Inspirational story

Only this pride is different from the embarrassing life.

Every day, I hear people complaining that their work is unsatisfactory, and even resign or change jobs. But will these people be happy and successful after switching jobs?

This question is put aside for the time being. If you don't mind, let's start with a small story.

I have had a very expensive umbrella. When I open it, it will be amazing and it will automatically expand and contract. So I often show it to my friends: You see, one fold, two folds, three folds... pong! Open! It's like a small ball with no head. The black ribs looked good, but suddenly one day it broke, perhaps protesting my repeated embarrassment.

An umbrella with a broken rib is too bitter. It is like a rotten peach blossom that is unfortunately eaten, and is ashamed to be shot, and is not willing to completely discard it. Strongly propped up and took it out several times, each time being ridiculed. Once I wore a pair of artistic sandals, and I took it into the classroom. The students in the front row reconciled to me with deep affection: "The bamboo sticks are lighter than the horse..."

Only this pride is different from the embarrassing life.

Even so, I still can't bear to lose. I am indeed a long-lived person, I will put it somewhere, maybe it will not be used for a lifetime, but it is there.

Until noon, I found an old man with a straw hat downstairs, sitting there to fix the umbrella.

In this urban-rural junction, it is more valuable to meet a person who repairs an umbrella than to buy a good umbrella. Then the house full of squats looked for an umbrella, and finally found the umbrella standing quietly next to a cupboard, so the fart turned down with an umbrella downstairs.

After an hour and a half, I went downstairs after lunch. The old man was still sitting in the same place, playing with my umbrella in the same position. I squatted beside him like a curious and awkward little boy, watching him cut off the excess material and seeing him sew it.

When I was swimming, he asked, "This umbrella is not bought here, I have never seen it like this."

He added that I saw more umbrellas.

He went on to say, it’s not me, ah, this umbrella, you fortunately met me, the whole city... After a pause, you may not be able to say anything, and then there are few people in the city who can fix it.

I was very surprised when I met him. In fact, even if he didn't stop, I really believed this sentence. Now people are lazy, and there are fewer and fewer craftsmen. The quilt that I got when I got married was popped up with new cotton wool, which was very pleasant. Auntie said that he was looking for a craftsman who didn't know how many small streets to find. The team was half as long as the alley.

Without these people, there are many small nuisances that have been shredded. I used to find a man with a double-row zipper on the street. Those who find the so-called clothing shops and open the finished clothes shop will only cut a piece of cloth, make bed sheets or make curtains, and in the winter, they will be filled with down, and they will not be seamed. The last camera bag with a big mouth every day was repaired by a grandfather who sold melons. He looked at my zipper and pulled it weakly, and volunteered to play it three times. According to him, when he was a young man, he had been a shoemaker and he was a shoemaker. When he saw these zippers, he tickles. Interestingly, he also said the same thing, this zipper, except me, is estimated that no one is doing well!

A highly confident person who has a real career and a real life. When they said this, I was very admired.

Later, I accidentally mentioned it with the students. I realized that there are many such folk masters in their families: some uncles will blow sugar to draw sugar paintings, and some aunts are famous paper-cut artists. There is a child, his grandfather is actually the mysterious white-bearded old man who knows all the children who used to sell maltose around the city but only knows his name!

In the same way, there are fat people in the barbecue shop who are not able to walk the legs and stick out the whole street. The beautiful guy who is always in need of Indian cake at the entrance of the school, the cake in the door cake shop is like a handsome girl, the old town The mother-in-law who sells oil tea and glutinous rice, no matter how the fruit is picked out, is a delicious grandfather than other families...

Not many people around me love their work. It’s not too little to earn, it’s too tired. Sometimes I am annoyed, I really want to be jealous of them: earn more and not tired, you still have to ask for support.

My dad told me that when they were young, their work always had a passion of 120 points, and they felt that they were more fun and more valuable. I asked, how much do you earn in January? He is very happy to say that he can work for 50 yuan a month and can save 5 yuan a month.

Ignore the inflation in these years, my lovely father was really not a rich man in the past... But even today he is retired at home, but he has done a lifetime of work with 120 points of passion, and he can be proud of him. Although sometimes, I seem to be the same thing.

Can it be enough for Dad?

I think that those who feel that their work is not as good as they are, and who are complaining about poor treatment and unfairness in the system, are really willing to use the skills of complaining about the comparison to study the profession. How many?

When I first came to school, the teacher who took me was a person who didn't complain and only studied. Later, when a colleague chatted, another colleague asked me, "Hey, your master looks so different! What is the difference? Is there anybody who is above him? Get it..."

I thought about it while I was plucking the rice, but it was just that Teacher X used the complaints and injustices to carefully study it. Although the teacher was originally a poor career, but the X teacher's honor is a bunch, looking for him to make up a class have to go around three or five laps, and it is not like a lack of money.

Teacher X, I know it, three generations of poor farmers, he taught in a city.

To say that there is only a love and attachment to the work.

In fact, before the start of each job, you can't predict what you and the job will eventually become, but if you just want to earn a few wages and make a few mouthfuls of meals, then the lower wages will also be worthy of your attitude.

If you really like, study, and pay, then one day, even if the salary of this family is sorry for you, there will always be olive branches handed over by other families.

If you don't like a person, don't expect to live with him for a long time. If you don't like your work, don't expect your work to repay you twice...

Fairness and return sometimes come not so immediate, but it is definitely a long-term effect.

Like the master who repaired the umbrella, because of his not so modest words, I was awe-inspiring. As long as this is proud, it is different from the embarrassing life.

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