Inspirational speech

Tsinghua students: Never say that you have tried your best.

Tsinghua students: Never say that you have tried your best.

This is a lecture report by Tsinghua students, originally titled "The Peak of Life and Hard Work". The original text was forwarded here, and changed to the current title, because this sentence is deeply engraved in my mind: never say that you have tried your best - this sentence is worthy of all our people to remember, and at any time Remind yourself and tell yourself.

After reading this article, I remembered a few words: Why are flowers so red? How the Steel Was Tempered? Without a bit of cold and bone, how can the plum blossoms scent?--All the honors of the world are woven with thorns! If you are not afraid of doing it, you will not be able to do it; how far can you go, how far can we go...

Mr. Lin Yutang said: Life can't be without dreams, no dreams are hopeless, hopelessness is impossible, and people who do big things in the world come from dreams.

"Dream" is ideal. Life can't have no dreams, dreams have hopes, hopes have the goal to pursue, and have the motivation to move toward the goal. Therefore, this article is also worthy of reading for all middle school students and senior students of the junior high school - each of our classmates should have their own ideal dreams from an early age, isn't it?

I believe that the third-year students who are fortunate enough to see this article, after reading this article, will certainly be inspired, encouraged, and steadfast in their belief in climbing the ideal peak, adjusting their own pace to success. It’s not unrealistic for each of us to lock our goals to Tsinghua and aim at Peking University. But each of us should have our own dreams and our longings should strive for our own ideals and goals. Work hard, fight hard--believe in you, believe in yourself, encourage yourself, cheer for yourself!

Original report:

Good classmates:

Today, I am very honored to stand here and give you a report on high school learning. Below I will combine what I have seen in my three years of high school and three years of college. I will explain to you that we will be in high school through some examples. Some problems encountered and how to deal with them. I hope that everyone will learn from my report, take less detours, set goals for themselves, strengthen their confidence, and finally enter the ideal university.

How do we determine our goals and establish our ideals?

The number of high school students in our middle school is six or seven hundred, so you will be able to enter a top-ranking university or a top-ranking university in a year. When I was in high school, I had such a confusion: my goal is to get a good university, but I have to test the university for what, why do we have to go to study this way? Jiang Zemin’s answer is “For the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation”, the answer of many parents is “for the ancestors of Guangzong”. The answer of many teachers is “For your future future,” said writer Zheng Yuanjie, “China’s small graduates are like writers”. Bill Gates said: "University dropouts can also be the richest in the world." After three years of Tsinghua's training, my answer now is: "The way to study is a shortcut to success."

Here I give a few examples to prove this point: I am a brother in the Tsinghua Electronics Department, Liu Zihong, who won the first prize in the National College Student Challenge Cup Science and Technology Competition last year through his own research. His patent "human body biology" The sensor chip was bought by a company for 3 million yuan. Let's take a look. A senior undergraduate is already worth a million. This is a lot of examples in Tsinghua.

Deng Xiaoping said: "Science and technology are the primary productive forces." Let me give you an example: the kind of red laser pen that we have played, I saw the lowest price in the market a few days ago is 3 yuan. We are a project by Information Optoelectronics, "Green Light Semiconductor Laser Pen", which now buys a $200 in the United States. In fact, the cost is 10 yuan, but we have done it. If others don't, we can decide everything.

I checked out Forbes magazine, and 100% of the billionaires who started from scratch in China under the age of 35 started their careers in science and technology. Speaking of the fact that liberal arts students may be a bit unhappy, they rely on the science and technology of science and technology, what should we do for liberal arts students? Don't worry, I have another example here: This student is a doctoral student of Professor Zhu Rongji of Tsinghua SEM, a liberal arts student. Now he is the vice president of China Merchants Bank. He is only 29 years old this year. Because he solved the bad debts of more than ten years in a city in Hebei Province in a month, he was promoted by President Zhu Rongji. His re-use relies on his outstanding expertise and expertise.

