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Talking about the Artistic Features of "The Teacher's Watch"

The table is a style in which the ancient courtiers wrote to the emperor. In 233 AD, he was defeated by Wu, and Liu Bei died. Since then, Wu Wei has become increasingly prosperous and the situation in Laos is very serious. In 227 AD, Shu Han had recovered from the disastrous defeat of the street pavilion. Because of the good Wu Guo, the worry of Dong Gu was removed; the rebellion in the south was settled, "the military capital came out, and the country was rich." In the case of the increasingly consolidated rear, Zhuge Liang decided to go to the north to slash Wei. Before leaving, he wrote this form to the post-Lord Liu Chan, and warned him to open his words, the rewards and punishments were strict, and the pro-mind was far-reaching to complete the "Xingfu Han Room". Great cause.
This article is a court chapter, for the text. It is a document with a strong political color and is also a prestigious literary work.
Emotional love and sincerity, from the heart. The courtiers spoke to the emperor, and indispensable to the vain words, but this article is true and sincere, the language comes from the heart, and the whole article is full of articles. Throughout the article, there is a strong main line of "reporting the emperor, loyalty," the sixth, In the sixth paragraph, in the sixth paragraph, the author first self-reported his life, and wrote his own identity with “clothing”; he expressed his unintentional interest in fame by “squatting”, “satisfying his life” and “not asking for it”; With a "despicable" outlines the low status of his position. However, the emperor "has been guilty of grievances", three cares for the grass, "consultant to the world", so tolerant, committed to the task, teach people how to be grateful! What's more, it is "the time of defeat", "acceptance", "between dangers" and "death"! History has chosen him, and of course he will be loyal to the lord. As far as the seventh paragraph is concerned, he is deeply aware of the great responsibility. He fears that "the first emperor will be injured", so "the May crossing, the in-depth is not good", but also "the award rate of the three armed forces, the North Central Plains", for It is to repay the first emperor, after allegiance to the Lord!
It is recommended that the matter be straightforward and clear. The beginning of the article pointed out the grim situation: the emperor's middle road collapsed, the world was three points, the Han Han was exhausted, the situation was so critical, but the country still had hopes - "the minister of the guards is unremitting, and the loyalists are forgotten." In this way, the author has sincerely put forward three suggestions. First, “Sincerely open the Holy Listening”, the purpose is to “light the emperor’s widow and restore the ambition of the patriots”. In order to achieve this goal, the author believes that it is necessary to clear the idea of ​​“self-deprecating”. Prevent the practice of "introduction of meaning". Second, the rewards and punishments must be strict. The author believes that both the inner courts in the palace and the court officials in the government should be rewarded and punished in order to win the trust of the people. Thirdly, the "pro-Xinchen, far-small person", the author knows well the Wenchen military, in addition to strongly praise their character, but also mentions the praise and appreciation of the emperor, indicating that they are trustworthy. However, after Liu Zen was in the throne, "to listen to the letter to the villain, or to make it difficult to speak, or to speak out of words", this can not help Zhuge Liang worry, he quoted the historical experience and lessons, with the "Xinglong" of the first Han and the "dawning" of the later Han "For comparison, it shows that it is directly related to the rise and fall of the country. The three recommendations are pertinent, substantial and clear.
The expression is mainly based on discussion and lyrics. The main expression of the "Teacher's Table" is discussion, but it is not "inquiry" in isolation. It can be said that this argument is based on the main line of grievances of "reporting the emperor and loyalty". In the advice to Liu Chan and his expectations, the text is in the discussion. The first sentence of the opening sentence is full of deplorable feelings for the early death of the emperor; the recollection of the "special encounter" of the emperor to the sages, and his selection of sages and sighs "to the will" and sighs and hatred, the second emperor Compared with the reality, it reveals the reverence for the emperor in the past; when discussing the duties of the post-owner and the author, the ministers in the palace, the two emperors are mentioned twice, and the hope of the posterior is also revealed. The room is our own thoughts and feelings. In reciting his own life and being commanded, he has used narratives when he is "sorrowful and sighing" and doing his duty and dedication.
Syntactically scattered and combined, the structure is everywhere. Han Fu is a peak in the history of Chinese literature. At the end of the Han Dynasty, the prose was influenced by poetry and poetry, and it was obviously developed in the direction of Suihua. "The minister of the guards is unremitting, and the loyalists are forgotten outside." "The pro-Xinchen is far from the villain. The pro-small person, Yuan Xianchen, has been swaying since then. "When he was defeated, he was ordered to be between dangers." These sentences are neat and tidy, and the temperament is harmonious. It seems to be meticulous and not dull, and it is not too noisy. In addition, the article takes care of many places, and at the end of the article, "consulting good deeds, Chana Yayan" and the first paragraph "opening the holy listening" are the same; for example, the military commander and the "guardian of the guardian" and "the loyalty of the loyalty" are the same; There is no such thing as the words of "Xingde" (in order to clarify its ambiguity) and "the service of the servant Guo Guozhi, Fei Yi, Dong Yun, etc.", the structure is compact and complete in one go.
In short, whether in terms of ideological content or artistic form, the "Teacher's Watch" is an outstanding work.

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