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Taiwanese old couples are both demented, forget the world but only remember each other

The old Taiwanese husband and wife "Wang Grandpa" and "Wang Grandma" are both demented, but they can work together to "handle" the caregivers, making people look good and funny, but the two "even if you forget the whole world, it will not I forgot each other", I don't want to separate for a moment, and deep emotions are moving.

Taiwanese neurologist Yang Yibai pointed out that dementia can not be cured, and it must be controlled by drugs. Generally, the disease will last for about five to ten years, and the patient will completely remember the disorder; the example of Wang Grandpa and Wang Grandma may be due to two People have short-term memory loss, but they can remember long-term, profound, and beautiful memories, so they will not forget the other half.

The 85-year-old grandfather Wang was retired from the colonel and married to his 69-year-old wife for more than 50 years.

Unexpectedly, the two suffered from dementia, and the family was busy with work during the day. So they arranged for the second old man to go to the nursing center of the hospital, take care and rehabilitation during the day, and pick up at night.

Surprisingly, although the disease took away their health and memory, they could not take away their deep marital relationship for decades. They both forgot everything, but they still recognized each other’s faces and were always looking for them. The other person's figure.

When walking outside, the couple always hold hands. Grandpa Wang will not be able to see his wife at once, he will chase others to ask: "Grandma?" The medical staff will immediately bring the grandmother to the grandfather, if it is more than a minute When you see your wife, Grandpa will be anxious.

Grandpa Wang often loses his temper because he forgets where he is. When Grandma Wang sees it, he will lose his temper together. Even the bird will lean on his husband and count the caregivers to make the caregivers angry and funny.

Recently, with the deterioration of Wang’s grandmother’s condition, she must live in the center to receive all-day care. During the day, Grandpa and Grandma are like the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl on the Tanabata. In the evening, the grandfather always asks: “Grandma? I have to bring her together. Go home.” The medical staff had to be patient and appease.

The grandmother, who is more demented, is very happy every day. She also likes to wear red clothes and tells people around me: "I am getting married." The caregiver asked who Grandma is going to marry? She will clearly tell the name of Grandpa Wang. . It turned out that her memory returned to the girlhood and stayed forever in the happy time that was about to marry Grandpa.

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