Secretarial knowledge > Secretary basis

After work

This article is about the main process of the daily work conference: post-meeting work. I mentioned a few things to be aware of when working in the conference. Please read this article for details. 1. Filing archives of meeting archives
1) Collection and collation of meeting files to determine the scope of collection of meeting files.
Choose a channel to collect meeting files.
Use different methods of collecting files.
2) The archive file of the conference file will be archived and classified in a set of materials, including notices, leadership reports and speeches, minutes or minutes, conference briefs, conference reports, etc. during the conference.
2. Method and timing of collection of meeting funds settlement work. In some meetings, delegates are required to pay the organizers some necessary fees.
1 The criteria and method of charging should be specified in the notice of the meeting or in the booking form.
2 The payment method available to the participants should be indicated.
3 If you charge by credit card, you should ask for your name, card number, expiration date, etc.
4 The invoiced staff must determine the correct fee invoicing program with the finance department beforehand, and no errors can be made. If some items cannot be issued with a formal invoice, they should be consulted with the meeting representative to issue a receipt or certificate.
When ordering various equipment and enjoying services, you should know the method and time of payment.
3. Arranging Participants to Return Cases Tiandi Company invited customers from all over the country to attend the negotiation meeting of the newly developed series of cosmetics of Fengyun Company in Urumqi, Xinjiang. The secretary is responsible for arranging the return work of the participants. I want to solve the ticket problem of the nearby participants who are easy to book, and then slowly solve the problem of booking tickets that are difficult to solve in Beijing and other places, and she assumes that as long as everyone It is enough to book a train hard sleeper as much as possible. As a result, some representatives were very dissatisfied with the organizers because they could not get the returning car or ticket in time. Some delegates received a ticket and requested to change the ticket or refund the ticket. As a result, everyone was dissatisfied and the work of negotiating the order fair was greatly reduced.
The end of the analysis meeting does not mean that the meeting work is over. Meetings with external personnel should arrange the return of the participants early according to the length of the meeting and the number of external participants. The return work of the participants is mainly composed of the following two points.
1. Early registration of ticket registration for participants should be based on the actual situation of the length of the session, the number of participants in the field, and the return of the personnel. The schedule of the foreign participants will be arranged as early as possible.
It is necessary to know in advance the requirements of the participants in the field for time schedules and transportation, and respect their wishes.
Under normal circumstances, it is necessary to arrange the return ticket and ticket booking in the order of the first and last, and to master the flight and the number of trains, etc., communicate with civil aviation, railway, highway, port and other departments as soon as possible, and book in advance. Aircraft, trains, cars, and ferry tickets.
At that time, the timetable for the departure of the participants should be prepared, the vehicles should be arranged to be dispatched, and the personnel from the field should be sent to the airport, the station, and the port. After the vehicles they take off, they will return and, if necessary, arrange the relevant comrades. Show off for the participants.
2. Help participants prepare for the return journey in advance to remind participants to return the various items borrowed from the organizer or the conference resident unit in time.
Remind the participants to settle the various accounts in time with the conference team and open the invoice receipt.
Help attendees check and clear the check-out room to avoid forgetting various items.
Prepare some plastic bags and bundles of ropes and other items for urgent needs.
Help some participants check in large items.
4. The summary and summary work of the meeting should be guided by the scientific performance evaluation standards. Performance appraisal standards are guidelines for evaluating the quantity and quality of meeting staff performance, which should be complete, coordinated, and proportional.
The summary of the work of the meeting should be checked and checked one by one according to the content of the post responsibility system and the work assignment book. The method of summarizing the work is as follows.
1 Check the implementation of the meeting objectives.
2 Check the implementation of the division of labor of each group.
3 Combine employee self-summary and collective summaries.
4 to sum up experience, encourage subordinates, and improve the level of work.
The main factors that determine the effectiveness of the meeting are the following.
1 Whether it is necessary to hold a meeting.
2 Whether the meeting is fully prepared.
3 Whether the agenda is scientific and reasonable.
4 The ability level of the moderator.
5 Whether the number of meetings is strictly controlled.
6 Whether the number of participants reached the minimum level of effective exchange of information and effective resolutions.

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