Inspirational speech

a dream that I had when I was young.

When I was young, I had a lot of dreams.

1. Want to be a painter, 2. Want to be a writer, 3. Want to be a reporter, 4. Want to be a fashion designer, 5. Want to be a radio host,

6. Want to be a doctor, 7. Want to be a teacher, 8. Want to be a singer, 9. Want to be a chef, 10. Want to be a policeman. . . .

When I was a child, I had too many dreams. When I grew up, I didn’t want to seal up my dreams. I had to work hard for my childhood dreams.

As we grow older, our troubles increase, and our dreams are constantly changing and even blurring.

Some people say that the dream of a child was very good and very thoughtful, sincere and clear, and I wanted to grow up when I was young. Because you can go out to play, no family management,

When I grew up, I realized that I was not happy when I grew up. Even if I could go out to play, but the mood has changed, there is no taste, and my dreams are foaming.

I don't know what I want now. I am really troubled when I grow up. The dream now is to have a state of mind when I was young.

Remember the songs of childhood?

Childhood dream

Word/曲/后:Clear. Loudly sing: Clear. Loud and Bei Xiaomo

M: I used to sit at the gate when I was young.

Looking up at the big sky

Female: When I was a child, I often turned over the hills.

Look back at the little hills

Male: Carefree - a beautiful past

Female: Fantasy innocence - unforgettable time

M: The dream of a child, grow up with me

I will realize it when I grow up!

Male: Always full of beautiful fantasy!

Female: Always keep the same faith!

M: Innocent thoughts, buds in my heart

Female: I only hope that it will bloom in the future.

Will it open? En, will!

Male: Sweet Candy D Snow White

Female: handsome prince d prince

Chorus: I don't know why I really want to see you.

Male: The accompanying fantasies continue to urge me to grow up.

When I grow up, I will understand la

Female: I once dreamed of becoming a musician!

M: I used to think that growing up is a big deal!

Female: The fairy tale in the dream! Male: The complexity in reality!

Hehe: Growing up step by step, has moved towards tomorrow!

Everyone’s childhood has such illusions,

Even if you and I grow up tomorrow, I hope

The childhood dream can continue,

The dream of a child can sprout,

The dream of a child... can bloom! ^_^En``

Female: You shoot one, male, I take one, grow up together and fly!

Male: You take two, female, I take two, do the home doll!

Female: You shoot three, female, I shoot three, I will not be alone with you!

Male: You shoot four, female, I take four, sing and dance, and more literacy!

Hehe: We will never play apart when we play games together!

Male: childhood games, childhood innocence,

Play as a child, fantasy as a child,

The childhood dreams are continuing, not broken!

The dream of a child is close, not far!

The dream of a child is realized, and there is no change!

Hehe: We must let it be realized····

M: I used to sit at the gate when I was young.

Looking up at the big sky

Female: When I was a child, I often turned over the hills.

Look back at the little hills

Male: Parrot's Accordion!

And the YAMAHA that I love!

With me walking through my golden childhood...

Gradually grew up, liked music, fell in love with guitar

Fantasy as a child, a little sprout,

I saw the flowers of the future, growing up like me.

Even if you and I both grow up, I still hope that our innocent friendship will always shine!

Hehe: The dream of a child will grow up a little bit.

We all have different dreams at different stages. With dreams, we will not feel lonely on the road of life. Even if we know that this dream will not be realized in the future,

But because of dreams, our lives will always be colorful. Hard-working people, the day is not lost, three thousand more than A can swallow Wu. Sometimes, we need someone to give encouragement, more friends.

Communicate with family members and share their thoughts with them. When you grow up, you should have a dream like a child, and always have a dream~!

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