Secretarial knowledge > Secretary basis

What method is used to do secretarial work?

,Basic Quality
1. Physical Fitness: A healthy body should be an important prerequisite for doing any work. Have a healthy body. People who are in poor health are not qualified to work for the secretary.
2, psychological quality: to maintain a good state of mind at all times, the psychological state should be normal, do not be influenced by emotions. Every day should be engaged in a work of peace with a peace of mind. A person with psychological barriers, a person who is full of hatred towards society, and a moody person cannot do secretarial work.
3. Ideological quality: This is a higher requirement. As a senior manager of modern society, working in an internationally renowned institution should have the spirit of dedication, the spirit of seeking truth from facts and the spirit of pioneering and innovation. In addition, it should also have Broad mind, broad vision and a high sense of social responsibility.
In modern society, the pace of people's work and life is accelerating, the changes in society are changing with each passing day, and the world outside is very exciting. Every day, things that make you feel like happening, and not to mention the daily and domestic situation, we are around us. There will always be some novelties and unexpected things. Today, one of your relatives has made a lot of money to play stocks; one of your friends will lose money in real estate tomorrow; yesterday, your buddy became a big official, the day before yesterday, one of your acquaintances Corruption problems are revealed and gone in. . . . . . These will make you feel, but don't be affected by various situations. If you can't see people making a fortune, you will think that you will be daring when you are a human being. When you see a problem, you will immediately change your mind and be cautious as a person!
Be a man with a broad mind, don't be narrow-minded, and have a small belly. We live in the real world, every day, business quality
1. Theoretical knowledge: It is necessary to recognize the importance of theoretical learning. On the one hand, it is necessary to master solid basic knowledge, including law, foreign languages, economics and trade, and other knowledge that is helpful for business work. On the other hand, it also pays attention to collecting new information and paying attention to new developments in the field of law.
2. Practical experience: Pay attention to summing up the good experience in the work, try to avoid detours, and exchange experience frequently, and learn from experienced people.
3. Ability to work: The secretarial work is complicated and trivial. This requires us to have a high ability to handle affairs. Whether it is handling cases, organizing meetings, or handling daily affairs, we must pay attention to exercising our own ability to do things, improve work efficiency and should master Certain methods and skills.
Cultural quality
1. Good professional knowledge in social sciences should be a minimum requirement. It is also necessary to know a little about literature and history, to have a certain cultural accomplishment, to cultivate the taste of life, and to benefit the work. According to legend, during the Qing Dynasty, the emperor sent court officials to the south to recruit officials, but several people have failed to complete this task. Why? Only for the talents of the South, these officials are suspected of having low cultural literacy and writing poetry. After the emperor sent a person named Wang Erlie to go to Jiangnan to handle the matter. Those Jiangnan geniuses used the couplet to test the culture of the king, and the slogan: Jiangnan Qianshan Qianshui Qianxiu, Wang Erlie immediately immediately linked to it: Saibei one place a saint. The language is amazing and it is favored. The Jiangnan scholars then asked, how big is the gentleman’s learning? Wang Suikou said: The article belongs to the Sanjiang Sanjiang article belongs to the township of my town, my article is my brother I changed the article for my brother. Thus, a couplet, a poem completed the recruitment work.
2, natural sciences: arbitration, mediation cases are varied, often involving the relevant knowledge of the natural sciences, such as mechanical equipment, construction engineering, pharmaceutical chemistry. On the one hand, we should pay attention to accumulation at ordinary times; on the other hand, in the process of handling such cases, we must also learn from this aspect of secondary school.
3. Foreign Languages: Among the cases we handle, foreign-related cases occupy a large proportion, often involving foreign parties. In foreign exchanges, both written and verbal, foreign languages ​​must be used frequently. We must make ourselves a person who understands both business and foreign languages ​​and walks on two legs.
In addition, learning some useful skills, such as computers, driving, chess and calligraphy, etc., is also very beneficial.
As the saying goes, "Art does not press the body" If you have a certain quality, master a certain skill, there will always be a day when you show the dew, the same, if you still have defects in that aspect, there will be you The moment of self-confidence.
However, one thing is clear: we must always focus on the "center of gravity" of our own work. Under the premise of doing our job well, we can enrich our other knowledge and skills, and we must not dilute the "theme", and we must not "do not do business". .
