Fan Wen Daquan > Program essay

Create an effective classroom implementation plan

Part 1: Creating an effective classroom implementation plan

In order to further implement the scientific development concept, we will solidly promote the development of the educational connotation of Baoting County and improve the “nine projects” of education quality to improve teaching efficiency. In order to change the teacher's teaching concept, change the teacher's teaching behavior, and also the time for students to learn independently, stimulate students' enthusiasm for independent learning, improve students' ability of independent learning, effectively improve students' learning quality, and effectively improve classroom teaching efficiency. According to the archives and materials of the Baoting County Education Bureau on the construction of efficient classrooms, combined with the actual situation of our school, we decided to carry out in-depth curriculum reform in the whole school, build an efficient classroom practice research activities, and strive to form a school with the characteristics of our school in 1-2 years. Efficient classroom teaching mode. The following implementations are formulated:

First, the guiding ideology

Taking the scientific development concept as the fundamental guidance, taking the effective classroom creation activities as the carrier, strengthening the school-based research training as the main focus, improving the teaching efficiency as the fundamental purpose, and comprehensively improving the team quality and education quality as the goal, adhere to the "comprehensive analysis" , accurate positioning, key breakthroughs, comprehensive improvement" work ideas. Actively and steadily create an efficient classroom of “independence, cooperation and inquiry”, and further promote quality construction.

Second, the implementation plan

Strengthen leadership and improve organization

In order to strengthen leadership, ensure the smooth progress of the event and achieve remarkable results, a work leading group composed of the principal and all teachers will be established.

Team leader: Zhuo Yaqiang

Deputy team leader: Huang Xinxin, Lin Jinfang, Zhuo Keyun

Member: All teachers

Establish goals and clear ideas

Work Objective: To build an efficient classroom based on self-directed learning to achieve fundamental changes in classroom teaching. In the process of creation, we will gradually promote the construction of learning systems and management culture that match the high-efficiency classrooms, and actively explore the teaching modes and operational mechanisms that are appropriate to the quality, efficiency, and lightness of the district, promote the harmonious development of classroom teaching reform, and promote education. Balanced development.

Basic idea: Under the unified planning and guidance of the county teaching and research section, actively participate in the relevant activities organized by the county teaching and research section, and through the activities, the teachers of the whole school will enter the action of “building an efficient classroom”, let the teachers develop in the activities and improve in the activities. In the event, the purpose of "building an efficient classroom" is realized.

Third, sub-project implementation, key breakthroughs

Activity content and time schedule

Propaganda launched. Extensive publicity and mobilization through various forms to prepare for the activities. The school set up a leadership team to build an efficient classroom.

Theoretical training. In-depth study of efficient classroom teaching theory, correctly understand and grasp the law and basic methods of efficient classroom teaching, conscientiously study the advanced experience in the field, in-depth understanding of the teaching mode of "efficient classrooms" in different disciplines, and clarify the direction of effective classroom teaching reform.

Research reflection. Conduct classroom observation activities, organize teachers to observe and analyze the current teaching situation, and find out the existing problems and gaps through self-assessment and mutual evaluation.

Classroom practice. Based on the activity plan, the organization teachers combine and summarize their own successful experiences, conduct classroom practice and research, and explore the effective classroom teaching mode of different disciplines.

Report and discuss. Organize high-efficiency classroom practice report and discussion activities, report on each class, discuss and review the class, propose improvement strategies for problems and deficiencies, and then practice, report, and discuss again.

Summary improvement. After a period of practical discussion, teachers should conscientiously sum up practical experience, conduct rational thinking, form a certain efficient teaching mode and long-term management mechanism, and launch some successful lessons. Write a high-value paper, case study report, or experience summary article. The activity leading group will formulate implementation plans and formulate specific implementation plans.

The results show. Conduct "Efficient Classroom" forum, "Efficient Classroom" teaching evaluation, excellent teaching design, excellent classroom recording, papers, courseware selection activities.

Deepening curriculum reform and building effective classroom practice research activities is a long-term and arduous task. It is a systematic project. All teachers should take this opportunity to innovate management systems and innovate working methods to deepen curriculum reform and build efficient classrooms. The focus is to make a greater contribution to the development of basic education in our county.

