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Agricultural University Student Rural Social Practice Report

The time for this social practice was seven days, and there were six participants. In this short period of time, we have mainly carried out four major activities. I will briefly report on it below.

First, "the dream of flying children, holding up the sun of tomorrow" theme class meeting.

At the class meeting, the topic I hosted was called "Beautiful Photo, Wonderful Beijing". My original intention was to use the photo to show a sensible understanding to the children of the village who had never been to Beijing. Those photos are all I went to the countryside. I personally went to Beijing to shoot at major attractions.

My topic is the first part of the class meeting. When I gave the children a piece of explanation, the children’s desire for knowledge deeply touched me and shocked me. Diligence, hard work, hard work, and advancement are all the children present. From the eyes of their curiosity, I can see clearly.

In the few hours with the children, I lived happily and fulfilled, as if I had returned to my childhood. When the student representative gave us a red scarf, I was really excited. The degree of excitement was no more than the first time I took it. The time of the red scarf was poor; when the children sang "A Jasmine Flower" with a loud voice, I don't know why, maybe it is an impulse. My eyes began to blur, I think I was really touched by them, and they were moved by their innocence, liveliness and simplicity.

In these children, I really realized the profound meaning of the phrase "looking for hope from despair." I feel that my approach is correct. If this event can enhance their good future, then our This event is a success!

Our event was well received by local leaders, teachers and classmates. In fact, our event time has changed, not strictly in accordance with the plan. The plan was to launch the theme class on the second day of the arrival, but the day we arrived was already six o'clock in the evening. The food and accommodation problem has not been arranged properly, so the conditions for the next day's activities are not available at all. We will meet immediately. , unanimously decided to do it again on the third day. Actually, our adjustment is correct, and the theme class will be very successful because of the preparation. This also tells us that in future work, it is necessary to adjust the plan appropriately according to the actual situation.

Second, visit farmers and find technology leaders.

In order to understand the old Fort Village as soon as possible, we had a discussion with the village cadres early the next morning. The location of the symposium was in the village committee. The form was very simple, but the content was very substantial.

The village cadres said: "The old castle village has a total of 13,000 mu of cultivated land and 26 eye machine wells. On average, three or four mu of land has a well, not counting water shortage. The main crop planted is corn, and other species are also planted. Some vegetables, such as beans, tomatoes, etc. The breeding industry is not developed, is in the beginning stage, has not formed any scale, the main varieties are relatively simple, in the traditional varieties of pigs, cattle, chickens, special breeding has not yet ""

I am a student of the Agricultural Machinery Department of the Agricultural University of East China. The purpose of this trip to the countryside is to investigate the popularity of agricultural machinery in rural areas and what kind of machinery farmers need. But when I asked this question, the village cadres replied very simply: "There is no agricultural mechanization in our village. All farm work is done by farmers. It is completely primitive. There is no mechanization." I was amazed and asked why they didn't need some machinery to replace people to do these very repetitive and heavy work. They answered this question: "If they are mechanized, then there is no more surplus labor?" I think the peasants have their own ideas. Maybe they know this. Our task is to investigate. In a few days, we can't change their minds, so we don't ask them.

So I changed the topic and said, "In the current farming process, is there any kind of work that farmers think is heavy and wants to be replaced by machinery?" The village cadre thought about it: "There is a problem now. After the cornstalks are harvested, the remaining part, part of which is in the ground, and part of which is on the ground, is more difficult for the farmers to deal with. Now it is time-consuming and laborious for the farmers to use the taro to dig out one by one. Hope to have a machine. To do it." I personally think that there should be such a machine in the market, but the local information is not very rich. I plan to come back online or help the farmers to find out from other channels. If there is no sale, then I will do this machine again after the school holds the innovation competition.

Other team members also asked some questions about their own professions. For example, if they study law, they are more concerned with issues such as regulations and policies on agriculture, such as tax reform. What they learn about fertilizers is some diseases of crops. When they asked, I listened carefully and took notes seriously. I think although these are not related to my major, I know that there is always no harm.

The discussion lasted for about two hours. We had a holistic understanding of the overall situation of the old fort. However, it was absolutely impossible to fully understand the village cadres, so we decided to go to the peasant's house to see it in the afternoon.

After lunch, we came to a professional household of raising sheep. It was the first village in the village to raise sheep, and it has been five years since this year. The day we went was afternoon, just as his husband rushed to the sheep to go to the sheep. There was only the hostess and the 3-year-old daughter at home. The 15-year-old daughter started school on the second day of this year and went to school to make up the class.

The number of sheep raised in her family is the largest in the village. Now there are 70 big sheep, 30 lambs, and 140 at most. There are 8 acres and a half in total, except for the seven-point carrots. It's all corn. The carrots and corn harvested every year are used to feed the sheep, but according to her, these are not enough, and a certain amount of grazing is needed. Although the country is now implementing the policy of “returning farmland to forests”, it is forbidden to graze, but if it is not grazing, it will not be enough to let the sheep eat the feed. It will last for a year, and maybe it will lose one or two thousand. So they have to steal it.

There is a soft sputum in the lower right side of her mother's belly. It was discovered last winter. I asked the vet to see it. I had an operation. After opening it, the small intestine was inside, and I didn’t dare to move it. In the meantime, this ewes also gave birth to the lambs. This cockroach was not passed on to the lambs. The lambs are now very healthy. In order to catch the ewe before they put the sheep, we got up early the next day, made a return visit to their home, and took a photo of the sheep, and planned to come back to the school's relevant experts to ask.

In order to save time, we have developed a sixteen-word access process, which is “gift, explain, understand, and record problems”. With a clear process, we are more and more comfortable to visit.

