Inspirational speech

You have to have the same hand

You have to have the same hand, so you will always be OK! You can't do anything! You have to be the same, and you have to do everything you can to make it to the limit, when others ask you "what will you?" When you can, you can get it.

A business friend of mine, when I was 45, moved to the United States.

Anyone who goes to the United States wants to get a green card earlier. Three months after he arrived in the United States, he went to the Immigration Bureau to apply for a green card. A friend who came to the United States earlier than him reminded him kindly: "You have to be patient. I have been applying for almost a year, and I have not approved it yet."

He smiled and said: "It doesn't take so long, it will be three months." The friend looked at him with a puzzled look, thinking he was joking.

Three months later, he went to the immigration office and was approved. He sealed the form and soon, the postman sent him a green card. After his friends knew it, he was puzzled: "You are older than me, I don't have much money, apply late than me, why do I get a green card first?" He smiled and said, "Because of money."

"How much did you bring to the United States?"


"But I brought $1 million. Why don't you give me the approval instead?"

"My $100,000, in my three months to the United States, part of it for consumption, part of it for investment, has been used and flowing. This is already shown on the tax bill I handed to the Immigration Department. Your $1 million has been in the bank and there is no change in consumption. So they don't approve your application."

It turned out to be the case.

The United States is a country that pays great attention to efficiency and utilitarianism. As long as it is beneficial to the social and economic development of the United States, the United States will accept you. In the United States, there are only two kinds of people who can get a green card: one is to invest or consume in the United States; It is technical expertise.

The business friend returned to China not long ago and told me a story he witnessed at the US Immigration Service, which gave me a deeper understanding of the United States. When he applied for a green card at the USCIS, he had encountered a middle-aged woman who was tanned into a bronzed skin and could be judged to be an outdoor worker. Out of curiosity, he came forward to talk to her. When she asked, she came from the rural areas of northern China, because her daughter was in the United States and applied for beauty. She only finished reading the Chinese, and her Chinese was not well expressed.

But this is a Chinese rural woman who can only say "hello" and "goodbye" in English, and is also applying for a green card. The reason for her declaration is that she has "technical expertise." The immigration officer looked at her application form and asked her, "What do you want?" She replied, "I will cut the paper." She said, she took a pair of scissors from the bag and lightly on a piece of colored paper. Flying, in less than three minutes, cut out a group of vivid animal images.

The US immigration officer's eyes widened and looked at these beautiful paper-cut paintings like a juggling act, erecting his fingers and sighing. At this time, she took out a newspaper from the bag and said, "This is my paper-cut painting published in the "Peasant Daily" in China."

When the US immigration official looked at it, he nodded and said, "OK."

She is so ok. The person who refused to apply with her and was rejected was envious and embarrassed.

This is the United States, this is society. You can't manage, you can't financial, you can't have a computer, or even, you can't speak a foreign language. But you can't do nothing! You have to be the same, and you have to do everything you can to make it to the limit. When others ask you "whatever you are," you can get it. In this way, you will be ok forever!

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