Part 2: Creating an effective classroom implementation plan

In order to actively promote the improvement of education quality, improve classroom efficiency, and achieve the purpose of saving time and efficient burden reduction, our town has formulated an "efficient classroom" implementation plan.

First, the guiding ideology

Guided by the efficient classroom advocated by the county teaching and research section, actively reforming the teaching and highlighting the key points of reform teaching, combined with the actual situation of our town, strive to create independent and efficient classroom teaching, and quality in the main position of classroom teaching.

Second, the activity target:

Investigate inefficiencies in the classroom, solve inefficiencies in the classroom, make classroom teaching efficient and lively, teach teachers in place, students learn easily, students are active in thinking, express clearly, and have strong ability to discover and solve problems. Class objectives Achieving high rates and truly implementing an effective classroom.

Second, implementation measures. .

The first stage: the organization discussion stage.

Organize teaching and research staff to discuss the meaning of efficient classrooms, clarify the importance of classroom efficiency, and guide possible measures.

The second stage: the investigation and investigation stage.

1. The staff of the teaching and research section walked into each small and went deep into the classroom. First, look for inefficiencies from the teacher's teaching philosophy, awareness and teaching design and implementation of the link, and second, to find offset factors from the students' learning habits.

2. View other aspects of the teacher's teaching process. For example, the practicality of the revision of the tutorial, the pertinence of the assignment design, the purpose of the counseling, etc., from these aspects, find the offset factors that affect the classroom.

3. Investigate the teaching management of each school, from the supervision of the school to the development of teaching and research activities, from the school's investment in teaching equipment to the school's attendance of teachers, etc., to find out the impact of school management on college classrooms.

The third stage: analysis and research stage.

1. Summarize the results of investigation and investigation, summarize the offset factors, and analyze the reasons for the formation of offset factors.

2. For the reasons of inefficiency, study the countermeasures and solutions to solve the problem.

The fourth stage of problem solving.

After the efforts of the first two aspects, based on the problems found, we have formulated effective solutions to problems and implemented the rectification plan for college classrooms, paying attention to some aspects.

1. Grasping the management of the school and improving the classroom protection.

Schools must grasp the strict supervision of teaching, give play to the guidance and supervision of school supervision, and promptly correct some of the factors of college classrooms. The teaching process supervises the "real" and "strict". "Real" means that the supervision is to seek truth from facts, not to falsify, not to deceive and deceive people, to pay attention to practical results, to use the usual supervision as the sole basis for the comprehensive evaluation of the end of the semester; "strict" means strict requirements, the requirements and standards for teaching practice Do not discount, strictly enforce the standards, take seriously the problems that arise, and strictly put forward the requirements for rectification, not congested, not tolerant.

The school strictly enforces the teaching order and ensures that the construction is completed in 40 minutes. Strict attendance, strict implementation of the system, strict control of sitting, strictly eliminate the class has nothing to do with teaching, the school implements a patrol system.

Schools must increase investment in teaching equipment and provide favorable conditions for teachers to attend classes. First, to ensure the normal use of existing equipment, timely maintenance of audio-visual education, agricultural equipment; second, to purchase the teaching materials and other teaching materials necessary for teachers to teach and the most practical teaching tools such as small blackboard, etc., the small blackboard to ensure that each teacher set.

2. Carry out targeted teaching and research activities to solve the inefficiencies that are common in the classroom.

Each section conducts a symposium on the issue of inefficiencies in the classroom, and uses the collective wisdom and the leading role of the researcher to solve the problem. For example, the language subject conducts low-level writing seminars to solve the problem that students' literacy and writing time is too much, the effect is poor, and the mathematics is scribbled; the essay teaching seminar is carried out to solve the phenomenon that the class is forgotten and the students' writing ability is poor. The mathematics discipline carries out the graphic teaching seminar to solve the problem of insufficient imagination ability of the students' space; the common sense class uses the target teaching to carry out the standard in the classroom, reduce the burden on the students, and improve the scores of the common sense class. The English major focuses on the topic of “How to Improve Students' English Interests” to enhance students' interest in learning English.

Play the role of key teachers and let them stay at the forefront of efficient classrooms. First, the backbone teachers teach open classes to demonstrate the teachers in the town to help teachers solve problems. Second, the key teachers exchange experiences to drive teachers to actively solve inefficiencies and improve their classroom teaching.