The many examples of this are that they have taken the shortcut of studying, and they have spent several years reaching the height that others may have to reach in decades. Because a first-rate university will give you comprehensive professional knowledge, it will teach you how to quickly learn new knowledge, and will give you a broad perspective on the world. This is what I call "the way to study is a shortcut to success." It doesn't take too much of your energy to learn.

We should now understand what our efforts are for today, and we should also firmly believe in the pursuit of a first-rate university. The question now is what kind of university do we want to test?

Now a lot of students may have no concept in mind, and your achievements can indeed be admitted to a good university, but we must know the gap between different universities. The style, faculty, and research funding of a prestigious university is no match for a general key university. The university after the national ranking of 30 is too bad for you. So I hope that everyone will set their own goals higher.

The students present here have high or low grades. Perhaps the top students want to target Tsinghua University, Peking University, and China University of Science and Technology. The students who are behind may think that Hebei University is also good. My point is that students should at least target the level of Fudan or Shanghai Jiaotong University. Don't doubt your ability. To give my own example, I used to be in the grade of more than 140 when I was in high school, and then I went to 200. But I always think that I will definitely walk into Tsinghua in the future and make unremitting efforts towards this goal. My current college classmates have a lot of experience like me. Faith is a very wonderful thing. When you determine from the bones that you are the level of Tsinghua, you will show the quality of the Tsinghua in your own actions.

Now I think everyone should have a good idea of ​​their future. So what should we do now?

I have encountered several problems and solutions in high school:

Here I summed up a few annoying problems that I encountered in high school. I couldn’t figure out why, but now I want to understand. I want to share with you here, I hope that the students will take less detours.

Partial problem

When I was in high school, I didn't like politics, history, and geography most, because these colleges didn't take the college entrance exam, and maybe I couldn't use it for the rest of my life. Maybe some students hate physics, chemistry and mathematics? Other students only like a certain subject, do not go to learn other major subjects. But why does the “idiot” Ministry of Education ask us to learn something that we might not use in our generation? It’s no exaggeration to say that the best thing about my high school is chemistry and biology. But after three years of studying in Tsinghua, we didn’t use these two subjects at all. There is reason to believe that I will never match a chemical equation in my life. In a lot of people, the two subjects are the knockouts of the college entrance examination. I couldn't understand why we needed to study these courses. I believe many of us here don't understand. I told everyone the following example and everyone should understand.

When we were freshman, there was a compulsory course called "Mechanical Drawing" - the main content was to draw screws on the drawings. We are in the electronics department. Why are you doing this? Indeed, we have not been exposed to relevant content since the semester. Many of our classmates were very dissatisfied at the time. Our department head told us a story to calm the anger. He once brought a senior undergraduate student to graduate design. The subject he gave to this student was to write an application for a new computer. This computer structure is neither a von Neumann system nor a Harvard system. The computer language it uses is completely unconventional. In the first week, the teacher first gave the classmate a related book to let him understand. After a week of hard work, I figured it out. This is the case from the second week to the eighth week. Programming starts from the ninth week to the fifteenth week. Write the thesis in the last week. The classmate successfully completed the task. When he graduated, the instructor asked him: "Which course did you use for four years in college graduation, calculus?" "No." "Linear algebra?" "No." "C language?" "No." Microcomputer principle?" "No. At most, English is used, because programming is written in English." "What have you done in college for four years? All the courses you have studied are useless." It is. But the teacher asked: "If you are a high school graduate, can you complete the subject in 16 weeks?" "Obviously impossible." "That's right, what you learned in college four years is the ability to learn knowledge." I have to study a semester for every book I gave you four years ago, but you are completely immersed in one week."

This story has given me a lot of inspiration. The knowledge we are learning now may never be used in the future, but the various learning methods and perspectives that you have summarized while studying various subjects will accompany you throughout your life. When you encounter new problems, you can use the previous experience to quickly summarize the ways to solve new problems. Therefore, I now tell you responsibly: Do not be partial, any subject is crucial to you.

