Inspirational speech

Inspirational Lecture: Learning - Speech by President Li Peigen at the 2007 New Students Opening Ceremony

Inspirational speech: learning

——President Li Peigen’s speech at the opening ceremony of the 2007 freshmen


First of all, please allow me to represent the school party committee and administration, and express the warmest welcome to the new students on behalf of all the teachers and students!

Classmates, you are gloriously coming to Huazhong University of Science and Technology and coming to this famous institution of higher learning in the country, and you are about to start your new stage of study. Today, I might as well say a few words about "learning" with my classmates.

1. Why study

You already know that it is a matter of course for the country, for the nation, for the family, and for yourself.

I want to say that I have to learn for some unknown. There are too many unknowns in this universe and in the world that we need to learn and we need to explore. There are still too many unknowns in human beings, and your unknowns are not exhausted. The thirst for the unknown should be one of the signs of a knowledgeable and ambitious person.

I want to say that I have to learn for a dream. "I have a dream", this is the first of the world's millennial famous words. People are human beings, there can be no dreams, but the realization of dreams must be learned.

I would also like to say that I want to learn for the process of life. In fact, learning is the key to the growth process. You must learn when you grow up, and you must grow up in your studies. When the country and your family provide you with such good learning conditions, you should cherish this opportunity.

I also want to say that since we learn for the process of life and go further, we must learn without doing anything. The well-known educator Du Weiyan said that "education itself has no purpose", and its significance is also here. True inaction is all-powerful.

2. What to learn

You already know that you want to study Marxism. You already know that you need to learn science and humanities. This is self-evident.

I want to say that you still have to learn from society. Although you come to the university of knowledge, don't forget to understand and learn about society. Is Gorky’s university not a society? Learning society, you will be full of hope and passion; learning society, you will strengthen your faith and direction; learning society, you can rule the country together; learning society, you can go all the way.

I want to say that you still have to learn emotions. A person without healthy emotions is an unsound person. Responsibility is an emotion, especially for young people. It should have a responsibility to society, family, country, nation, and even the collective. Compassion is an emotion, a heart of concealment, and everyone has it. Especially for the disadvantaged or the weak, modern youth should be full of sympathy; love is an emotion, society is more civilized because of love, and the environment is better because of human love. You are more attractive and promising because of love.

I would also like to say that you have to learn to compete. The prosperity of ecology requires competition, the evolution of human society requires competition, and your development requires competition. Competition requires excellence and competition needs to be created.

I also want to say that you have to learn to be harmonious. Society needs harmony and the environment needs harmony. What can you do for the harmony of society and the environment? You also have to learn the harmony of yourself as Mr. Ji Xianlin said. Without self-harmony, it is difficult for you to contribute to the harmony of society and the environment; without self-harmony, you may lose yourself, lose your goals, and may fall into sorrow, depression, struggle, or even collapse.

3. How to learn

You already know how to learn in the classroom, in books, and in the lab. This is all necessary. I also want to tell my classmates how to learn situational learning, active learning, and skill learning.

First, situational learning

I want to say that you should know how to learn in the collective. Confucius said, "The threesome must have my teacher"; During the Einstein student period, several friends spontaneously organized the "Olympia College." Einstein later believed that he had benefited a lot from it, although several others did not become famous. In your life, even during college, you will be in many different groups, and your source of learning will not be exhausted. Be careful, classmates, learn from others in the collective.

I want to say that you have to learn in your life. Du Wei said that "education is the process of life, not the preparation for future life." This means that learning should actually be part of the life process. You live in society, and life and society are inexhaustible sources of learning. There are various needs of society in life, and there is a variety of knowledge in life. In life you can learn emotions and learn the will.

I would also like to say that you should know how to learn in practice. Practice is the most basic way to understand things and transform the world. Yuan Longping's long-term practice has enabled him to make great contributions to the benefit of mankind; Wang Hongjun, a graduate of Jilin FAW's technical school, has continuously learned and summarized in practice, and made a series of innovations in car repair; the great practice of revolutionary leaders has changed the world. You must also learn to take the initiative to actively seek out the objects of practice and the methods of solving practical problems, rather than relying on the passive practice of teachers. In addition to the practical courses required by the teacher, you can participate in some extracurricular activities spontaneously. The second classroom and research team are becoming the glorious tradition of Central China University.

I also want to say that you have to learn in the context of ideals and aspirations. Ideals and ambitions are the scenes in the mind and the future. To design or arrange a beautiful scene requires a lot of knowledge, and you need to keep learning. To turn a situation in the mind into a reality of the future requires more knowledge and is often less knowledgeable in books. Your brother Chen Zhifeng [1] has outlined a beautiful scene. He wants to start a business. He wants to design a system architecture that is more beautiful than Mona Lisa. In this situation, he is trying hard to learn.

Second, active learning

I want to say that you need to know how to learn. Classroom is always only a small part of learning. True active learning is centered on learners rather than teachers. Only by actively learning can we truly mobilize our potential and exert our own subjective initiative.

I want to say that you must learn to be optimistic. Zi Yan: "The person who knows is not as good as the one who is good, and the one who is good is not as good as the one who is happy." This is also the meaning of optimistic learning. Since learning is part of life, you should be optimistic about it, whether you are learning easily or studying hard. In fact, as long as you are good at finding interest in the unknown, you can always be optimistic about learning. You must be optimistic about poverty and hardship, which is actually a kind of wealth. Huang Yongyu once made a big stroke in the small house he rented without a window, and gave birth to a window. Although it was a bitter pleasure, his optimism was visible.

I would also like to say that you need to understand and learn. Learn in your studies and learn in your perceptions. It is necessary to perceive the sublimation and conciseness of the learned knowledge. Everyday life, everything in the world, contains a lot of philosophies. To understand them, you need to feel.

I also want to say that you should learn as much as you can. A truly good learner will turn learning into an instinct, a habit. He can dig knowledge and absorb nutrition in all non-routine learning situations.

Third, skill learning

I want to say that you need to understand the ability to learn. Not only learn knowledge, but more importantly, develop your abilities. Knowledge is generally easy to find in books, but some abilities are difficult to learn from books. Even if they are introduced in detail, it is difficult to learn directly from books. Real ability learning needs to face life, integrate into society, and be brave in practice.

I want to say that you have to understand Boyo learning. Bo and anti-about, Bo-Yu. Bo is a lot of knowledge, and more common sense; about, just know what it is. It is necessary to have both the breadth of knowledge and the depth of knowledge. To learn to make a book more and more thick, you must learn to make a book more and more thin. To know the intensive reading, you must also understand the extensive reading.

I would also like to say that you have to learn to question learning. To learn from problems, society and the science and technology we know are always imperfect, and there are always many problems. It is in the question that people are likely to re-recognize the world, create new technologies, and even transform the world. You must be good at finding problems. In fact, problems are opportunities. You also need to have a habit of questioning. Innovation is largely based on questioning. Do not question why Apple fell from the tree to the ground, Newton may not find the law of gravity.

I also want to say that you have to learn path learning. Sometimes, don't leave the old road. Of course, you need to learn on the road, that is, the general law of learning content and methods. These are very easy to learn from the teacher. However, what really reflects the level of learning is his own exploration on the edge path and the climbing on the rugged mountain road.

Classmates, after years of hard work and hard work, you have the opportunity to enter this famous university today. Don't think that you already know the true meaning of learning. In college, it is more important than to learn specific knowledge to understand and understand the truth of learning. This is true, not only on the road to the university, but also on the road to future life. Classmates, learn the splendor of your life and learn the glory of Huazhong University.

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