Next, we visited another farmer who is mainly engaged in raising sheep. Compared with the previous one, it seems to be more formal. There is a special sheep house instead of a simple sheep pen. The sheep breed is also very uniform. Small tailed sheep.

The reason why his family can have such a large scale is because he has loaned 200,000 yuan, and it is also the largest one-time lending loan in the whole village. When we asked about the risk of loan, he replied in this way: "As long as you put all the money you have invested in the project, and then do it with one heart and one mind, you will not lose it, you will lose it, like you. The sheep house built and the sheep bought are enough to repay the loan. In fact, the risk is very small. The important thing is that you take it seriously.” He also told us honestly that in terms of loans, in addition to the project plan It’s also important to be serious and do it well, relying on relationships and finding a way.

In the process of raising sheep, he encountered many practical problems. The first is the storage of feed. This year he spent 9,000 yuan to build a large pit for storing feed, but it has not been used until now, because it has not been scientifically proven. If the storage of the large pit is not suitable, the stored feed It will rot in the winter, and the stored feed will rot. It is not a small loss. The sheep can't feed it, but also buy the feed. At this time, the feed is very expensive, so there is a lot of loss in the inside and outside, so it has not been Dare to put into use; Second, the specific data table of the nutritional value that farmers or farmers can urgently need to store green and yellow poles. If such a table is available, farmers can choose silage or yellow storage according to their actual conditions. In order to obtain greater economic benefits; third, there is no feed on the market that can be used exclusively to feed sheep. If there is such a sheep feed, farmers will not need to store feed; fourth, farmers have already had embryo transfer. Wish, but suffer from no technology, if any professor has researched this aspect can cooperate with them, they are willing to provide basic materials such as sheep, after the experiment is successful Specific issues needs further discussion. In fact, this peasant's thinking has become the rudiment of the latest business model of “company + farmer”. It seems that some farmers' ideas are already advanced.

In this way, we visited three on that day. In the next few days, we visited 13 more, and this time we visited 16 of them. The harvest is not small, and it is often touched by peasants who are thoughtful, far-sighted, and decision-making, and are more impressed by their hardworking and simple quality.

3. Establish the “Old Fort Agricultural Science and Technology Service Station of the Rural Development Research Association of China Agricultural University” and conduct long-term cooperation with the local.

The purpose of establishing this service station or the original intention is to keep the students of our University of Agriculture and the farmers in close contact and fully understand the needs of the farmers. In our study, we focus on our own interests and interests, and truly learn to use them. In this way, we are more motivated to learn;

At the same time, farmers can also get real benefits. First of all, the information and information we provide are free of charge. There is no economic interest in it. There is no deception. Unlike some seed companies selling fake seeds, they can get more. Farmers who have lost their profits despite the hard work of one year, we will not; secondly, long-term cooperation, farmers can tell us through the service station at any time through the service station, if we can solve and have certain things, We will tell the farmers without reservation. If we can't solve it, or we don't know much, we will also tell the farmers to let them wait. We will ask the experts and professors in the school for them.

After all, we are a national key university, the best agricultural university in the country, and have authority in agriculture. I believe they are willing to help farmers. We are willing to play a bridge role, a window role, let farmers and professors see above, speak up. Our professors may get some inspiration from these questions, maybe more new scientific and technological achievements will be born! One thing that benefits students, peasants, and professors can be achieved by establishing an agricultural technology service station, and the benefit depends on the operation of the service station in the future. Let us work together!

We have mainly done the following work to build this station:
1. Formulate an interim measures for the management system of the “China Agricultural University Rural Development Research Association Old Fort Agricultural Science and Technology Service Station”;
2. After visiting the farmers, understand the farmers, determine the stationmaster of the agricultural science and technology service station and the technology leader of the old castle village;
3. Donate books, CDs and other materials to the Agricultural Science and Technology Service Station, some of which remain at the service station as a storage;
4. Due to the fear of delaying the time of the peasants, we decided to send the books to the farmers and strengthen the publicity of the service stations.

Fourth, farming internship. It is a very simple job to say, it is to give corn to the grass.

But this is the first time I have done this kind of work since I was so big. At first, I won’t be embarrassed, and I won’t get rid of a few trees. I’ve got a few bubbles in my hand. Later I slowly mastered the skills. It’s also a lot faster. I will take a ridge in a short while. It’s over. The cornfield is not breathable and very hot. It is not easy for me to personally experience the farmers. The students of the Agricultural University should do something practical for the farmers and strengthen my determination to build the agricultural science and technology service station.

The above is a brief introduction to my main activities, which is interspersed with some thoughts. Below I want to talk about the whole event:

1. The importance of “teamwork and cooperation” in the work.

Everyone's opinion on everything will not be exactly the same, so it is normal to deal with things differently, but as everyone learns from each other, the differences will gradually decrease and the work will be smoother and smoother. Only when everyone's thoughts are unified, the mind is going to think about it, and the work is going to be done smoothly.

2. The importance of propaganda work and preparatory work throughout the work.

The phrase "A good start is half the success" is said to be rotten, but only after the experience can you realize its true meaning. You have to carry out an activity. If the propaganda work is not in place and no one is coming, how can the activity be carried out? Even if you are prepared to do it again, who will look at it? If you don't have enough preparations in the early stage, the audience or the participants are too many, and you are not prepared enough, you will definitely be in a hurry, let alone play the standard.
From this event, I fully realized that preparation is the premise of all work, and only when you are fully prepared can you accomplish the task well.

3, I feel that if you do something, as long as you work hard, do it with your heart, no matter what the outcome is successful!
I have gained a lot in this social practice and I feel a lot. The above is only part of it. Please give the teacher criticism and guidance.

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