Never say that you have tried your best

Some students feel that they have worked very hard, but there is no way to improve their scores. He comforted himself "I have tried my best." I remember that the movie "Dream of the Dead" has such a line: "Never say that you have tried your best. The loser always complains that he has tried his best. Only the winner can win the hearts of the beauty queen!" I personally feel that when When you still have the strength to say "I have tried my best", you have not done your best. I think the potential of people is unlimited. Give me an example of myself, and see how big the potential of people is.

When I was in high school, I was very poor at sports. Running 1000 meters was terrible. I never failed. I believe that many of the students present here also hate this sport. After the Tsinghua University, the first section of the physical education class, the teacher told us that sports is a tradition of Tsinghua. We have to measure 3,000 meters of long-distance running every year, but we must not graduate and cancel the qualification for research. How to do? Whoever came to Tsinghua didn't want to get a diploma, and most of my classmates were as bad as me. So at 10:30 every night, our self-study classroom closed, and the people on Tsinghua’s playground increased. Run for half an hour and then go back to the bedroom to continue studying. After practicing for a semester, I lost 40 pounds. In the final exam, I only ran 3,000 meters in 12 minutes and 56 seconds. The fattest people in our class also ran within 15 minutes. I remembered that my high school complained to the physical education teacher: "I have tried my best, and 1000 meters is a failure." I feel very funny now.

In Tsinghua's school motto, this "self-improvement" I feel that the impact on me is very large. When you feel that you have tried your best, you will often break through your limits and awaken your potential. Scientific research in thinking shows that human brains can put information from libraries in the world. However, human thinking has only developed seven to eight percent. So here I hope that the students must work hard and never try to say that they have tried their best. What is success? People do not believe what you can do, you do it, this is called success.

How to learn high school courses

Then on the last question, never say that you have tried your best, then how should we work hard? I have heard a lot of reports about learning methods in high school, and I have introduced others to my learning methods many times. But I didn't really understand how to learn knowledge until my sophomore year.

Sophomore, our last class called "analog electronic circuit" is particularly difficult. Our teacher, Academician Gao Wenhuan, told us one sentence: "Learning analog electronic circuits and learning other subjects have a common trick, eight words - sea tactics, sea tactics." I was very puzzled, from childhood to big teacher They all said that they should talk about methods, not to die, how do academicians say so? After a few things I understood the meaning of these eight characters.

Our class has a provincial college entrance examination champion in Shandong, and scored 713 points. I asked him, how did you learn to be such a "bull"? He said: I have done it in high school when I have a problem set that I can buy on the market.

If everyone thinks that the provincial champion is too far away from us, I will give another example of the 76th college student in the Henan Provincial College Entrance Examination to see how he did the problem. His IQ will not be higher than everyone in the room, because he is very hard at Tsinghua Electronics. He said that he had done at least five times in the six major subjects of the college entrance examination.

Therefore, I think that Academician Gao Wenhua is still right. The sea tactics are definitely a good way to learn high school courses. I also have experience myself. For example, when I was in my third year of high school, I was not doing a good job of correcting a short essay. So on a weekend, I made 50 corrections in a row. After that, I failed to miss the English essay correction. Everyone may think that college students rarely do the problem. I don't know the situation of other universities, but I can say without exaggeration that the questions I do every year in Tsinghua are definitely more than when I was in my third year.

Now the students will definitely say that it is easy to ask a naval battle, but where is the time? This leads to the following question.

How to squeeze time

Next, I will tell you how I spent a high school in Hubei in Tsinghua. He is in a key high school in a county. All the students in their school live on campus. Every year during the Spring Festival, they have a three-day holiday. The rest of the holiday is half a day. . A total of 9 days of vacation a year. I don't think I can be so perverted in the middle, but those students in Hubei are really wasting too much time than us, which also makes their foundation much better than ours. It also leads to Tsinghua’s expansion of 30 people in Hubei. Nor is it to expand one in Hebei. Looking back at my high school, I regret very much now. If I was as busy as the students in the South, my college entrance examination would definitely take the provincial champion. Classmates, we are no longer children. We are very responsible. If we still spend a lot of time on entertainment and rest, when we enter the university and go to the society, we will feel the people from the southern provinces and cities. Great pressure.

