
Everyone has his own life pain to face, to solve, I even think that the pain of a person has established his existence in this world, pain is one of the important ways for one to know oneself.
So please don't short-sight your pain. Every pain you endure is a mysterious gift from God. I hope that you can learn, accumulate and grow from every pain you suffer. If the pain you experience is just pain, you can't transform the pain into the nutrients of adult life, and you can infuse your own inner strong flower. Then you may be painful and fragile all your life, and you can't find your own sense of existence.
I know that although you are weak, you will be strong, not that you must be strong, but that you will be strong, because you are on the road to becoming strong.

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