3. Implement a large group preparation system to build a platform for effective classrooms. The guiding case is the crystallization of the wisdom of the backbone teachers. As long as the teachers use them carefully and use the guiding books, they can also take the quality courses to achieve effective goals. Therefore, the implementation of the large group preparation system is still an effective way to solve the problem of inefficiency.

Organize large groups to prepare lessons, guide teachers to study materials, and study guide books. The premise of taking a good class is to prepare lessons and interpret the textbooks. As long as there is a "book" in mind, it will be more than enough in the classroom.

Take a good lead lesson, use the living lessons to guide the teachers to use the guide books to achieve mutual learning and self-transcendence in order to improve classroom efficiency.

4. Conduct project projects and special studies to influence the problems of efficient classrooms. In response to problems that cannot be solved by the unit, the individual, and the teaching and research section, we will adopt a project-based approach to conduct long-term research. Such as improving students' literacy skills, cultivating students' good school habits, and practicing classroom experiments.

In short, the process of solving problems is a process of continuous exploration and improvement. The process of building an efficient classroom is also a long process. Persevering in finding problems and persevering in solving problems can gradually move closer to efficient classrooms to truly achieve efficient classrooms. A goal.

Part 3: Creating an effective classroom implementation plan

In order to carry out in-depth development of effective classroom activities, we will comprehensively improve the efficiency of classroom teaching in our school. According to Lianyungang City's "China Small Teaching Convention Management Requirements" and "Six Modules" Construction Classroom Teaching Requirements, combined with the teaching practice of our school, we specially formulated the "Efficient Classroom" implementation plan of Xin'an Town.

First, the guiding ideology

Guided by the new curriculum theory, based on Lianyungang's "China's Small Teaching Practice Requirements" and "Six Modules' Constructive Classroom Teaching Requirements", the "Basic Requirements for China's Small "Efficient Classroom Teaching" in Guannan County is The core, highlight key points, deepen research, effectively solve the fundamental problems affecting the efficiency of classroom teaching, and promote the steady improvement of the teaching quality of our school.

Second, the main work ideas

Highlight a center: Adhere to comprehensively improve the quality of teaching and comprehensively improve students' comprehensive quality.

Strengthen two tasks: establish a teaching management system, strengthen the monitoring of the teaching process; establish a long-term management mechanism to strengthen school-based teaching and research.

Establish and implement the "three kinds of thoughts": the idea of ​​"starting from the initial grade", paying attention to the acceptability of education; the idea of ​​"grabbing from the last child", paying attention to the issue of equality of education; "grabbing from each student The idea of ​​"taking up" focuses on the comprehensive nature of education.

Third, the establishment of a leading body

1. Establish an effective classroom leadership team

Team leader: Sun Jiafeng

Deputy leader: Zhao Yuanbing

Members: Zhang Guanlin Han Wei Yu Huicheng

2. Established an effective classroom research group

Team leader: Sun Jiafeng

Deputy Team Leader: Ge Zhengrong Liu Xianyu


Language: Xu Zhili Chen Qingbai

Mathematics: Ge Zhengrong, Liu Xianyu, Niu Suhong

English: Han Chang Yuan Suhong

Regular Technology: Zou Hong Hua Hongbo

Fourth, the implementation strategy

1. Change the concept of education and understand the efficient classroom mode

We will do a good job in the transformation of teachers' teaching concepts and teaching methods, and understand the basic model requirements of “learning after school, cooperating in inquiry, exchange and display, intensively speaking, and meeting the standards”, gradually eliminating too many teachers and less student participation. . In accordance with the relevant requirements of the county teaching and research section, conduct solid research, change teaching behaviors in classrooms through teaching and research activities, promote the professional development of teachers, and improve the quality of classroom teaching.

2. Strengthen the guidance of the school, and share teaching resources

The "Guidance Case" is a learning program used to guide students to learn independently, participate actively, and learn cooperatively. It is a self-learning program chain, a steering wheel for collaborative inquiry, a compass for demonstrating communication, and a destination for reaching the standard. The important task of implementing the "learning after learning" is to optimize the guiding case.

Assignment of the revised guide task and the designation of the main changer: First, the teaching and research team leader assigns the main content of the guide that the teacher should modify. The revised content should be the third week of the assignment from the assignment task. After assigning the main changer, the teaching and research team leader will also arrange a targeted inspection. Each teacher is mainly responsible for the modification of a content. Use eye-catching colors to modify the content.