So how do we squeeze time?

First of all, I personally feel that everyone walking here is too slow. What I see is that everyone is talking and laughing and walking slowly. If you go to Tsinghua, you can see that all the students are riding a bicycle, and walking is almost a trot. We don't have to waste time on these meaningless things. You quickly enter the classroom from the school gate and you can read more books than others and do more questions. Over time, over time, you will have an absolute advantage in time.

Secondly, our ten minutes of class is also very valuable. I realized that after the third semester of high school, we can use the ten minutes of the class, we can squeeze out nearly two hours a day, and we can do more than others.

Then we better not watch TV. When I was in high school, I had to watch TV every day. It was mainly because I had to face, watch sports, night news, and others, watch TV dramas and others. I’ve put on a look that I’m not working hard, but my grades are good. I’m still hoping that others will be smart. My current point of view is that people who are said to be "he is smart but don't learn" are the stupid people. Whether you are really intelligent or not, if we spend too much energy on things that are not related to our future, we are the most irresponsible to ourselves. Many of my classmates in Tsinghua have never seen a TV during high school—including the Spring Festival Gala, and some of my classmates have never even seen a TV since the middle of the country. Now at school, we have TV in every bedroom, but the TV in our bedroom is almost never opened. No one saw a European Cup after the final exam. After the exam, there is no rest and relaxation. All the people are preparing for the next semester, preparing for the TOEFL, GRE, or learning some practical techniques. All people think in their minds to use the time of rest of others to enrich themselves and to position themselves in the future competition.

Students should not think of Tsinghua students too much. Tsinghua students account for a quarter of the total number of students. The IQ of other students will not be higher than those of you. They feel more than you, I feel that I am only treating my future attitude. Tsinghua students have a very awesome spiritual power. They can give up any temptation for their own goals. Even in the self-study classroom of Tsinghua University in Tsinghua University, it will be overcrowded. In the words of an American professor: "Students of Tsinghua, no Saturday, noSunday, noholiday!" is the spirit that casts the myth of Tsinghua. Not so will it be difficult to get into Tsinghua.

Some students may say: You are right, but it is difficult for us to stick to it, up to three minutes of blood. After that, I don't want to work hard anymore. Ok, let's discuss how to keep your blood going hot.

Give yourself pressure

When I chatted with Mr. Xu Jimin, a professor of the Department of Precision Instruments at Tsinghua University, I said: "I think the pressure of the students in the electronics department is too great." Professor Xu said: "How did Tsinghua's talents be cultivated? It is pressed out!" Yes, huge pressure will have a huge momentum. Some students said: "The pressure on the middle school students is already too big." I now feel that the pressure we had in high school was too small.

To be honest, some Tsinghua students are not so fond of learning, for example, I am a little tired of learning. However, Tsinghua’s requirements are extremely strict. As long as one department fails in four years, the qualification for deduction is cancelled. If the three subjects fail, they will drop out of school. Therefore, the elimination rate of Tsinghua’s department is 30%. It’s terrible, so we have to learn crazy.

More disgusting than us is the MIT in the United States. My freshman counselor is now studying at MIT. He sent me an email saying that he was in the first class of school. The professor announced the assessment requirements to them: "On my class, the final grade is one A, two B, half C, half D." That is, half The person will fail. MIT's elimination rate is higher than Tsinghua, which is why MIT students are hired by high-income companies with high salaries as long as they get a diploma.

