Inspirational article

The best is your own

The best is your own. The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates had a big regret before his death. His many years of good helpers didn’t find him for more than half a year. The best closed disciple.
The thing is this: Socrates knows that he is not much time, and he wants to test and point out his usual assistant who looks very good. He called the assistant to the bed and said, "I don't have much left in my wax. I have to find another wax and then go down. Do you understand what I mean?"
"Understood," the assistant hurriedly said, "Your thoughts are shining very well..."
"But," Socrates said slowly. "I need a best passer. He must not only have considerable wisdom, but also must have full confidence and extraordinary courage. Such a candidate until now I still have Didn't see, can you find and find one for me?"
"Good, good." The assistant said very docilely and respectfully: "I will do my best to find it to live up to your cultivation and trust."

Socrates smiled and said nothing.
The loyal and diligent assistant, who worked tirelessly through various channels, began to look around. But he brought one after another, and he was always declined by Socrates. Once, when the assistant returned to the Socrates bed again, the sophomore Socrates sat up hard and stroking the assistant's shoulder and said, "It’s really hard, but, The people you brought in are actually not as good as you..."
"I must redouble my efforts," the assistant said earnestly. "Looking around the city and town, looking for the world, I will also dig out the best candidates and recommend them to you."
Socrates smiled and stopped talking.
After half a year, Socrates will tell others that the best candidates are still not eye-catching. The assistant was very embarrassed and sat down on the bedside with tears. He said with a heavy voice: "I am really sorry for you, disappointing you!"
"I am disappointed, but I am sorry," Socrates said, very disheartenedly closing his eyes and stopping for a long time, and then said without regret: "The original, the best is your own, It’s just that you can’t believe yourself, just ignore yourself, give you a mistake, and lose it... In fact, everyone is the best. The difference is how to know yourself, how to discover and reuse yourself...” A generation of philosophers will always leave the world he once deeply concerned about.
In order not to repeat the mistakes of the assistant, everyone who wants to succeed and not to be addicted should bear in mind the sage of the sage: "The best is yourself"!

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