Uploading and distributing the referral case: On the second week of the week, the teacher will upload the revised guide content to the teaching and research team leader. The teaching and research team leader will pass all the modified guide books to all the teachers in the group. No paper manuscripts are used, all are printed electronically. The teachers in the group browse the revised guide books, and the places to be revised should be emphasized.

Collective lesson discussion: On Monday, when the class is preparing for class, the main changer will first explain the reasons for his modification. Other teachers will supplement it after listening, so that the contents of the class to be completed next week will be completed in turn. The main revision person shall record the collectively revised opinions on the guidance case.

Improve the "three cases": After the collective preparation of the lesson, the teachers will modify the pre-existing, guiding, and consolidating cases according to their own teaching needs according to the guidance and revision opinions of the main revisioners.

3. Flexible use of "20 characters" to reflect the subjective status of students

In the classroom teaching, our school flexibly uses the “20 words” requirement of efficient classrooms, highlights the students' main status, reflects the students' participation, initiative and creativity, and achieves four “resolute”: the students are determined not to teach themselves; The students do not talk much through the seminar; the teachers who need to do the work are determined not to replace them; the classroom work is firmly completed in the classroom.

Cooperative inquiry requirements

Teachers must conscientiously implement the new curriculum concept, and each class must carry out cooperative exploration. Can cooperate in groups, can cooperate with teachers and students to explore, can also carry out personal inquiry, all kinds of inquiry activities must be prepared, clear goals, scientific organization.

Be sure to implement the problem teaching method. Encourage students to ask questions they don't understand.

It is necessary to highlight the subjective status of students. Through collaborative exploration, students should solve problems on their own, activities should be effective, inquiry problems should be effective, and student participation should be effective.

The problem presentation method should be diverse, delicious, written, recordable, video, and projection.

Display communication requirements

In the classroom, students should show their communication to be sufficient, moderate and in place, and the following aspects should be achieved.

The number of students shown. According to the actual situation of classroom teaching, try to get more students to show in class. The display should be in the form of one-on-one display, group presentation and whole class presentation communication.

The presentation of the presentation. It is necessary to make full use of various forms to present the problem solving of students. The presentation forms include blackboard display, paper display, multimedia display, language expression and so on.

The form of gestures shown. It is necessary to flexibly use the state form of the presentation to explain, speak, demonstrate, perform, discuss, debate, question and ask questions to improve the height, depth and breadth of presentation communication.

Quality requirements for the show. Try to make the different methods of problem solving be displayed to broaden the students' horizons; try to show the methods, rules and experiences of problem solving, so as to improve students' ability to solve problems and enable all students to share the full results of collaborative inquiry.

Good habits shown. It is necessary to cultivate students' good habits of showing and communicating. In the classroom, students are required to “speak loudly and boldly question.” This article must be implemented as a regular basic requirement.

Intensive dialing requirements

Tap the content. Teachers should focus on the core content of key points, difficulties, error points, contact points, difficulties, and key points.

The time of the call. The total time for the teacher to speak and dial should not be too long, and the continuous introductory dialing should not exceed the basic requirements. Teachers are never replaced by anything that students can do on their own.

The depth of the dial. The dialing can't stay on the appearance of the problem solving, and it has to go to the depth suitable for the students' learning needs, and can't make the show lively as the goal pursued by the classroom.

The height of the dial. Classroom dialing should be carried out in terms of method summary, law grasping, precautions, experience reflection, learning suggestions, etc., so as to exert the full effect of the problem, improve students' learning ability, analyze and solve problems, and achieve the same effect.

The breadth of the dial. The openness of the classroom is limited, and extracurricular and future learning is limitless. Therefore, the dialing should appropriately widen and link the problem, thus broadening the connotation.

When the hall meets the requirements

Every class should have a standard test.

The content of the detected content is diversified. Delicious head, paper, small blackboard, multimedia display, make full use of existing resources.

The detection steps should be tailored to the characteristics of the subject, either concentrated or step-by-step.

Detect content modification method and time. Can be adjusted after class, can also allow students to correct each other in the classroom, teachers can also use the multimedia side to show the detection and correction, but also based on the knowledge of some different levels of students, speculate on the mastery of all students.