Let me give you a few examples to illustrate how incredible people can do under tremendous pressure. In the sophomore year, we had a summer national minimum of two weeks. On the morning of the first week of Monday, we took a two-hour class in a classroom and learned the VHDL language of the computer. The class teacher asked us to compile a 30M cpu before Friday. Everyone is crazy because I don’t know what he is saying in the morning. Later, we learned that in the electronic department of other universities, we have to take a semester. But the teacher said it very clearly. If he can't do it, he will fail. So everyone went crazy to the library to borrow books, went back to sleepless nights, and did not understand the first day. The next day I understood a little. On the third day, I compiled a few simple programs during the day and started formal programming at night. At 3 o'clock, I compiled a day and an overnight call on Thursday, and passed the acceptance at 8 o'clock on Friday morning. Everyone was relieved. But then on the second Monday morning, the teacher told us to hand over a supersonic rangefinder on Wednesday afternoon. It was another two crazy nights, and the ultrasonic rangefinder was handed in on Wednesday afternoon. Before that, we didn't think we could do so much in such a short time, but under great pressure we finished.

As another example, our freshman English class requires us to recite 500 words a week. I think this is impossible, but I only got 43 points on the first exam, there is no way. I will get up at 5 o'clock every morning, go back to class at 7 o'clock, and finally I will be able to recite it. So under tremendous pressure we can indeed exert great potential.

Here, I would like to give you a suggestion to try to find some pressure on yourself. For example, you must make 500 questions within one week, and you must not pass the test for 140 points or more. Don't think that this is too much. If you really vow to be admitted to a first-rate university, I think this is what we have to do, and now the South high school students are doing this.

How to face emotional problems

In the high school stage, we must also face emotional problems. I believe that our class teacher and principal have mentioned this matter to you more than once, and they are not allowed to fall in love. I personally feel that our feelings in the high school stage are very beautiful. When I was in high school, I really liked to sit at the same table with beautiful girls. I also liked to listen to the screams of girls in the whole class when playing basketball. If there are girls watching the game while playing basketball in the physical education class, I will definitely try to make a few beautiful moves. If the teacher transfers the girls I like to my seat, I will definitely pay attention to my personal image and the speech will be less rude. That feeling is still very sweet. Mainly because the learning pressure can not be distracted, and I think that it is too much trouble to fall in love in high school. Tell everyone about the situation of those who are in love when I was in high school. First of all, you have to be sneaky and cannot be known by teachers and parents. . But it will definitely be discovered. Then I was asked to talk again and again. In the end, I only care about it, and I don’t feel any sweet feelings. After I was admitted to the university, I broke up in the north and the south. I have not heard of any successful cases myself.

Even when I went to college, Tsinghua’s couples basically broke up when they were in their senior year, so many of our college students felt that it was better to study with their minds than to worry about finding a girlfriend. So Tsinghua had an “undergraduate course”. According to the "study of shackles", it is these students who have lived an awkward life that makes Tsinghua's style of study universal in the world. It is much more meaningful for us to learn a little more about this age than to seek those short-lived sweets. My advice to everyone is that we may wish to do three years of "high school squatting". Don't end up finding yourself consuming self-blame and distress when you waste too much time and energy.

Don't complain about the teacher

Don't complain about our teachers when the results of one of our subjects are not ideal. I can say without exaggeration that the teachers in our middle are very good, at least very responsible and dedicated. I will tell you about my experience in Tsinghua and everyone will understand.

Tsinghua’s teachers are all big cows, but almost no teachers are good at giving undergraduate classes. Once on the microcomputer principle course, the teacher said, go back today and use Protel to simulate the circuit on the class. The students said that we are the first to hear about this software in this life. The teacher said: "This is a must-have software for electronic engineers." Turned away. No way, we went back to the library for three days and finally learned the software. There was another math class, and the teacher asked us to go back and draw a three-dimensional graph with MATLAB. The classmates said that they have not learned - this seems to be a required course in the mathematics department. The teacher only said one sentence: "Don't learn? Go back to school!" We spent a few more days in the library and basically figured it out. We use a lot of computer tools now, teachers have defaulted to you have completely mastered, no one will teach you what to do, you will not be abnormal. Therefore, when our classmates think that there is any science that is not very good, we must not blame the objective conditions, and our own efforts are the cornerstone of success. When you always complain about objective conditions, success is getting farther and farther away from you.

