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Test regression review book

Part 1: The test regressive review book essay

Time flies, the exam is over, and the test paper is also sent down. Looking at the score on the test paper, I was surprised. Because this is far from the level I should have, I am here to say sorry to you, I live up to it. Your ardent hope for me. In this final English exam, my scores were very unsatisfactory, which not only broke your heart, but also made me feel uncomfortable. So, today, I wrote this review with 120,000 points of guilt and remorse to show you my apologies for the bad behavior of not learning English and the determination to kill is no longer difficult to learn English.
As early as when you just brought us, you have already made three orders and five applications. Once again, the whole class must learn and study English seriously. Until now, the teacher’s repeated teachings are still in the ear, and serious expressions are still in front of me. I am deeply shocked and deeply aware of the importance of this matter. So I have repeatedly warned myself to take this matter as a top priority, not Live up to the teacher's painstaking efforts for us. Also, I should start self-reflection now.
As Gorky said - when you see one thing is very important, the hardships and failures come one after another. Just like before this exam, I was so anxious that I was too nervous and caused my anxiety and insomnia. The next day I was in a bad state of mind. But in the final analysis, it is because I have not learned well, or else I will not take this test if my spirit is not good. Recalling that at the time, I was too busy to review!
However, regret is too late, regret is too late! I don’t want to say anything else that is careless and doesn’t see the subject. I know that these reasons can’t be said. Because all these problems can only be attributed to my lack of solidity. It can reach a level where modern middle school students should have knowledge of the problem. I can't pay back the hard work of the teachers. I feel more and more clearly that I am a person who is not responsible for myself, my parents, or my teachers.
The serious consequences for things I have not tested are as follows:
1. Tormenting the spirit of the teacher, such torture may distract the teacher and cause more serious consequences.
2, affecting the improvement of the individual's comprehensive level, so that they can not be improved under the conditions of instinctive improvement, contrary to the wishes of parents, it is not filial.
This final exam, I did not test well, here is a profound review, I hope not to test this score again in the future......
Learning English, the most important thing is to read, listen, back, as long as the three can do 100%, then the English score, no 100 points, can also 95 points. However, I did not do it. I didn’t listen, I didn’t write well, I didn’t have a good back, and I only did one-third of it, which led to poor results...
After the exam, I thoroughly reviewed and thought that the fatal mistakes hidden in my mind have the following points:
1. The ideological consciousness is not high, and serious attention is paid to important matters. Even if there is knowledge, it has not been implemented in action.
2, usually life is lazy. If it is not because of laziness, carelessness, and low memory level, how can I learn from the teacher's teaching? How can I not test the points?
I didn't study seriously, and the test scores gave me a good return. For this reason, I decided to study hard in the future. Every day, I booked a plan:
First, learn the textbook knowledge.
The most important stage of learning is the preparation. That is to say, before the teacher attends class, he must first study the text himself. In the pre-study, he should try his best to solve the problem actively, write down the problems that he does not understand, and study and discuss with the teachers and classmates during class. The textbook should be read repeatedly until the problem is thoroughly understood and understood.
Second, pay attention to extracurricular accumulation.
Appropriate extracurricular reading is necessary. Entering the intense learning phase, we can't have a lot of spare time to read, so there is a choice when reading. We should browse a wide range of books and newspapers and magazines, get information from TV, radio, and the Internet, and make notes in a structured way. We must care about social life, understand social dynamics, and make our own ideas continue to progress. This will not only enable us to accumulate more knowledge, but also enrich our lives.

Chapter 2:

I want to submit to you a review of my biological test failure. I only scored 32 points in this biological exam, which seriously dragged down the class and made your face look dull. It also made you feel disappointed and sad.
I know that my grades are not good. The bottom line is that I usually don't pay attention to studying biology seriously. It is true that I did not spend much time and energy on studying in biology, but this eventually led to my biological performance failure.
Secondly, the failure of this exam is also due to my test attitude. I have a sloppy situation in the exam, and even some very basic topics have not been done right. This is hard to say. As a science student, the three courses of physics, chemistry, and biology are indispensable. And I didn't know the basics of biology, I knew I made a mistake. I was so defeated in this exam and I was very upset in my heart. I just lost to myself. If I usually pay more attention to consolidating biological knowledge, this exam will not be so bad.
However, I firmly believe that "a failure will not be permanently lost." Ask the teacher to believe me. I must learn from this mistake. In the future, I must earn excellent academic results in biology.

Chapter three:

Hello! First of all, I am here to say sorry to you, I have failed your ardent hope for me. In this final math exam, I lost so badly that it not only broke your heart, but also made me feel uncomfortable. The reason for this failure, I analyzed the test papers, most of them are caused by my sloppy care, but there are a few parts I don't understand. You usually warn us often, but I just can't change the carelessness. However, I should not give myself reasons, rest assured, teacher, I will correct. In addition, in peacetime, I am always addicted to computer games, and I don’t listen carefully in class. In this holiday season, I will definitely change the past. During this holiday season, I have to spare some time to review my mathematics. I think about it, I will study 2 hours of math every day from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. Also, I have created a wrong book. In the future, I will record any problems that I don't understand or that are wrong. And, if there is anything I can't understand, I will raise it in Baidu. At the same time, I have to learn about this method in mathematics. And I can't be partial, I must develop in an all-round way.
Teacher, I know that just the language is pale and powerless. Rest assured, I will definitely fulfill my promise with my own practical actions. I decided that my math score for the start of the exam must not be 110 points. At the same time, I want to keep the nouns in the grades in the top 10.
Teacher, please don't be angry. Look at my actual actions!
I didn't test this exam. I know that this is unforgivable. Because I am young, my self-control ability is relatively poor. Sometimes I can't control myself in class. I can't listen to it. I have already reflected it myself.
I have regressed this test, which makes me feel very painful and regretful. The study itself is for myself, and the teacher is so serious and responsible, and I have strict requirements for me, but I have also tested this result and I feel very Oh, my true reflection and change, I summed up the lessons of failure, I will go all out in the future study, seriously concentrate, try my best to test my own true level, I will certainly turn grief into strength Work hard, live up to your hopes for me, and be worthy of my own true level! Real reflection, hope teacher can forgive!
I feel that I can't jump off the building. I have the responsibility and obligation to study for my parents and teachers and serve the motherland!
I am also very grateful to the teacher. The teacher has always cared about me, but I have not been able to grasp my own direction and failed to treat the school correctly. I think the teacher will be unhappy because the teacher cares about us. We are teachers. student.
The teacher is a gardener, we are the flowers of the motherland. I am enjoying the teacher's teaching and knowing the hard work of the teacher. Today, I am determined to study hard and live up to the hope of my parents. The teacher is so hard. For the future of the students, they have paid their own hard work. We are very unbearable in the hearts of such a hard-working teacher. Therefore, I understand and understand that for us now, learning is correct. Maybe in the future we will forget the current game and forget what the teacher once said. But I forgot that I have worked hard at school, struggled, and I have never forgotten that I have a teacher who has taught me hard. Therefore, I must study hard in the future study.

Chapter 4:

I am committing a serious principle problem. I know that the teacher is very angry with my test scores. I also know that for students, it is a basic responsibility and a basic obligation to ensure that they listen to classes every day and do not take care of them. But I didn't even do the most basic. Afterwards, I thought about it for a long time, and I gradually realized that I was going to pay for my impulse. The teacher repeatedly said that the words were still in the ear, and the serious expression was still in front of me. I was deeply shocked and deeply aware of the importance of the matter. Nowadays, I am deeply remorseful of the big mistakes. A profound review believes that a fatal mistake has been hidden in my own thoughts: I don’t have high ideological consciousness, and I don’t have enough respect for others. In the future, I will have more respect for teachers. I will pay serious attention to important issues. Usually life style is lazy, if it is not because it is too lazy, it is not so. In order to better understand the mistakes, it is also to let the teacher you can believe that the students can really correct their mistakes and ensure that they are not repeated. I will summarize the mistakes I made:
Teacher, you have taught me: I missed 100 points and jumped off the building. You know that what you said is so important in my heart! I still remember the tone when you said this sentence. I will never forget the teachings you have taught me in my life.
But at the time, I was so confused! ! ! I regret not listening to you at the time, and now I regret my mistake with a deep feeling. The Bible says: Everyone has original sin, and you are trying to eliminate it, because you are not just living for yourself. It is for the cause of education, yes, you are working hard for all mankind. And I, I don't want to say myself, I really can't be sinful. I don't take good treatment, I don't treat my life well, I don't treat myself well, I am sorry for you, I am sorry for the people I have paid for.
I have a mental error: I don't pay enough attention to this course. For this, I didn't care too much when I started to reflect, but after a deep introspection, I finally realized that this error is an important reason for my poor performance. Q: If I like this course very much, will I go to class myself? This error is also reflected in the classroom efficiency of my usual absenteeism. Many courses that I am not interested in often do not concentrate on listening to them from beginning to end. Although this behavior does not disturb the teaching and learning of classmates and teachers, it is a serious mistake for myself. There are school reasons for every course offered by the school. As a student, we should study hard.
Now, I officially assure you that this kind of mistake will not be the next time. The next time you don’t have to say it, I will fulfill my vows........

Chapter 5:

Dad, I know that after you know my test scores, I am not satisfied with the score of 10 points. But I thank you, you didn't remind me of the last thing again!
I know that you want me to have a great deal! But I did not live up to expectations, I also felt 10 points dissatisfied and blamed! I know that your mood is very unhappy. But I have to say what you want to say to you!
I know that I got a score of 10 points on this exam. From the score, I can see if I have worked hard in this semester. I have seen the problems and shortcomings in my body on the number of points. I know that you want to have a bad evaluation of my academic performance.
I hope that when I am happy, I don't want to mention the papers. Instead, when I learn to encounter setbacks and failures, I will tell you how hard you should work. I want to remind me to review my lessons!
I am already a 6th grade student, I am no longer so ignorant! I sincerely hope that you will not compare me with another person who is stronger than me, because that will not only make me take my studies to my heart! And it will make me feel that my eyesight is no longer so good! Then I will feel the burden of learning and shoulders, and let me remember the exams all the time!
In this exam, I also recognized the most important place in the 6th grade national stage! The importance of learning mathematics knowledge!
Usually your shackles bore me, I can't wait to make you disappear in front of me! Now I feel that your embarrassment is a hungry reason for me to learn knowledge! Because I am not your embarrassment, I will not learn on my own! I now realize how important your hungry is! What happened to me without your embarrassment? I don't feel anything about it!
In fact, I also thought of telling you the truth, but sometimes it’s hard to say when I get to the lips! I hope that the last thing, don't be a stumbling block to our father and daughter traffic! The failure of 1 time also made me 10 points of pain!
Dad, I really thank you for 10 points! I hope that you will not be sad and angry again!
I will do better without your reminder! I hope that I am the best daughter in your eyes! I also hope that this is my last time to write a review!

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