4. Carry out teaching evaluation and implement efficient promotion

Classroom teaching is not only a guarantee of teaching quality, but also a platform for teachers to grow. Let the classroom become an important position for teachers to improve the quality of life in education. Without the improvement of the quality of life of teachers, it is difficult to have a higher quality of education. Without the active development of teachers, it is difficult to have the active development of students. Without the educational creation of teachers, it is difficult to have the creative spirit of students. Only efficient classroom teaching can improve the quality of life of teachers' education. To ensure the strong promotion of “efficient classrooms”, the school takes the following measures.

Implement a leadership and listening system. Each teaching management staff is required to attend a random lecture section every week and exchange ideas with the coach at any time. It must be re-established as an inefficient classroom.

Conduct effective classroom teaching assessment and compliance activities. Each teacher must participate in the assessment of the target activities, organized by the discipline teaching and research team leader to score, and timely feedback. In accordance with the unified requirements of the Education Bureau, classes were prepared on Monday, Tuesday language, Wednesday mathematics, Thursday English, Friday skills class teaching and research activities, teacher scores were included in the teaching business assessment points, and linked to performance pay.

Create a seminar for the teaching and research group to achieve a typical approach and a strong push. Seminars should be arranged in advance and prepared early. There are no less than two rounds of grinding activities per subject in this semester. The teaching plan will be discussed together, and the whole school will be informed in advance. After class, the class will be evaluated. After the round of activities, the reflections will be written and the teaching plans and courseware will be uploaded. It is necessary to make the seminars truly become quality courses and high-efficiency courses, and effectively play the role of demonstration and guidance, which not only inspires the teachers who listen to the lessons, but also makes the teachers in the class get tempered and grown.

Part 4: Creating an effective classroom implementation plan

Classroom teaching is the most fundamental way to promote students' development and improve the quality of teaching. It is the core of determining the quality of school education. Based on the development of students, it is necessary to create an efficient classroom and improve the quality of education and teaching in an all-round way. In order to intensify efforts to promote classroom teaching reform, effectively improve the classroom teaching effect, combined with the specific situation of our school to develop this program:

First, the school overview

Founded in 1986, Xinghua Elementary School is located in the north of Sidao Street in Anda City. The original technical school has been opposite. Covering an area of ​​6038 square meters, it has a modern teaching building with an area of ​​2,200 square meters. There are 23 teachers, 335 students, 9 classes, 4 senior teachers, 10 seniors, 7 primary and secondary teachers, 1 provincial key teacher, 5 key teachers in Suihua City, 6 teaching experts. All the academic qualifications are up to standard. There are 7 undergraduate degree holders, 15 college graduates and 1 middle school degree. The school has modern teaching facilities and is equipped with model three distance education facilities. It also has modern multimedia classrooms, laboratories, and network reception rooms. The language room, internet studio and internet classroom, music and beauty activity room, etc., can be used for teaching and activities. The school takes "people-oriented, scientific research and development" as the concept of running a school. It takes "student development as the foundation, all for improving the quality of students, letting students generate talents, let parents rest assured, let the society be satisfied" as the purpose, taking culture as the path, taking the characteristics of running schools. the road. It has formed the school spirit of “civilization, diligence, truth-seeking, and innovation”, the teaching style of “dedication, exploration, truth-seeking, dedication” and the study style of “diligence, good learning, truth-seeking and innovation”. The advanced concept of running a school and first-class teaching facilities have laid a solid foundation for our school to create an efficient classroom.

Second, the guiding ideology

Adhere to the purpose of improving the connotation development of the school, closely focus on the theme of "quality, development, reform, brand", optimize teaching management, and explore the education and teaching in line with the principles of scientific development, independent development and characteristic development. The actual mainstream classroom teaching mode is to create an efficient classroom, improve the quality of classroom teaching, and promote students' comprehensive and sustainable development. Make every life show its excitement and experience the joy of learning in the process of learning.

Third, the overall goal

1. Teacher's goal: taking classroom teaching as the main position, taking the significant improvement of classroom teaching as the core, taking "student development" as the first service element, following the teaching rules, optimizing classroom teaching strategies, improving teaching methods, and upgrading teachers. Professional quality and classroom leadership.

