Inspirational speech

Man running with tears

Friends, no matter what difficulties you encounter, please laugh at life, because the real strong is not a person who shed tears, but a person running with tears, so please raise the sail of self-confidence and approach the other side of success! --Inscription

I have a friend who lives in a dormitory with me. She is not tall and her skin is not good, so she often complains: "Why is God so unfair to me?" She is very inferior to her appearance and she looks down on herself. She always said that she is not as good as others.

Once in the dormitory, the roommates chatted about their first love story, all of them were filled with happiness, and their faces also had a charming smile. Listening to their stories of joy or sorrow, friends are silent, but their eyes are full of longing for good feelings. Maybe for her 20-year-old who has no first love, this is a kind of desire! Facing the silence of friends, At the beginning, the roommates who were still dancing and dancing were all like a sly, and they didn’t talk, maybe they felt a little sorry. At this time, the friend broke the value. She said: "In fact, I envy you. Sometimes I have imagined that the Prince Charming has quietly arrived. But when I look at my appearance, I feel that it is impossible." Facing the loss of friends, The friends said it up and said, "In fact, you can also find a similar one to you! So you don't have someone hurting, is someone loving?" The roommates just finished, friends Dejected and said: "I am like this, who still likes me!" At this time a roommate suddenly said: ?? You can lose weight first, you only need to become thin, certainly cute. "Listen to the proposal of the roommate, everyone said that this idea is good, and of course the friends agree. Of course, it was not long before the friend was like a deflated ball. He shook his head and said, "I have already tried it." But it doesn't work at all. Oh, it seems impossible. "In the face of the loss of friends, hopeless, everyone does not know what to do!"

Looking at everything, I said softly: "In fact, people live to live for themselves. They should stick to their own nature. Everyone's looks and personality are different. You are unique in this world. Therefore, you should thank Heaven for being right, because this is his reward for you. Why are some people so inferior? Because he only saw his own shortcomings, but did not see the advantages, so he felt that he was nothing. When you feel inferior When you look at your strengths, then say to yourself: 'I am really good!' So you will not feel inferior, if you still think that you have no charm, no temperament, no appearance, no personality... The good way is to keep smiling. Because smile is a world language, you learn the language and you have good interpersonal relationships, so you don't feel inferior."

After listening to me, my friends and my roommates were immersed in contemplation. After a long time, they all said: "No wonder you are so confident. You know so much. You really admire you for being a five-body vote." Listening to the praises of my friends, I Laughed. Then slowly tell them: "In fact, I used to be introverted and very inferior, but since I experienced many difficulties and setbacks, I became so confident. Because the more you feel inferior, the more you feel that you are alive. It’s boring, this is what I summed up in another failure.” After listening to my complaint, my friends nodded if they realized something. Then I smiled and looked up and suddenly found that my friend was looking with gratitude. I. There is a warm current in my heart. It turns out that helping others is such a happy thing!

Since then, when friends encounter difficulties, they will tell me that this makes me very proud and very satisfied. Every time I patiently guide them and help them, it makes me feel very happy. Over time, my popularity has also been "prosperous", which has given me a more joy of success, and the friends I have helped have gone to self-confidence and success. It turns out that the distance between the heart and the heart is not as far as the imagination. As long as you treat each other with sincerity, then the distance will be closer and closer.

Friends, no matter what difficulties you encounter, please laugh at life, because the real strong is not a person who shed tears, but a person running with tears, so please raise the sail of self-confidence and approach the other side of success!

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