Good body is the cost of everything

If the students really want to work hard for their ideals, I tell everyone that we must exercise well. Tsinghua’s slogan is “Fifty Years of Health for the Motherland”. Therefore, the reason why Tsinghua’s physical education class is so high, so strict, is to force everyone to exercise well. Tsinghua’s sports tradition is indeed very good. When we first went to college, it was really bad, and learning was very easy. Now, in our class, 20 people signed up for the Beijing International Marathon this year - one is to experience it, and the other is to have confidence in their endurance. As far as I am concerned, now I have no problem for a few nights. We must not ignore the exercise. My suggestion is that we must do our hard work every day, and we must work hard in sports and physical activity classes. I recommend that you practice long-distance running, preferably running 1000 meters a day. Believe, when you go to a top university and need to stay up late to do research, you will find out how important it is to have a healthy foundation in high school.

Some tips for learning

As I said before, the final skill of our study is to do more. Now let me tell you some little lessons about learning. It’s all easy for me to get from my classmates at the university, but it’s hard to be persistent.

The first is the topic of the language, the pronunciation and typos of the words, the use of idioms and the analysis of classical Chinese. My skill is that we find a Xinhua dictionary, an idiom dictionary, and a dictionary of ancient Chinese appreciation. Look at 5 pages a day - no more than half an hour. If everyone persists, I believe that these dictionaries can be read several times before the college entrance examination, which is very beneficial for the relevant topics of the college entrance examination language.

Then there is English, you can use a holiday to recite the four grades of the university. If you have enough vacation, you can use a few more holidays. This is not difficult for us to be a top student, as long as everyone cares. Still, I believe in my own ability. Now Tsinghua has a lot of students who have prepared GRE for two months, and 20,000 words in two months have also been backed up. The huge amount of words has great benefits for our college entrance examination English. Do not doubt your ability. Zhang Liyong, a small peasant worker in the Tsinghua 15 canteen, used his spare time to learn English. The TOEFL test scored 630 points and the Tsinghua high school students scored 600 points. I often talk to him when I am eating. He is going to squeeze out any time to learn English every day. His basic English education is incomparable with everyone present here - migrant workers have almost no formal education, but he has now been admitted to Peking University. Look at the power of accumulating more.

I have some hope for all of you here:

The students listened to this report and may feel that many of my places are too exaggerated and cannot be done at all. And I said that as long as you have the belief that you don’t give up the famous brand, I believe that with your IQ, you will definitely have the strength to attack the super-class brand. Now other high school students in our province are still learning in the original way. As long as you start from the high school in the south, you will have a huge advantage over other high school students in Hebei when you finally take the college entrance examination. I hope that after one year, at least some of you will be admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University. If you hold on, as I said, and you are not there, you will eventually find that your achievements will advance by leaps and bounds.

Finally, I will give you a few words to share with you. The first sentence is Professor Zhu Rongji’s request to everyone when he speaks to Tsinghua’s students: “Being a human being, pursuing perfection.” Your achievements are not a big problem, but our goal is a prestigious university, which requires you You can't have problems in the details, and you shouldn't lose your scores. Pursuing perfection means that we must make 99 points and seriously study our own problems. Because of the difference in the college entrance examination, you may ruin your dreams.

The second sentence is Tsinghua’s school motto: “Self-improvement, morality and morality.” I hope that the students here will not retreat in the face of any difficulties. Even if you are frustrated for a moment, you must not erase the passion you have won. At the same time, we must also put our own mentality right, we must respect our teachers and competitors.

Regardless of your achievements in the past two years, you still have one year in high school, enough! Desperate, classmates! Destiny is in your own hands. When you are hurrying, start from now, and start running after leaving the classroom.

Attachment: Views of Tsinghua Principal -

The future: direction is more important than effort, ability is more important than knowledge, health is more important than achievement, life is more important than diploma, and emotional intelligence is more important than IQ!

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