2. Student goals: Focus on the cultivation of students' good study habits and the significant enhancement of self-learning ability, cultivate the learning spirit of self-reliance, cooperation and inquiry, and good study habits, so that students become the masters of the classroom, and the comprehensive quality is comprehensively improved. .

3. Achievement goal: Really change the teaching mode of teachers and the learning methods of students, create a good atmosphere of mutual learning and communication, reflect the teaching strategies of students' self-learning, effective interaction between teachers and students, and give quality to the classroom and develop to students. .

Fourth, the mode: lectures - taught - lectures - lectures - reflection

V. Organizational methods

1. Organizational leadership

The school is established with the principal, the headmaster, the teaching office, the teaching and research group, and the school year group as the organization and guidance network. From the aspects of comprehensive regulation, organizational layout, detail completion, etc., organize and lead the creation of efficient classrooms, and collect relevant information and exchange feedback in a timely manner. Advice to make this work effective.

Leading group:

Team leader: Zhao Shujun

Deputy leader: Wang Hongxing

Members: Hu Xianying, Yang Xinghua, Wang Yunzhi, Wang Yuechao

working team:

Team leader: Wang Hongxing

Members: Hu Xianying, Yang Xinghua, Wang Yunzhi, Wang Yuechao, Gong Zhenyan, team leader of each subject group, and team leader.

1, time schedule

The activity was fully launched in April 20XX, and it is planned to declare the “Efficient Classroom Demonstration School” from November to December of this year.

2. Safeguards:

In order to ensure the effectiveness of this work, the school will adopt the method of linking the business management of the academic year group, the subject group and the preparation group, and use the regular inspection as the main means of promotion to keep abreast of the relevant information of the activities carried out by relevant departments. Guide the activities carried out by various departments, report the progress of the work to the school on a regular basis, and timely inform the advanced experience and typical cases in the event to promote the normalization of efficient classrooms.

3. Evaluation system guarantee: establish a new curriculum evaluation concept: look at the teacher to see the students more - see the students' participation, see the students' excitement, see the class generation, and see the teacher's digging of the text.

Sixth, implementation steps and methods

1. Improve the efficiency of teaching preparation

Efficient classroom teaching must have an effective teaching preparation process. Otherwise, there is no effective classroom teaching, let alone efficient classroom teaching. Therefore, paying attention to regular teaching is the focus.

Enhance the relevance of the lesson preparation. At the beginning of each semester, teachers should systematically study the curriculum standards, read through the textbooks, and grasp the difficulty and difficulty of the textbook as a whole. Promote teachers to continue to strengthen learning during the preparation process.

Preparing lessons requires independent thinking and brainstorming. On the basis of personal study, it is mainly based on group preparation. Each time a lesson is prepared by one person, collective discussion, on the basis of ensuring the teaching objectives, teaching difficulties, courseware, in-class and out-of-class work, and the method of correcting and correcting, it is necessary to highlight the content of the individual teaching style. The preparation group must have a collective lesson record.

According to the teaching content and the actual situation of the students, carefully select and design classroom exercises, to do a combination of lectures and exercises, to concentrate on refinement, give full play to the subjective consciousness of students in the classroom teaching process, and mobilize the enthusiasm for learning.

1. Improve the efficiency of classroom teaching

Classroom is the main front and the key link for teachers to achieve "efficient classroom" activities. The growth of students depends on the accumulation of each lesson. It is imperative to improve the efficiency of classroom teaching.

Enhance the effectiveness of classroom teaching, learn from the different types of classrooms of excellent teachers, and combine their own teaching practices to explore and grasp the efficient models of different types of courses.

Implement the student subject, optimize the teaching method, pay attention to the teaching effect, classify the task to the students in a timely and quantitative manner, and supervise and guide the students to achieve the goal of quality and quantity, and achieve "dignified".

Create a good teaching psychological environment, pay attention to creating a harmonious teacher-student relationship and humane classroom teaching atmosphere, cultivate students' ability of autonomy, cooperation and inquiry, and stimulate students' learning motivation.

The starting point of teaching should be based on the actual ability of students with learning difficulties, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, and cultivating poor and poor assistants. Special attention should be paid to mobilizing the enthusiasm of students with learning difficulties, helping students with learning difficulties to build confidence, overcoming learning difficulties, and ensuring a large increase in teaching quality.