4. The secretarial staff must master certain working principles, methods, and artistic work principles: the rules that should be followed in the work and make it the norm of our behavior.
Working methods: The means and means to achieve the goals of the work. For example, crossing the river:
You can choose to swim, row, bridge, etc. The key is to choose a practical method.
Art of work: By using superb, ingenious, creative work methods,
Successfully complete the work tasks, while giving people a sense of beauty and enjoyment.
As secretarial staff or managers of modern society, we should learn to: adhere to the principle of work, use working methods, and pay attention to the art of work. To do this, we have to do the following:
1. Coordinate various relationships: including with the leaders of the department, between colleagues; with the arbitrator/mediator; relationship with the client, relationship with the lawyer; relationship with the relevant department.
In coordinating the relationship with the leadership of the department, we must respect the leadership, maintain the prestige of the leadership, and adapt to the leadership's work habits, working methods, work styles and work characteristics. For example, some leaders have strong logic. Any love has an antecedent effect. For such a leader, it is necessary to talk about facts, put opinions, analyze and reason when talking about work; and some leaders like to go straight to the door and get straight to the point. To be concise and concise, the key to the problem; while some leaders are humorous, you may wish to joke with him. Understand the working style and characteristics of the leadership, in order to do a better job. Of course, under the premise of respecting leadership, we must dare to put forward our own views and have the spirit of safeguarding the truth. It is not enough to greet the leader and obey it without principle. In that way, others will doubt your personality and character, and leaders will not necessarily appreciate such people.
Treat the parties with enthusiasm and thoughtfulness, be a serious party, behave decently, be humble, and establish a good departmental image. Don't put out the style of the bureaucratic door, and don't get caught up in the habit of the city.
Respect the arbitrators/mediators, be good at their assistants and staff, but don't be overwhelmed. It is necessary to be responsible for each other, to cooperate with each other and to do a good job together.
In addition, we must pay attention to establishing and maintaining good working relationships with relevant departments, such as foreign trade departments, commodity inspection agencies, accounting firms, etc. This is also very good for us to do a good job.
2, to master the governor art work must have a long-term plan: five-year, three-year, one-year short-term plan: one month, one week, every day to develop good work habits: today, today, can be done immediately Never wait for a while to do it; one thing must be done in the end, not halfway. The goal is clear, from beginning to end.
Always grasp the center of the work: the work arrangement must be distinct from the primary and secondary, and you should not "brow the eyebrows and beards." Important advances are handled in advance, urgently handled in advance, and handled in a timely manner; high priority should be attached to major events, and those that are relatively less important can be postponed.
3, to have a higher ability to speak, write, that is, language skills and writing skills,
This is also necessary for a good job in secretarial work.
In our actual work, we all realized that the secretarial work involves all aspects of the relationship, both people and things, a thousand things, a lot of people. However, as the saying goes: "Thousand lines, a needle", we are this "needle", use it well, you will be methodical, easy to use; if you use it badly, you will be in a hurry and be overwhelmed.
4. The discipline of the secretarial staff requires that any organization that has its own organizational discipline, as a body engaged in legal work, should be more so.
Now, the CIETAC, Haizhong and Mediation Centers have their own “Code of Secretarial Staff Work”, which puts specific requirements on the secretarial staff. This is our discipline and each should be consciously observed. Although the various "codes" have their own characteristics, they can be divided into three aspects in terms of points:
1, loyal to duty, love and dedication
2, impartiality, integrity and self-discipline
3, confidentiality system, strictly abide by its specific content is self-evident, no need to explain, but for each of our secretaries, we must always remind ourselves to strictly abide by these disciplines.
In today's society, in today's knowledge economy, the quality of human modernization is the decisive factor for the survival and development of a person, a unit, and even a country. Whether a unit is competitive depends on the overall quality of the staff of this unit. In our unit, the work of secretarial staff is very important. The secretarial staff is both a business person and a manager. The quality of the secretarial staff and the efficiency of their work directly affect the image of the entire unit and its competitiveness in the market economy environment. Therefore, on the one hand, secretarial personnel should pay attention to continuously improve their own quality and efficiency; on the other hand, leaders should pay attention to the continuous development of intellectual resources, the continuous enrichment of knowledge and the rational allocation of human resources.

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