2. Improve the efficiency of teaching activities

Efficient classroom teaching activities are the core issues to improve the quality of teaching. Teachers should further enhance the sense of responsibility for improving the efficiency of classroom teaching, fully understand the key role of teaching activities in improving the quality of teaching, and provide quality to the classroom.

It is necessary to proceed from the teaching materials and the actual situation of the students, and choose the teaching method reasonably and appropriately. The teaching art and teaching methods should be flexible and diverse. The traditional teaching media and the modern teaching media should be organically combined, and each exhibition should be complemented by each other.

Strengthen the guidance of learning methods, and guide students to learn to learn independently, explore learning, and learn cooperatively. Do three in-depth lectures - focus on key issues, ideas and methods, and difficult points to explain; three do not talk - the content that the students have mastered does not speak, will not talk about it, not talk about it Do not speak.

The lectures will be grasped within 25 minutes, and the lectures, interactions, and media exchanges will be interspersed, and every minute of classroom teaching will be maximized.

Focusing on efficient classrooms, we will actively carry out various teaching and research activities, organize all teachers to interact and exchange experiences, sum up the wisdom of all people, and achieve resource sharing. Promote the comprehensive promotion of classroom mode and the overall improvement of teaching quality.

To enhance the efficiency of problem design, we must focus on the teaching focus, design inspiring and exploratory classroom questions, stimulate students' interest in learning and inquiry through effective questions, and promote the realization of teaching goals.

3. Improve the efficiency of teaching methods

The integration of multimedia and subject teaching is an inevitable trend of classroom teaching. The use of multimedia and teaching aids should be used to help the teaching. Resolutely put an end to the practice of multimedia teaching means to decorate the facade, the slick, Huazhong favor, the use of efficiency.

4. Improve the efficiency of training and testing

At the same time, in the intensive class, practice, improve, and feedback the effectiveness of corrections, but also pay attention to the efficiency of after-school homework training.

Fully understand the situation, arrange targeted work, and let students think about problems and solve problems in homework training.

Scientifically arrange the students' practice time to be timely, appropriate, and moderate. After-school tutoring should highlight a "diligence" word, adhere to the "catch the two to promote the middle" counseling strategy, and achieve the implementation of the training and poor support.

Continuously strengthen teaching guidance, while paying attention to students' knowledge counseling, we must also pay attention to students' psychological counseling, eliminate psychological barriers, correct bad habits, and enhance students' confidence and courage to overcome difficulties.

5. Improve the efficiency of teaching evaluation

In the teaching process, teachers should evaluate students in a timely, appropriate and diversified manner, and encourage students to self-evaluate and evaluate each other. Evaluation should pay attention to both the process and the results. Make full use of the guiding role of students' "growth record bags" and "quality report sheets".

Efficient classroom construction is related to the high-grade development of the school, the high-level development of teachers and the high-intelligence development of students. Only by relentlessly grasping the time and grasping the details can we effectively change the classroom teaching effect that we are not ideal today, so that the "efficient classroom," can produce fruitful results. It is the long-cherished wish of our Xinghua people to lay the foundation for the life of the students and serve the development of the society.

Part 5: Creating an effective classroom implementation plan

An effective classroom must meet three criteria:

Every student has something to do at every time.

In a specific class, you can achieve knowledge, problem solving, method optimization, ability improvement, and learning efficiency.

Students must be comfortable in the classroom and have a safe psychological environment.

Efficient classrooms must conform to three “quantities”: the amount of information. The amount of thinking. The amount of training.

Efficient classrooms must achieve three "movements": the movements, the students in the classroom moved. Heartbeat, thinking is moving. God is moving, thinking is moving. The above three "standards", three "quantity" and three "moving" are the essence of efficient classrooms.

Judging whether a class is an effective classroom, there are mainly "eight readings": whether the teaching objectives are to implement the "three-dimensional" requirements, and secondly, whether the teaching program achieves the "learning after learning" and the third is to see whether the class is in the classroom. "Teaching textbooks" has become "using textbooks". Fourthly, whether the role of teachers has changed from "starring" to "director", and whether the role of students is really changed from "audience" to "protagonist". Is it modernization? Seven, see whether the teaching process is moving from closed to open, and seeing whether the classroom teaching effect has achieved "dignity."

First, in contrast to the standards of efficient classrooms, the main problems and shortcomings in current classroom teaching are:

1. The teaching objectives do not implement the three-dimensional goals very well. They only pay attention to the cultivation of knowledge and skills, and lack of attention to the processes and methods as well as the values ​​of emotional attitudes.

2. The teaching concept is backward, the awareness of teaching reform is weak, the main body status of students in classroom teaching is not prominent, the students' self-learning under the guidance of teachers is not able to mobilize the enthusiasm of students, students passively accept knowledge, teachers speak much, and students interact less, teachers arrange Instead of more, students think less and feel less.

3, teaching methods are single, there is no good use of experimental, wall charts and other teaching aids, especially the modern teaching methods are rarely used.

4, the relationship between the training is not well handled, the performance is: the classroom practice design is not refined, teaching and training are out of touch; to teach the practice, teaching and learning out of touch; there is no feedback, training and evaluation. Can not achieve "dareness." 5, the behavior of classroom teaching is not standardized, affecting the teaching effect, manifested in: (1) the teaching language is not standardized, lack of careful design; (2) board books, board painting is not standardized; (3) classroom teaching organization is weak, monitoring is not strict, the requirements for students' standardization low. (4) The classroom teaching process is incomplete.

The main reasons for the above phenomenon are:

1. Insufficient investment before class, manifested in: insufficient research on collective preparation, some in the form, and even in dealing with official affairs, it is difficult to improve the overall quality of the subject teachers. Personal preparation is not sufficient, the teaching process is not refined, the lack of problem scene creation and the careful design of student activities, etc., the teaching method is single, it is difficult to stimulate students' interest in learning, resulting in inefficient classroom teaching.

2. The ability of students to learn independently is not strong, and the methods of independent learning are lacking. Most students do not turn learning into “thinking” based on the motivation of internal learning, and master the “learning” based on certain learning strategies. Teachers need guidance and management to enable students to enhance their sense of independent learning, master scientific learning methods, and develop good study habits.

Second, the strategy of building a "three-stage five-link" efficient classroom teaching

Constructing high-efficiency classroom practice research activities is one of the important measures for our school to promote curriculum reform and improve the quality of education and teaching. Each preparation group should attach great importance to it. "Three stages" means: before class, during class, after class; "five links" means: goal orientation, independent learning, exchange display, point promotion, training feedback.

Before class: 1. Start with effective group preparation and improve the overall preparation level of the preparation group.

Basic requirements: The following aspects should be carefully implemented in group preparation: First, each preparation group should grasp the focus of collective lesson preparation. According to the requirements of the different types of classes prepared by the school, the focus should be on the teaching of jurisprudence and the design of student activities. Can't just stay on the discussion of the content of knowledge. The second is to gather ideas, form commonalities, and develop specialties to form individuality. The third is to give full play to the role of key teachers, so that they can play a leading and demonstrative role in the preparation of lessons.

Implementation measures: The teaching department and the department will intensify the supervision. The time for preparing the lesson, the place for preparing the lesson, and the lesson preparation materials will be checked regularly. The weekly feedback system will be implemented and notified in a timely manner in the “Teaching Newsletter” issued weekly. The leader of the package group and the director of the department should supervise the preparation team leader and seriously participate in each activity to ensure that the collective lesson preparation is not in the form.

2, to enhance the teaching design to optimize the individual to prepare lessons, to improve the efficiency of the classroom.

Basic requirements: Make full use of the results of collective lesson preparation to conduct standardized and effective individual preparation.教師在掌握課標、吃透教材、把握學情的基礎上,以學科課程內容的結構特點來設計和組織教學,以解決問題過程的活動線索和學生心理發展過程、活動訓練為線索來設計教學,高質量的落實備課標、備教材、備學生、備方法、備活動設計、備練習、備作業的常規要求,做到規範備課。讓每一節備課都能做到目標明確、重點突出、思路清晰、方法得當、結構分明、內容精當,形成有個性、有創意的教學設計,為構建高效課堂奠定基礎。













1、級部組織各備課組認真學習《沂水三中創建高效課堂實施方案》,在集體學習和研討的基礎上,各備課組寫出創建高效課堂的計畫與打算,重點是根據學科特點寫出“三階段五環節” 的具體做法。




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